MovieChat Forums > The 10th Kingdom (2000) Discussion > the 10th kingdom or tinman

the 10th kingdom or tinman

for anyone who has seen both series ,^ which do they prefer
i love tinman but i think The 10th kingdom just about edges it,what does anyone else think

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I really like them both but 10th Kingdom easily beats out Tinman to me.
Tinman was interesting and good overall but felt lower budget adn teh finale didn't seem that great and felt rushed as well. Very abrupt ending. Felt it started out stronger than it ended whereas 10th Kingdom was consistently good throughout, maybe only a slight drag towards the middle.

Only thing i really liked in the ending was the passcode in the computer used by Glitch to defeat the witch was 1208. Where if you break it down it is 1-2-08, or converted to the periodic table H-2-O or water. So it was still water that made the witch "melt".


I really like them both, but 10th Kingdom wins by virtue of the fact that I can't stand Zooey Daschanel.

Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head.


BOth are flawed,but 10th Kingdom easily.
10th Kingdom's main problem is that it is overlong;it drags badly in too many places and some of the jokes just don't work,but there is still a lot of good stuff in it,but Tinman was simply not very good.
I would actually say that the movie "Enchanted" would be a better comprasion to 10th Kingdom then Tinman.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


Tin Man was ok, but nothing special in my opinion. So 10th Kingdom wins.

Ahoy there, fancy pants



I enjoyed Tin Man a lot. My biggest problem with it was that I kept comparing it in my mind with 10th Kingdom and realizing how much it fell short, in almost every respect. Even though it was marketed as a sort of steampunkish Wizard of Oz, it seems to be consciously imitating 10th Kingdom in a range of ways.

None of the characters are as interesting or well-drawn, it lacks much of the humor and invention, and it doesn't have as strong a supporting cast--Richard Dreyfuss is the only big name. Furthermore, the climactic battle (which shares a number of things in common with 10th Kingdom, down to the "evil" relative held captive by a witch), feels contrived and predictable.

If I'd seen Tin Man without having first seen 10th Kingdom, I would have liked it more.


10th Kingdom all the way. I love me some Wolf.


I love both 10th Kingdom & Tin Man, but 10th Kingdom is the best. It was fun and light-hearted. Tin Man was fun, but it was very dark and gloomy.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


Tin Man is OK. The 10th Kingdom is great. It is vastly superior.
