Adult Humor

Any adult humor you can thing of

Wandisimo: I'm to sexy for my sexy

No! I can't leave without Jack!
-sees jack running-
Okay, lets go


When Timmy is a girl and wished for Cosmo and Wanda to switch genders. "Cosma" goes into the bathroom, you hear a splash, and "Cosma" says "would it kill you to lift the lid?!". "Wando" says "would it kill you to look before you sit?".

Nice reference to the on-going toilet-seat debate between the sexes.




The episode in which Vicky runs after a boy she loves (who was only interested in her money) and yells after him "Ricky don't loose my number, you don't have to call nobody else. Send it home in letter to yourself." The exact words from an 80's song.


when timmy's in cosmo and wanda's fish castle and he sets that black and white girl free. when the girl tries to get wanda's wand, wanda mentions something about her killing someone and plunging the world into world war 1

"Well, excuse me if I'm not afraid of the guy whose one big move is pumpin' up his Reeboks."




Yeah Steely Dan's "Ricky don't lose that number" haha I never noticed that.


In the episode where Timmy goes back in time to make the "best" movie ever, he goes to the Ancient Roman times in his quest. During the war scene they show a character, who I am guessing is suppossed to be Caesar. It is an obvious reference to Dom Deluise's interpretation in "The History og The World Part I".


Archduke Franz Ferdinand? I've never heard of him. I'm a big fan of the singer Franz Ferdinand though.

Anyway, at the moment I can't think of any adult humor that hasn't already been listed. I'll have to watch it again and keep my eyes open for anything.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
~ George Carlin


this isnt really adult humor, but when timmy sneeks into cosmo and wandas castle and timmy runs into cosmo both wearing the same fruit dress, and cosmo goes ohh this is embarrissing. that was hillarious




In the magic copier episode, there is a part where Timmy says, "Now let's copy dad's magizines!"


i dont know if this really is adult humor but...

in the one episode where timmy has to find cosmo and wanda he goes into crockers lab thing and as hes going along he names all the things he sees and he says "sexy high heel boots"

i dont know i just thought little kids shouldnt hear that.

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ Too Little Too Late


WHAT? Back to the future is not an adult movie. I saw it when I was 2, and laffed my head off.



IN the episode where Timmy shrinks down to the size of his crimson chin doll, cosmo says "Being with a lifeless life size doll can be boring...and yet..." and he stands next to a barbie doll with a swimsuit on


Franz Ferdinand was (if i remember correctly) the ruler of Austria-Hungary, then he was assassinated and Europe was launched into WW1


*Timmys computer has a picture of Crocker in a dress*
Timmy's Dad: What! You're not supposed to be on those knds of websites!
Nobody noticed that?


if you want to mention political humor, like a lot of people did. The origin of crocker episode when the 70s von strangle bans timmy from march of 1976 he says "all the other months are fine as long as you don't interfere with the election of president mcgovern!" which is a reference to nixon and the watergate scandal and all that jazz.


i liked the reference to dark side of the moon, i understood it, but i doubt younger kids would

"Florida is a place for vacationing, not living"~by ME


The most obvious is the child-free, happy neighbors, the DINKleburgs (DINK is an acronym for Dual Income, No Kids). There are many child-free references in the show, which only adults (and probably child-free, as opposed to childless, adults) would get:

Timmy: (after breaking a tiny chest labeled "Dad's Dreams") I'm sorry I broke your chest, Dad.

Dad: Oh, Timmy - that's been empty for years.

Timmy: How many years?

Dad: How old are you now?

"Grass is Greener" has many childfree references, even though it ends with the lame "but we have one thing they don't - a son. In your face, Dinkleburg!" which isn't all that convincing. That episode also has some great lines, like:

Carny: What qualifications do you have to be a carny?

Timmy: I have fifth grade education and I ran away from home.

Carny: Hm. You may be overqualified.


Cosmo: You can't be carny! You've never been to prison!


