Spielberg's best?
Spielberg's best film?
It looks great, well acted, remains mature despite the trademark sentimentality, is thought-provoking and emotional.
i like what people were calling flaws when it was released... the change in tone from first part of the film to the latter part... also, i liked the ending...
Is Kubrick's influence felt in this movie? I heard he was working on the concept before Spielberg took it over.
these things elevate the movie... it's like we got a great mashup of two great filmmakers in a subject that is deep enough to absorb both perspectives... we get the detached, objective look at society and it's interaction with technology, but we also get (earned) sentimentality which sucks us into the story on a subjective level... so good
It's also a film that stands up to a second viewing now that it's been several years since it's release... you'll undoubtably bring something different to the experience as we've experienced a lot of technological development, but have also grown and probably considered our own mortality as well as have children of our own or have thought about the idea...