MovieChat Forums > Kurono toriga (1995) Discussion > Favorite Character? Least favorite chara...

Favorite Character? Least favorite character?

Please post who your favorite character and least favorite character is.

Favorite: Crono

Least favorite: Magus


Favourite: Dalton and Magus. I LOVE Dalton when he's mad ^___^

Least favourite: I don't really know... if I really had to chose, it'd be... ehr... Lucca, I think. Though I like her glasses =D


My favorite: Magus. He would whoop anybody's butt in a battle (except maybe Sephiroth or Link, then it would be a fair fight). He's cool!

Least favorite: Egad. That award goes to either Kino or Dalton. Maybe they're tied. Who knows?




Favorite is tied between Crono, Magus, and Frog (Glenn)


Least Favorite is probably Zeal or Chancellor (1000 A.D.) (jerk sent me to jail even though everyone agreed i was innocent)


Gotten a bit farther into the game now new vote for me...

1. Chrono - He kicks some big ass in battle...
2. Marle - Fell in love the first time I saw her at the festival...
3. Frog - The "X Slash" Attack he can do with Chrono is amazing. A great warrior who knows about his honor...
4. Robo - He's a cool robot that Lucca sparked up...

Least Favorites:
1. Chancellor (1000 A.D.) - Hate him so much... I wanted to kill him when he was taking me to my prison, and I hated that freakin' part of the level.
2. Ozzie - Such a freakin' scaredy cat he hates battling dislike him a lot.
3. Zeal - Why does she want to be Imortal anyways?? Eventually she will just live on to the Future in 2300 where only robots exist. She is so evil....

and now I know the Chancellor from present and past are the bosses known as Yakra...

Thanks again....


Glenn/Frog - Strong story of loyalty and of love that could never be oozes from him. Plus he is devastating in battle and makes for great double techs with Crono.
Cyrus - Because he's part of the Glenn story.
Magus - Sheds a whole new perspective on life and death and is never really evil at all. What he does he does out of fear for a future he cannot control.
Melchior - Forger of the Masamune, helps the story flow.
Ayla - Beauty meets beast in a dangerous combo both off and on the battlefield.

Least Favorites:
Marle - Dull, and too perky. Definately not worth transcending time to save.
Dalton - "Hi I make 3 brief appearances and die in a pit of my own stupidty. Hurray!"
Everyone from the Future - "Hurray for pesimism!"
Sephiroth - Since everyone brings him up here as being the 'best villian', I'd just like to point out that he's a one dimensional as Extra #4 from any movie you can name. 1 hour into the game it's 'Rawr! I'm evil!' and at the end of the game, it's all 'Rawr I'm evil'. And hell, it's not even him in the whole game, it's Jenova in his form (except for the Nibelheim incident and the One Winged Angel Fight). And hell, Cloud even destroys him in his own mind (the very last 'fight' where Cloud preforms Omnislash isn't real for anyone that thinks it is. It's Cloud's way of destroying Sephiroth's image from his mind, a 'cleansing of the soul if you will). Whoopdy dee doo. He carries a big sword and is an emo-licious douchbag for the entire game. I sure wish I could create a character like that for morons to idolize. Christ.


Fav: Crono, Marle and Frog. The characters I usually have in my party when playing. Their triple tech is so cool, and it feels very effective, since Marle (mage) uses a frost spell, and frog/crono a physical attack. What's with all the hade against Marle on these boards anyway? She's cool.

Least Fav: Probably the cave woman. Euhm... Aya? What a nutcase.

Favourite Villain is Dalton ^^


Idiot, you just spoiled Final Fantasy VII for anyone who hasn't played it.



LEAST FAV : MANGUS ( What a f uckin let down he was ) MARLE ( Too weak )


Favourite: Magus. He's an Antihero, with a history. i cant say many of the other characters have a history as darkly interesting as Magus's.

Least: Lucca. What does she actually DO? apart from make the Teleporter and the Gate Key?

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it...




Fav: Magus or Lucca.

Least: Probably...the Chancellor or Schala.




Favorite: Frog

Least favorite: Robo (though I still like the guy)


Favourite: Magus

Least favourite: Hmm...all the incarnations of Zombor ;d


Favorite: Crono

Least Favorite: Marle or Ayla
