MovieChat Forums > Kurono toriga (1995) Discussion > Favorite Character? Least favorite chara...

Favorite Character? Least favorite character?

Please post who your favorite character and least favorite character is.

Favorite: Crono

Least favorite: Magus


Of the main party:
Favourite: Robo
Least Favourite: No one really; if I had to choose it'd be..uh..Marle.

But for the whole game, I have only four words:
Ozzie' jam!

Out of ammunition? I fight with my rapier wit. As we all know, rapiers need no ammunition.


Hmmm...... favourite? Probably Ayla, or Ozzie.

Least Favourite? The Chancellor.

"Wait till it goes national. ABC, CBS, CNN, UPC, you're gona have the whole alphabet"


my favorite would be marle.......^_^......heheh

and least favorite would one i guess. they're all cool, got their own special thing goin on in the game.


Crono, Frog, Magus have to be the tightest characters in the game. The worst character is Marle, of course.


Fav: Magus

Least Fav: Robo


coolest character: magus
least favorite: dalton(if you were talking about my least favorite character i can play as: robo)


I don't see how Crono could be your favorite character. If you ask me he hardly has any character. I agree he's the most fun to play as. But he doesn't really add much to the story. He's basically just following everyone else around as things happen to them. However, he is walking in front.


[deleted] guys are forgetting the funniest guy in the game! Obviously, my favorite in the party is Crono...but outside the party? Dalton!! He's just too much. Azala'a pretty cool too. I like her death.

My least favorite, on the other hand, would most likely be Queen Zeal. What a b*tch.




Favorite: Frog, by far.

Least Favorite: Lucca, although, she is capable of a devastating fire attack.

I would've have gone with you to the end. Right into the very fires of Mordor.



Favorites: Schala, Marle, and Frog (Glenn)
Least Favorite: Lucca

You're not a eunuch, are you? -Jack Sparrow


My favorite character would have to be Schala and Frog(the greatest knight that ever lived) ..i love schala beacause she is so powerful and her story is really sad...he theme is really cool least favorite Dalton or the queen of Zeal..i hated them so much..they made schala disappear...:(


fav chrono, frog

least fav none


Favorites: Magus, Lucca

Least Favorite: Lavos, haha. Just kidding, it's probably the Chancellor (1000 AD).


the Chancellor (1000 AD). is a jack ass


Favorites: Magus, Crono and the Nus. The Nus rule!
Least: Queen Zeal

I had to edit 'cause now I love Magus very very much.

Even after everything
You're the queen and I'm the king
Nothing else means anything


Favorites: Crono & Frog

Least Favorite: None...maybe Tata.


Favorite : Frog

Least Favorite : Azala


Favorites: Crono & Frog

Least Favorite: None...maybe Tata.


I don't think Crono has no personallity. I always say that he's mute, but I know he speaks (Marle: Oh, by the way... My name is,, Marle! And you're?) (...) Marle: Crono? What a nice name!) He speaks in our hearts (gee, stop with the crap!!!) okay I'm kidding. On the playstation version you get to see more of Crono acting on the cut scenes. Damn, I thought I could explain why I know Crono has a personality but I can't. But he does!

Even after everything
You're the queen and I'm the king
Nothing else means anything


My favorite would have to be Frog followed VERY closely by Magus.

My least favorite (in my party at least) would probably be Marle. She's a liiiiittle bit annoying and after a while isn't that useful.


Favorite: Frog (Glenn) all the way!!

Least Favorite: hmmmmm...... ummmmm........ maybe Kino, he gets on my nerves, even though I still like him, DANG! You all SUCK!!! I'm whistling Frog's theme, it took me forever to get it out of my head.....

J/K about the whole sucking thing.

"Cindy's Pants are Going Down!!" - Jimmy Neutron
