Question about one scene with Ryan Philippe.
In an interview with that doctor the doc asked him if he was a heterosexual, but why did that question offend him and he decided to use that taboo f word to throw the question back at him?
Also, at one point he talks about double standards albeit in a men related areas saying that if a man grabbed a woman's bottom and she hit him, then she is fighting for her rights, but if a man who may be a homosexual did it to him and he slapped him, then he is "homophobic"?
Also, what if a WOMAN grabbed either his front or back privates and he slapped or told her off, would that make him sexist or misogynistic? (Not to mention, although yeah her character did start it, but him and Del Toro at the beginning both verbally insult (even if in self defense) and physically hit that woman who was throwing abusive slurs at them. And on the other hand, I suppose them kidnapping Juliette Lewis' character wasn't very nice of them either?)