It wasn't that bad !

Well, for years I've had the conviction that BE is so bad to not bother with it.
(it looked quite bad judging from the trailer).
But hey, I finally gave it the benefit of the doubt and - providing you're willing to 'plough' through the first 40 mins - it wasn't all that bad really.
I wanted to have an informed opinion, so I could substantiate the "why" next time it's a topic somewhere.
So it was a bit of a shock to find that this movie was quite OK. Perhaps some dumb stuff here and there, but overall it entertained me.
And that's what counts : it entertained. I've started watching movies that were raved on about sooo much and that turned out to be complete dissapointments.
Battlefield Earth couldn't possibly dissapoint since I was only wathing to confirm its banale content.

I'll be urging people to give it a chance at least, next time it's mentioned in a conversation........


Caution: Possible spoilers in this reply

If they were to remove and replace every scene with a fighter jet in it with something less retarded, I would perhaps actually like this movie. But the whole fighter jet thing made it feel like they couldn't figure out how to get to the finish line and started taking advice from elementary school students.

If they really wanted to keep the whole fighter jet thing, they should have invented another secret sect of humans who already had the capabilities but lacked the proper intel that the insiders could provide.


Not that bad ? It was tripe. Arse gravy. Bilge, every bit of it. Acting, plot, dialogue all abysmal

You may have guessed that I hated this garbage. No redeeming features WHATSOEVER.

And to think, those Scientologists, think its all a true story


Only film I've ever walked out of...that's how dreadful it is.

Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. - Daniel Plainview


'Only film I've ever walked out of...that's how dreadful it is.'- foof833

Or that's how dreadful your taste is.

Or you're poor and can't afford to go to movies that often, let alone walk out of them.

Or you forgot your oven was on and had to leave.

Or your ankle bracelet started beeping and you had to get back home.

Or you didn't understand the big words they were using and had to run to the library.


They're not worth fighting. Some people will hate Scientology just because it's different, and they can't be saved. Those who talk bad about this movie are disgusting and pitiful and not worth our time.


dude, hes insulting it because it was terribly made, its not a true story its a fiction novel and its not even an accurate portrayal of the book, the book was the hardest read i have ever had, it took me longer than the three lord of the rings and dune, the book is so complex that after all the events of the movie the book carries on for at least twice the length of the events covered in the movie and im still not sure i have them all nailed down (especially the value of the planet in new weight and age), in fact, the movie doesnt even cover the main point of the story, human survival and resourcefulness in the face of complete hopelessness and near and total extinction, its a true example of how we learn and adapt to our surroundings in a way that brings us out on top. and worst of all the movie is so damned inaccurate to what small part it does cover its damn shameful, it kills off characters that dont die in the book, it misses out WHOLE storylines and concepts, it creates characters, settings and events that never happened in the book and COMPLETELY MISSES THE ENTIRE POINT the book was attempting to make.

my feelings about a religion set up by a science fiction (self confessed liar) novelist who charges people to be in a religion based on what sounds scarily similar to a science fiction story aside, the book is a work of absolute sci fi genius and will forever be in mine and the worlds top ten sci fi novels due to the gound it covers(and breaks), the movie, is so *beep* terrible it should be struck from the record, im ashamed i bought it for my father as it was abismal, it didnt even have decent effects or props for an $80mil movie.

and to the people saying this is a true story... how gullible are you? its set three thousand years in the future when the world has been near destroyed and the human race on the verge of extinction with aliens coming to earth to enslave us (the book goes on further to take the planets ownership to an intergalactical banking company and somewhere on the borders of interstellar war) we are currently occupying the year 2010, if its a true story, its a damned good prequel, considering its nine hundred and ninety years before the events.


"its set three thousand years in the future "

?? It is set one thousand years in the future


yeah... oops... *beep* it, sue me


John Smith
Jane Smith
John Smith
John Smith


If only Peter Jackson could have turned it into a trilogy. Do for Hubbard what he did for Tolkien. I'm with you, the book was great.


dude, scientology is a scam. It's *beep* for gullible people.



Everyone is Religious, and thuis includes Atheists. Religion is just what you beleive about the world we liv ein, its a Philosophy about who and what we are. Secular Humanism, Objectivism, both billed as Nonreligiosu Philosophies yet both do the same thign as religion in the same way, so whats the difference there?

However, in terms of Scientology, the reason its offensive to call it a Church to the abov is that Churches sdtarted based on genuine beleif and Scinetology began as a "Science of the Mind' that was turned into a Religion so Hubbard could get tax exemption and not need medical liscensing.

Oh and to avid beign sued.


Everyone is Religious, and thuis includes Atheists. Religion is just what you beleive about the world we liv ein, its a Philosophy about who and what we are. Secular Humanism, Objectivism, both billed as Nonreligiosu Philosophies yet both do the same thign as religion in the same way, so whats the difference there?

