Did he Kill Cyrus?

In the end he beats Cyrus down then holds a gun to his head but it never shows if he killed him or left him there. You hear what sounds like a faint gun shot but I've only seen the movie twice and it's been a few years so I dont really remember. Does anyopne here know if he killed Cyrus?



Carter was professional. "never draw your gun unless you intend to use it". Only times he draws his personal piece (beretta 92) are: 1) Intruder at Doreen's family house.
2) Suspicious knock at his hotel door (it's Doreen)
4)Giving Alan Cummings character a second change (still uses it though)
5) Michael Kane

I 100% believe he takes his brother killer out. That ominous "or this goes to next level" . Start of the movie his "customer" mocks his catchphrase but Carters face in club scene and the fact his ready to blast Cyrus face at point blank range in front of dozens witnesses oozes "next level".


For non-gratuitous theatrical reasons but he does kill him.
