Setting all the ethical issues and such aside i think it would be pretty darn cool to have an exact copy of yourself. It would be like you have an identical twin brother (or sister). Sure you wouldnt be 'unique' but if your cool with that then it would be pretty darn awesome. You would share a bond like no other..
I cloned myself a couple of years ago. I thought I would experiment with some body part elongation in the process but then my wife took off with my clone. If you see him tell him to please come home with her, all is forgiven . . .
I'd clone myself just to fight the clone. It would be like fighting myself. He would know every one of my moves and attacks as well as I would know his. Two me's would enter, one would leave. Bahahahaha!
by - Quote by zzkagezz on Mon Apr 14 2008 13:54:10
''I'd clone myself just to fight the clone. It would be like fighting myself. He would know every one of my moves and attacks as well as I would know his. Two me's would enter, one would leave. Bahahahaha! ''
That's not Possible Two me's would enter, one would leave. Bahahahaha! you would both leave with no cuts or bruises. Cause your clone knows everything you know and does everything the same.
I would only clone myself for someone else's benefit if I was going to pass away - eg. family.
I would not do it for myself to live forever. It would not be me. I would not be my same mind, train of thought, existence, just another physical copy doing his own way of life after we are copied.
And I'd only do it if they were in agreement. It'd be a weird introduction and changeover, and I don't think many people would go through with it to be honest. A clone would be seen as an abomination.
But it'll no doubt happen one day. Society could be conditioned to accept it.
Imagine if there's an alien civilisation who has reached that point and does it all the time to produce workers for labour purposes.
i dont know, if you piss him/her off...they could totally *beep* up your life since they are you in every way, down to fingerprints and DNA so i'd be too
and as far as being cloned after death...while it could be nice for friends and family its sorta pointless for yourself because you're still dead...but at the same time its not really you so they may not like it either..
i look at it this way...say i lost the love of my life but they managed to clone her and she was identical in every conceivable way, down to memories and everything, sure part of me would feel better and be happier cuz technically she's still alive but then i'd realize that as identical as she is, its still not her...she's still dead....and eventually that would start to bother me because it be some weird form of cheating and i'd be afraid to completely accept this copy and start to forget about the real her
and say technology came to the point where cloning humans was easy and possible...i could totally see an "The Island" situation happening in parts of the world....where the clones would basically be prisoners and used for organ an old saying goes...........
I would, I've always wanted a twin. I would have to remove memories of by gf though because I believe that could create some problems for him to accept. I have long dreads so it won't be a problem keeping us appart, he would just have long normal hair (since I wouldn't mind having long normal hair, neither would he). And as long as we can make arrangements that we both can stay at our education (and keep studiecredits) then everything should be fine (if that's impossible we will just pretend to be one person and both do half the work, and both use the diploma to get a job).
you are the only one who addressed the significant other bit - as Arnold found in the film, there isn't enough wife for both, lol.
Another take on cloning was shown in Multiplicity (Michael Keaton).
But an even better job was done in plain old Calvin and Hobbes in the comic years ago. He makes a clone to do his homework ... and the clone, being just like him, doesn't want to do his homework either. Instead of sending the clone to school, the original Calvin ends up still going to school, while his clone is home making trouble for which Calvin will later get blamed.
In Red Dwarf episode Me^2 the annoying hologram Rimmer gets an exact duplicate of himself. In the beginning he is elated to think he will have a brother, someone who will build him up instead of put him down. However, it turns out his duplicate is just as weaselly, selfish, and backstabbing as he is, and they end up fervently hating each other.
Personalities and memories aside, reasons for cloning (questionable as they may be) can range from the most basic to the most fantastic: stem cells for curing serious illness, blood supplies, replacement organs, and/or free slave labor.
The question of what RIGHTS such manufactured "people" would have (and would this depend on the degree of sentience they were permitted to develop?) are a huge, huge issue. If we have agreed that it's immoral to sell organs, babies, or grown people ... then do we have the moral right to make a clone, the moral right to use its "parts" as we choose, and the moral right to decide if it lives or dies? (such as the latest debates on destroying unused fertilized eggs) And what rights does the created being (if it is one?) have?
I don't have any great solutions here - I don't even know for sure what my entire opinion is - I only recognize that a sentient being must have rights (keeping them illegal keeps them from having rights, ironically). But talking about the cloning question is something we need to do a LOT of, and fast!
tkech has it right when you mentioned the rimmer situation from red dwarf. I think being exposed to another copy of yourself and all your habits, behaviours, etc would be incredibly irritating and seeing yourself from the outside would be very no i wouldn't clone myself