MovieChat Forums > Frequency (2000) Discussion > Probably the most underrated film in the...

Probably the most underrated film in the last ten years?!

Whats everyones opinion on this topic. I saw this film a few years ago and watched it again last night. Such a class film, but yet it wasnt that hyped up! Seems surprising to me.


I agree. I loved this film when I first saw it and found it strange that it wasn't well known. I'd rather they kept showing that all the time than The Day After Tomorrow (also Dennis Quaid and also a true story like Frequency), which seems to be shown on Film 4 every other day.


Its true, this film is a complete classic. Simply brilliant!



I wondered when someone would notice that! ;-)


Frequency is one of my top 5 films for repeated viewing, I love it.
I can sum it up in one word, YAHOO.


I've watched some 5000 different movies in my life, probably small potatoes compared to some of my fellow IMDB'ers, but this movie ranks in the top 50 of what i've seen. Suspend belief and enjoy the entertainment. Anyone who's lost a parent under horrific circumstances would likely agree with me.

"..But dude, if i've watched it, it's gotta be a classic.."


I totally agree with everyone. This is one of my all time favorites and whenever it comes on, I HAVE to see it! I remember when I first saw it years ago I was raving about it to my family that it was a must see. I am a sucker for time travel 'like' films and this is my favorite. I thought Dennis and Jim (my first time seeing him and because of this film - knowing he would be AWESOME as Jesus) were fantastic. I was very impressed with Quaid's acting skills in this film. I was very moved by the scene where he and his father confess their love for one another and 'Little Chief' tells him that he loves him to and misses him very much.


I watched this film for the first time on TV last night. I had sort of heard of it but never paid much attention to it before. I was really surprised, it was very good and I loved it.

"We are so much more complicated than our names." ~ Dracula


although id seen the majority of this film three or four times, last night was the first time i saw it all the way through.
its a definite classic. one of my top five.
i spent the whole day telling anyone who'd listen to go and check it out.


I thought the concept sounded good when I read about it in the TV guide, I just didn't expect it to be so.......well, amazing! I don't know, its just one of those films where you see it and think, how come I didn't know about this before!
Isn't Jim Caviezel gorgeous?

Gene: She's as nervous as a very small nun at a penguin shoot


Funny enough I actually saw this when it first came out - hard to believe it was 7 years ago. But a couple months ago, I was watching Day After Tomorrow (mostly because Emmy Rossum is in it), and I remembered this movie. So I went to Newberry Comics and I picked up the DVD. I hadn't seen it in years, but I gatta say it was even better than I remember. The performances were riveting, particularly the dynamic between Frank and John.

I agree whole-heartedly with the OP. This is definately one of the most underrated films of the past 10 years. Right up there with Enemy of the State (Will Smith's best performance, and all but forgotten in the face of ID4 and Men in Black).

"Long days and pleasant nights."


I told my spouse all about this film (except to not spoil the ending and such) saying was beautifully acted and a great story. While I was out one day, he found it on tv and it was half over when I got home. He was raving about how good it was and after seeing the ending, asked me about getting the DVD. Still gotta do that, but definitely a favorite in our house.



Yeah, this was a darn good movie. I loved it. But this can't have been a true story, unless you're talking about the murders. You just can't communicate with someone who died 30 years ago through a ham radio. O_o; Brilliant concept for a film, though.


My comment on it being a true story was a random throwaway lame joke. Just wondered if anyone would pick up on it!


This has been my favorite movie since it came out, truly amazing. I wish it had been hyped up much more but now it is 9 years old. I love everything about it. Truly Brillant!


Definitely underrated. I actually first learned of this movie via the Garth Brooks video for When You Come Back To Me Again. It had so many elements that I like featured in it that I went right out and bought the DVD, a rarity for me. One of my all time favorites.


This ranks high on my list of favorite movies. Dennis Quaid was superb, and Jim Caviezel was brilliant. This film got me on the edge of my seat, made me laugh, got me teary-eyed and left me wanting for more. One of the most underrated movies of the 90's.



Totally agrees with you! Just saw it the other day and it is such a great movie! Gonna watch that one more than once.

P.S A very hot Dennis Quaid in it doesn't make it worse ;) D.S


This was most definitely the most underrated movie in the last decade- but it doesn't surprise me to be honest.

It came out at a crucial point in time- just before President Bush was elected. (Even the liberal-leaning New York Times declared Bush was the winner in Florida- I will debate this point but to do so would be to digress from the topic at hand).

The film essentially promoted time-tested, old-world values- the father is strong, a provider, cares for and protects his family while the mother provides a lot of the emotional infrastructure, does the cooking and cleaning and laundry- things that post-modern liberals claim don't work anymore. (They are continually proven wrong by statistics- that traditional family models turn out more stable children than other family situations).

And as everyone knows, Hollywood leans intensely left, as do the media and the media's associated cultural critics and commentators- including film reviewers. So it's really no wonder that a movie so conservative- and one with a religous subtext- would at that time be so overlooked and downplayed.

I absolutely love this movie- and it really needs the credit it is due.


I disagree. I am extremly left on social issue, and I am an atheist that hates organized religion with a passion. But I love this movie.

The movie simply is showing the real situation in the 60's, where male and female's role in the society are more clearly defined. I don't think the movie tries to promote conservative values and religion. You chose to see that to satisfy your own political view.

If you see a movie that set place in the early 1800s, are you going to tell us the movie is trying to promote slavery ?


"I am extremly left on social issue, and I am an atheist that hates organized religion with a passion."

Including the religions of feminism and paganism?

Or is it only monotheistic religions you despise?


Sounds to me like your hatred of organized religion is the classic "filling a God shaped hole". Your passion being a substitute for more conventional belief.


i agree with you.

it's how you choose to see it, because the movie sure didn't feel like a promotion of conservative or religious values to me.


Good comments. I don't think you are far off in explaining its lack of acclaim.

The film is quite traditional, especially in the familial sphere. The lead male characters are principled and steady; not comical goofs as is norm day.

Even for 2000 this emphasis would be a break from established convention. However as the 2000s wore on, these and characters became almost extinct. It's probably one of the lesser recognised transformations in modern cinema.

Like you, it surprises me little that the liberal/leftist intelligentia would give this film little support.


One of the best time travel films around

"Paradise and hell both can be earthly. We carry them with us wherever we go."

-1492 (1992)


Yeah no one knows about it. I thought it was great.


I completely agree. This is one of those amazing movies that not many have heard of, but the few who have, love it. The acting is wonderful and I thought the whole story was pretty original. A really good thriller.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!


Just saw it last night. I couldn't turn away. Very good movie.
