Is it wrong...?

to want to be ugly? or just lack of personal care?

if someone has the potential to be beautiful, but chooses not it wrong?

it seems Gracie didnt want to be beautiful- because u cant be an FBI agent and be beautiful, nooo thats not possible- but then she seems critical and judgemental of beautiful women (scene at the bar)

what does everyone think? do u see people who do not have any form of self interest/personal care and think- why????





I think it depends. Gracie didn't love her self, or love who she is. I think it was a process of finding herself, taking care of herself, and truly caring about her self. There is a whole world in between beauty pageant and slovenly where most people live. Further, she didn't care much about the people around her either. She had very poor manners and didn't seem to care.



It depends. You don't have to care about makeup or clothes but hygiene is of course important. And that can make someone beautiful alone


Nobody can choose to be beautiful or ugly. You're born one way or the other. It's another subject to highlight it or hide it. If you do it because you feel better that way, fine. If you do it because you're shallow or (like GRACE) you want to push people away, it's an issue.
