I dont understand the Skid's betrayal part
Why did he betray Blade?
Also How did Blade know he was being Betrayed?
Also if he knew, then why he wait so long to react?
Why did he betray Blade?
Also How did Blade know he was being Betrayed?
Also if he knew, then why he wait so long to react?
Ironically, I was just about to post a similar topic.
To me, it felt like they created a plot twist for the sake of it. It's not that I couldn't imagine Skud being a backstabbing bastard, but there wasn't really any foreshadowing towards it. They obviously tried to use Whistler as a red herring, which made it even more obvious that it WASN'T him... but I didn't suspect Skud and it still doesn't make sense to me. There's also that scene where Skud & Whistler start to bond, which is *ENTIRELY POINTLESS* if they're just gonna make Skud a turncoat anyway.
Just to answer your question, in the original script Skud betrayed Blade out of jealousy towards Whistler.
"And you. You never cared about me. I gave you everything. All you cared about was digging up the old *beep*!"
YEah, that part wasnt really clear. Some lame writing by Goyer. Apparently Skid was a familiar and had been planted. But if Blade knew, why wait till then to reveal he knew? maybe he just suspected Skid wasn't who he said he was but wasn't 100% sure and didn't want to jump the gun. But what would Blade care? He'd just kick him out and get someone else.
shareWait, Skud couldn't have been a plant from the start because Blade says:
"I've been on to you, since they turned you."
What happened is they left out Goyer's original backstory - That Skud only turned once he became jealous of Blade's hunt for Whistler.
But who is the "They"?
shareGuillermo del Toro & co?
shareHis name is spelt Scud not Skid or Skud. At the beginning of the film the vampires didn't break into the warehouse Scud let them in because he was working for Nyssa's father as a vampire familar which Blade actually says he hates them. We find out that Nyssa's father is also Nomak's father who was trying to kill all the bloodpack's members off with the help of the reapers. So Scud was working for the vampires not Blade. Blade had the right to blow him up at the end of the film. Spell Right you idiots.
shareWow, sk-112, you've told us just about everything we already knew. Did you even read the questions?
shareSkud was a familiar. Had to prove his worth to his master by infiltrating Blade's opperations.
Blade knew he was a familiar because he's Blade. He's awesome. Don't question him.
Blade used him in return to get Wistler back and get some new gadgets made. Again, Blade is a badass who can take care of himself. I don't think it was needed for him to take Skud out instantly. Blade kept his cool and knew he could take care of any problems Skud would bring. He also kept tabs on him the entire way, obviously.
Might not be the deep, complex answers you were looking for, but that's how it worked in my head...
Remember that time I ate your family?
Best answer yet. Thanks, Necro
That's exactly it. Quit over thinking things people...
shareYou've people probably missed this, but there's a scene somewhere in the movie where Blade is talking about how working with the vampires will bring them closer than they've ever been before. Blade knew Skid Mark's betrayal and was using this as a means to get inside the vampire network.
SUPPORT THE CAUSE: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/user_images/pics/1/8527000/ngbbs443ba87bd0bfe.jpg
I'm just brilliant and plus I must be smarter than any of you
shareI did read your questions you idiot that post was my reply. SCUD showed blade the tatoo on his bottom lip to which Blade said "I have been onto you since the day they turned you". wind your neck in and act your age BeatRush, I know I can but can you. It is of a vampire Glyph
share You didn't answer any of the questions. You told us what we already knew.
The OP wanted to know WHY Scud turned on Blade and became a familiar, and WHY Blade took so long before taking care of him.
Like I said: In the original script, Scud was jealous of Blade's determination to find Whistler.
Did you also know that Nomak said " Vampires I hate vampires" but only in a different language.
shareWhat would your other guess be?
-"In 300 years, when Evil returns... so shall WE!"
Normally I don't get involved in petty debates, but you had to be insulting.
It's Blood Pact. Two words, spell the last on right. Even if it was "bloodpack" it would be two words and capitalized.
Also, spelt isn't a word (unless your a brit, you limey douche) it is spelled.
Don't be insulting and people like me won't have to come along and point out your mistakes.
I too normally don't get in to mindless debates but dallastidwell, seeings as the ''limey douche's'' came up with the English language in the first place I would have to say that it is in fact 'spelt' and not 'spelled'.
He was working for the vampires.
I think Blade new, but kept him around to make cool guns and help him find whistler. Also, working with the Bloodpack and getting captured by the vampires allowed Blade to get deeper into the vampire underworld, and find out more about them (like using night vision goggles to find vampire clubs :p)
My opinion as to why Scud turned on Blade is summed up about what Scud said about rather being a pet than cattle.
I agree with other posters that Blade kept Scud aroud because he needed help.
Reboot, restart or re-imagining is another word for remake
I would have two guesses. I agree with Blade keeping him around even though he was a familiar simply because he was extremely helpful. The other assumption I made was that he could use Scud to get a deeper understanding into the vampire life. If powerful vampires controlled Scud, then Blade could use him to get to the powerful vamps.
I assume Scud betrayed Blade for the same reason all of the other familiars did what they were told; the chance to become a vampire and essentially live forever.
I didn't like the part where he betrays Blade because a) it came out of nowhere b) felt like they added this twist just for the sake of having a twist and c) because I like his character and the interactions between him and Whistler.
But if we accept that, then it makes sense from Blade's point of view that he kept him around although he knew he was a possible traitor. It's similar to spy organizations: If you discover that one of your men is a mole, you would be stupid to kick him out/kill him. Why? Well, first off, if you get rid of him, the enemy knows that you know and thus will try another infiltration. Better have a known spy in your ranks than an unknown one. Secondly, you can use him to feed him with false information on purpose in order to manipulate the opposition. Thirdly, he is a direct connection to the enemy, so you can in turn spy on this spy to find out more of the enemy organization.
Well you can't even get his name right so there is no wonder you can't understand the film.
shareDidn't Blade say to Whistler at one point, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You might want to remember that." after Whistler was getting all friendly with Scud? I'm pretty sure they hinted at Scuds betrayal even if it was very, very subtle.
Like I said before, Scud wasn't originally a decoy. Remember, Blade says "I've been onto you, since they turned you!" meaning that Scud betrayed Blade sometime after joining him. He probably caught wind about their plan to make Daywalkers and decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
shareThe secret plot twist is that Skid turned on Blade and was working with the vampires all along because he was a "familiar." Blade was onto him though, because he smelt a rat.
The secret plot twist is that Skid turned on Blade and was working with the vampires all along because he was a "familiar." Blade was onto him though, because he smelt a rat.
"Obvious post is obvious."
Your observation is obvious.
I never really noticed that, but having you point it out, it actually seems ridiculous.
Blade hates familiars and vampires, but he knew Skid was one of them and he just let him hang around? hmmm....
Seems to me that is very poor script writing. At least give him a backstory, like his wife was a vampire or something and he needed to become a vampire in order to be with her... dont just say, he wants to be a vampire "just 'cause".
That is really really stupid!
"I am Jack's cold sweat."
even worse than that is- why would Scud help Blade kill shedloads of vampires if he was a familiar? Surely he'd try to sabotage him or something.
skud was accually working for the vampires the whole time.