Cosmo: This is a carnival. They don't have to obey safety laws - heck, they barely have to obey the law of gravity!


Cosmo: Yay, rabies!

All of the above might be considered adult humor in the meaning of "geared to adults" (but not "adult with an NC-17").


I love the Epsidoe with Norm and the Smoof refenreces as a BIG pink floyd fan and seeing the episode made me laugh my head off.

Every time Timmy wishes himself to Fairy World, he will end up on an intersection named after a pop culture duo, such as Penn & Teller, or Siegfried & Roy. Kids might not no who these guys are so its kinda more teenagery not like 8 or 9 stuff but whatever

It all Makes Peferect Scene-Roger Waters(pink floyd bass player) Album Amused to Death


"Timmy: (after breaking a tiny chest labeled "Dad's Dreams") I'm sorry I broke your chest, Dad.

Dad: Oh, Timmy - that's been empty for years.

Timmy: How many years?

Dad: How old are you now?"

Oh I get it now lol, what it means is that Dads Dreams could be refering to male puberty. (You know Wet Dreams, Nocturnal Emission) Or it could be just the joke itself because its suppose to be filled with "Dreams" inside. But it could be the puberty joke because of the "How old are you now?". Yea its a puberty joke. Also heres one that slipped through the T.V.

After Dino Dad and Mighty Mom get there powers timmy ask if they can talk about "Were do babies come from". When it shows timmy leaving the doort wih Dad finish talking to him.....

Dad: And thats all you need to know about were babies come from son.
Timmy: But whats the machine for?
Dad: You'll learned that when your older.

my arthur episode?


One that kids woudl not understand is one where Timmy is in Vickey's brain and says "Look it's obsessive compulsive disorder!"

Proud member of the HSM and TSL Haters Club
Proud Fan of real Musicals, Acting and Singing


Or it could mean that he either wanted a girl, or did'nt want a kid



It thought the comment referred to all the big dreams people have for their lives and then once they have kids and all those dreams disappear.

And, because it's Timmy, it's not like the parents have any big dreams for him.


Exactly. I have no idea where male puberty comes from. rep-15 even stated that it had to do with being child-less vs. having children thing.

"There’s no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep trying till you run out of cake."


On the episode with the power pals (I think) Timmy tells Wet Willy that he "waxed his dolphin for him".


the one i find funny is when vicky is dating ricky. when he dumps her and runs away she quotes the lyrics "ricky! don't lose my number! you dont have to call nobody else! send it off in a letter to yourself!!!"


Eh, I think the episode about dad's dream box meant that when he had Timmy all his dreams evaporated.

Because you're mine, I walk the line.


I can't believe no one mentioned this one.

"He could turn Uranus into... Oh my gosh, we have to DO something!"


[While trashing Vicky's house, they come upon the spotless bathroom]
All: Oooooh....
Timmy: We've got to destroy this bathroom!
[Cosmo conjures up a giant burrito]
Timmy: We don't have that kind of time!!


That's great though.

Because you're mine, I walk the line.


In the episode where Timmy is supposed to be taking a bath, and wishes himself into town. He's naked, and when he runs into the museum, he hides behind the solar system's moon. When the curtain opens, Timmy is facing away from them, and Chester goes, "Oh, nice moon!"

And in another episode, "Escape from unwish island", Timmy rescues his parents, AJ, Chester and Sanjay, and Sanjay goes, "Yay! Timmy's here to rescue us! Just like in my dreams!"
And then, right before stepping into the escape pod, Sanjay does that wink and gun thing and goes, "I'll see YOU in my dreams."
I don't think it was suposed to mean anything, except to be funny, but it just came off strange to me lol.

Why should I care what they think of me when they'll never see me again, anyway?


God, in the Channel Chasers, don't you think that all those parodies are impossible to understand for a kid.

I mean, how many kids actually know about he Space Ghost, Strawberry Shortcake, Johnny Quest, Speed Racer, Dragon Ball (that one perhaps), Blue's Clues (come un, that from when I was already too old to watch that), Tom & Jerry, the the rest of em...........I thinks only "adults" can understand this and laugh the hell out loud.

