why 5.9
The numbers don't add up this film should have a higher rating.
shareI saw it around the time of its release. It wasn't memorable outside of the self driving car in the beginning.
It also came out at a time when Schwarzenegger's movie career was at a lull. He couldn't match the success of True Lies.
By 2000, Star Wars and the Matrix dominated the movie market for nd showed the potential of CGI. The 6th sense just didn't impress the audience, or me, at the time.
The 6th Day would easily be compared by critics to movies like Total Recall and Terminator 2 which were many years earlier and far better. The special effects (in particular the helicopter stuff) looked like a kids' TV show when an $80m budget should have been better), Arnold's acting is quite sub-par in this one (his pacing, reactions, body language, like he's stuck in light comedy mode) and the thugs were just a bunch of idiots a lot of the time. As brutal and serious as some of the scenes were in this movie, it is overall a bad execution and should have had a much better director to get Arnold to have given us a better performance and better thugs. Still a good movie but not great.