It wasn't that bad !

Well, for years I've had the conviction that BE is so bad to not bother with it.
(it looked quite bad judging from the trailer).
But hey, I finally gave it the benefit of the doubt and - providing you're willing to 'plough' through the first 40 mins - it wasn't all that bad really.
I wanted to have an informed opinion, so I could substantiate the "why" next time it's a topic somewhere.
So it was a bit of a shock to find that this movie was quite OK. Perhaps some dumb stuff here and there, but overall it entertained me.
And that's what counts : it entertained. I've started watching movies that were raved on about sooo much and that turned out to be complete dissapointments.
Battlefield Earth couldn't possibly dissapoint since I was only wathing to confirm its banale content.

I'll be urging people to give it a chance at least, next time it's mentioned in a conversation........


microbit, I agree. I also wanted to see why it was so bad, and I didn't like it per se, but it wasn't painful to watch. I watched Serenity around that time, and found Battlefield Earth to be about the same experience. I don't even remember which was which... Although, to be fair, I didn't watch any of Firefly.


Battlefield Earth is now downloadable off Netflix and I saw it last night. And I agree with you, it's not THAT bad. I've seen movies a lot worse than this. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, The Avengers, Wild Wild West, Freddy got Fingered, Electra, Shira: The Vampire Samurai, etc. Now those were bad movies!

To me this movie was very much in the style of 1980's sci-fi such as The Last Starfighter and Enemy Mine. Not great, but not deserving of being among the worst movies ever made.


I actually liked this movie aswell - good actors and I like these kind of post apocalyptic movies


I actually like it and I hate Scientology, love Travolta thought, big fan. I haven't seen it for years and when I last saw it I didn't know what Scientology was or even heard the name/term, not saying that would alter my opinion thought.... would like to watch it again from an "adult" perspective.



No, it is not. It was a typical Connan the Barbarian movie. with jet fighters =))


Yes it wasn't that bad at all... It was horrible and a awful mutilation of a great book!

Just go buy the book and read it, opposite to the movie version is fantastic!

Book stellar moments missing from the movie:

1) when Jonnie finds the US President last shelter.

2) when Jonnie detonate a tactical nuke on one of the Psychlo's mining outpost.

3) when Jonnie use Uranium bullets to shot and detonate the living Psychlo's bodies.

4) In the aftermath of the destruction of the Psychlo's Empire (that happens half way on the book) the whole universe converse on Earth to find out who wiped them out.

5) Another Alien races powerfull as the Psychlo will try to destroy Earth.

6) The space battle over lake Victoria area above Africa, Star Wars battles pales with the narrative and the final climax crash on Earth of a gigantic Alien capital mother ship.

And the list goes on and on....

What the writers have done to the original plot have no excuse at all.


I agree... I like the film actually... Bought it on DVD and watch it probably once a year... I think all the mega-negative reviews are people just jumping on the hater-bandwagon... Bottom line-- it's a pretty decent flick...


YES! I love it, and it's not because of the story. Well, that's ok, but what I really love about this movie is, unequivocally, John Travolta!!!
His way of looking upon us puny humans - That in itself is worthy of an Oscar-award!!!

Top of every forum:"View: ... | ... | ... | nest" <-Choose "nest"!!


The film isn't that bad. I think it is rated so poorly due to the whole backlash about scientology


I don't think it's because of the science. People, I think, didn't like the way it was filmed, the camera-angles, the strange colors, and they found, perhaps, the Cyklos to be, I don't know, boring with their bickering and such?

Top of every forum:"View: ... | ... | ... | nest" <-Choose "nest"!!


Yea and someone once said "hey I know! Let's eat monkeys!!!!!" that whole aids thing hasn't worked out so well.....................

Smile and wave boys...Just smile and wave...


"Battlefield Earth" was not the biggest financial bomb of the year 2000. A good candidate for that title is "Supernova." "Battlefield" had a production cost of $44,000,000 according to IMDB and earned about half of that at the box office. "Supernova," with a production budget of about $60 million, earned only about $15 million. As for quality? "Supernova" made Battlefield Earth" look like an Oscar nominee.


I completely agree with you microbit. I thought BE was a decent enough entertainment. I think why this film got razed through the coals so badly by critics probably had to do with a long simmering resentment with The Church of Scientology.

Up until the year 2005 or so, the media was absolutely terrified of the church's known harassment treatment of any journalist who said anything negative about the CoS. Since a bad movie review was safe, the media had a field day.

The fact is BE was pretty decent and if L. Ron Hubbard's name wasn't attached, I think the reviews would have been much kinder.


Agreed, just saw it on Netflix and it wasn't all that bad. Certainly doesn't belong on the bottom 100.


When I think about it more, why the hell does this movie belong on the bottom 100 and not incredibly stupid movies like Resident Evil: Afterlife ? Or it's prequels? The Resident Evil series were complete sci-fi travesties, and much less enjoyable than even this.

I agree with everyone who said this movie is primarily panned due to its connection with Scientology.


it's in the bottom 100 because the movie was horrible. Even if you hadn't read the book. The guy prolly wrote the script in 30 minutes.

Smile and wave boys...Just smile and wave...


Again, Resident Evil series... far worse? I am sure many people would think so. I couldn't stand them. Battlefield Earth is bad, but not as bad as a lot of other sci fi films.


Remember in the first resident evil game. Think it was the first, When those dogs busted through the glass? Scared the crap outa me.

Smile and wave boys...Just smile and wave...


Resident Evil ? Please clean up the vomit ! :-)
They seemed to get worse and worse by the installment...
I recall the 2nd, where the, whatcha-ma-call-it, takes out a bunch of people with sub-millimeter precision using some overgrown machine gun.. and yet misses by miles when it tries to nail Milla Jojoba (or WTF her name is).
Sadly, the original Resident Evil was kinda OK, started strong and thendeteriorated by the minute.
I didn't even bother with RE 3 & 4 - needless torture IMO.
I'd rather rent out Battlefield Earth again...
