Bad. Just plain bad.

I think I rather sit in a park watch the trees grow!


You're kidding, right? Right?


Nah this movie was a trip.


Great film, worth many multiple viewings for those who enjoy deep thought about the myriad ways of considering the basic mysteries of existence/consciousness (those who don't, won't enjoy it).


I, personally, can't see how you disliked this movie... But, whatever, different strokes for different folks. I just liked how it was very intricate and elaborate about various views on life; what it means to be a conscious biological creation that is able to experience cognitive perceptions. Basically it was a movie about life. and a good one.


Well contrarily I personally can't see why people DO like this movie, it's the equivalent of listening to Charlie Brown's teacher for an hour and a half. Alice in Wonderland makes more sense than this!



Just because you did not understand the film does not make it nonsense.


You might want to consider the train of thought that acknowledges that there is a difference between the statements "It's bad" and "I didn't like it." The two are not synonymous.



You do that.


Try falling asleep with it playing. For some reason most times I do I have some pretty wild lucid dreams. Might make you enjoy it a bit more.

It's definitely not a popcorn-munching, action packed time at the movies - but it has its purpose and its place in my DVD rack.


I just finished it. Gotta go with OP here, this movie is BORING. It's just an hour and forty minute lecture.