Also, the joke in that episode about animation credits going so fast cause nobody really cares about them, and what Timmy writes on the board while he is Bart Simposon like: "This is the sincerest kind of flattery."

And finally, when Timmy says, while in the simpson, obviously refering to FOX: "It's this channel, it makes adults even stupider."

Hahaha, again jokes for older people.


in the episode with sylvester calzone...

when sanjay says "and a wet oil chest!"
ahhaha kids probably have no idea

Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT.


also the one were his dad enters the beauty contest and wants to be a girl that was some adult humor


I don't know if this is the exact words, but in Juandisimo's song he says something about 'between my legs is a prize'


In the schools out musical thing. when cosmo is singing about being away from wanda and he is saying about how boring it is he's like "it's so boring here on earth: funner giving birth" i don't know if those are the exact words, but he said them really fast.


ok in the ep Timvisible cosmo and wanda are in spanish class when cosmo says something in spanish to which wanda replies "You have a HOG in your pants?"


Oh I get it now lol, what it means is that Dads Dreams could be refering to male puberty. (You know Wet Dreams, Nocturnal Emission) Or it could be just the joke itself because its suppose to be filled with "Dreams" inside. But it could be the puberty joke because of the "How old are you now?". Yea its a puberty joke. Also heres one that slipped through the T.V.

It just refers to the fact that once you have a kid, all hope is lost. No more partying, no mroe friends, no more money, etc. etc. etc. It's not supposed to be dirty.

ok in the ep Timvisible cosmo and wanda are in spanish class when cosmo says something in spanish to which wanda replies "You have a HOG in your pants?"

All he says is "Tengo un cerdo en mis pantalones." which means exactly what wanda said. Just Cosmo being a dork again.

I like the other political reference when the parents go to the presidents "Beach Speech" and when they get out of the car they say "E Pluribus Beachum!" There's also a reference in another eppie...which I can't remember..but Timmy says he needs someone as underhanded and schemeing as the pixie..."I wish I had a lawyer!"

Also, the whole photocopier episode is a huge Star Wars parody.

"Forget Regret, or Life is yours to Miss."


All he says is "Tengo un cerdo en mis pantalones." which means exactly what wanda said. Just Cosmo being a dork again.

Yes but still adult humor someone who possesses a hog in their pants believes themselves to be well endowed sir



wen crocker has the pic of hm in a dress on the internet and thn timmy broadcasts it 2 the world. and after that wen Timmys Dad see the pic on Timmys comp and he says "but it does make hm look pretty"

Jack Skellington's #1 Pumpkin



think butch stole the hog in your pants joke from phish and chip of what a cartoon show


I saw that episode when I was little and I got ALL the jokes and tv shows. Like seriously all of the ones you listed :)


^I don't understand the water joke^

In the episode "The same game" when timmy gets his ball back from the dentists yard he goes to the younger dentist cousin and guess what! He put the fake chompers in the front of his pants which means it starting chomping the kids groin! The kids groin! The dentist kid also said "Those don't belong in there!"

my arthur episode?


(I saw the episodes in spanish, so please forgive the bad translation, but I'm sure you get the idea ).

Like when Blonda refers to her "liposucted ass".
Or at the end of "Channel Chasers", Crocker invented the cold fussion.
Hey, what do you say about the tons of jokes about Adam West? (is he really crazy or what...?!)
Or Wanda's dad , he's from mafia ("take the trash away"?)
And mom's armpit-hair cord ... etc., etc.



I have two more in one episode (Nega Timmy).
Maybe they aren't adult humor, but I don't think a little child can understand them:

The "bad parents hunter" is clearly a parody of Steve Irwin, and the joke about the make-up (everybody is quite ugly without it).


I doubt any of the little children realized that Wanda's father was into organized crime (the mafia, and owned "a garbage company", just like Tony Soprano.

