MovieChat Forums > The 6th Day (2000) Discussion > Would you clone yourself???

Would you clone yourself???

Setting all the ethical issues and such aside i think it would be pretty darn cool to have an exact copy of yourself. It would be like you have an identical twin brother (or sister). Sure you wouldnt be 'unique' but if your cool with that then it would be pretty darn awesome. You would share a bond like no other..



Charlton Heston's character in the Omega Man ... With a rare blood that could cure millions of people .... O.K. I can see a purpose for being cloned.... and fast ... I mean who need another zombie outbreak ... right? .. :-).. p.s. Oct.13 Walking Dead !!!! :-))



I would clone myself and have him kill me, I don't want to live on this planet anymore




I never understand why the clones apparently also get a fully mature brain.... wouldn't they be cloned as babies then still have to grow up?


They speed up the ageing process, although If I were cloned like in this movie, I'd want the new body to be around 18, not my current age.


Not sure I'd want to clone myself but I would like to clone my own organs in case I need a transplant in the future and not have to wait for a transplant on a list.


I would love to clone myself but instead of a guy I would ask the scientists to change the clone into a girl. (change the dna and all that)

Then I would marry my own clone.

