This is insulting.
Hey guys. I'm what you call a student of WWII and more specifically, one of the Eastern Front. I am a fan of military history and myself am a member of the US Army. I checked out this film becuase it was staged in the epic battle of Stalingrad. I was very excited about it. I've never seen a film involving Stalingrad before. I have indeed compiled a library of footage from the battle that was filmed from documentaries and the like. But I've never seen a film based on it.
After watching the film I have to say, it was rubbish. I mean, it's a very nice piece of fiction but, it carries no historical weight whatsoever. As an American, even I am offended by the films portrayal of the Soviet Soldiers. No country in the 20th century sacrificed more and lost more than Russia. And to show them in such a crass display of disrespect is appalling. I can't understand why nobody even thought to research this subject. To discount the bravery of the Soviets who at that time did what no other Army had done is wrong.
Where was General Chuikov? Why was there a love story? Really? a freaking love story? These filmmakers want me to believe that amidst the single most horrific battle in human history, a couple of soldiers had time for a little trist? I can't believe that!
I can only hope that someday a major film is made about this battle which is honest, sincere and faithful to the many who have fallen doing the bravest of deeds -- defending their homeland.
"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"