Theism - Belief in a god or gods.

Atheism - Lack of a belief in a god or gods.

Atheism is not a religion. Atheists do not "believe" in anything. In fact, they do the exact opposite. They do not practice any sort of organized theology. Atheism is not ritualistic in anyway. Nothing about Atheism is religious.

To put it simply, Atheism is anti-religion. How can one's religion be to be anti-religious? That doesn't make sense.

P.S. - Philosophy and religion are two completely different things. Philosophy is rational and is about trying to explain life, existence, purpose, etc through logic and reason.

Religion is dogmatic, spiritual, and about faith.

Philosophy is about the natural.

Religion is about the supernatural.

I hope this clears things up for you.

The world is yours & everything in it. Its out there; get on your grind & get it.



Theism - Belief in a god or gods.

Atheism - Lack of a belief in a god or gods.

Your definition for Atheism is wrong. It is not a lack of beleif in a god or gods. Sure, its popular to say it is, but its also impossible to actually lack belief in something you have a cpncept of. Once an idea is introduced, you can either accept it or reject it, but you cant lack it. Atheism is the belief that there is no god, it is not a lack of belief in a god.

Not that it matters, as Religion is not the same thing as Theism, and you seem to conflate the two as if “Atheism is a lack of belief in a god therefore is not a Religion” makes any sense to what I’ve said…

Atheism is not a religion.

I never said it was. But Theism is also not a Religion.

However, being an Atheist doesn’t make you Non-Religious. What I said was that everyone has a Religion, and this includes Atheists. This is because Religion is a Philosophical understanding about the nature of the world we live in. Religion is not another word for Theism and doesn’t require Theism.

If you are a Secular Humanist, you are Religious and Secular Humanism is your Religion. This isn’t saying “Atheism is a Religion”, its saying that Secular Humanism is a Religion. Secular Humanism is Atheistic, but there’s more to it than this.

Everyone has a Religion because everyone has some sort of Paradigm that tells them how the world works and that’s all Religion is.

You cant prove that Atheists aren’t Religious by saying thy don’t believe in a god.

Atheists do not "believe" in anything. In fact, they do the exact opposite. They do not practice any sort of organized theology. Atheism is not ritualistic in anyway. Nothing about Atheism is religious.

This is not True. Atheism is a positive position that there are no gods, it is not a lack of belief in gods.

Further, no one is ever just an Atheist, there are always corollary beliefs in addition to Atheism that explains how the world works. EG, if you follow Secular Humanism, the most common Atheistic Religion, then you subscribe to the tenets of Humanism as outlined in the various Humanist Manifestos. If you follow Ayn Rand’s Objectivism, you follow her outline of how the world works.

Atheists do not lack beliefs about the world they live in,.

To put it simply, Atheism is anti-religion.

This is only True is Religion is defined as Theism. Atheism is the opposite of Theism. But Theism is not the same thing as Religion.

How can one's religion be to be anti-religious? That doesn't make sense.

You misdefine Atheism, and Religion. Atheism is not a lack of belief in gods, and Religion is not the same thing as belief in gods.

And I never said “Atheism is a Religion”, I just said that being an Atheist doesn’t make you Non-Religious and even Atheists have Religious beliefs.

P.S. - Philosophy and religion are two completely different things.

No, they aren’t. Religion is in fact nothing more than a type of Philosophy dealing with the foundational matters of our existence.

Philosophy is rational and is about trying to explain life, existence, purpose, etc through logic and reason.

Religion is dogmatic, spiritual, and about faith.

Faith is not belief without evidence, before that cobbler is thrown out there. And Relgiion is also about Logic and Reason. The idea that Religion rejects Reason in Favour of Faith is nothing but a Talking point in the neo-Atheist community, but anyone whose bothered to look into Religion realises that Religious thought is actually rooted in observation and logic as much as anything else. The idea that its not is simply daft nonsense.

Philosophy is about the natural.

Religion is about the supernatural.

I hope this clears things up for you.

Actually plenty of Philosophers have dealt with the Supernatural, and plenty of Religion deals in the Natural. Indeed, the very idea of the Supernatural didn’t even exist till about 200-300 years ago, so what your saying is that Religion didn’t exist at all till 300 years ago. This is of course silly nonsense.

Religion is not all about the Supernatural, and Philosophy does sometimes deal in the Supernatural itself. You are simply wrong.


Religion is not the same thing as Theism, and you seem to conflate the two

You are simply wrong.

I won't bother responding to the rest of your lengthy, contradictory post.

Instead, I'll just leave these here...

noun /ˈTHēˌizəm/ 

Belief in the existence of a god or gods, esp. belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures

The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
Details of belief as taught or discussed.

If you need any more clarification as to why you are absolutely wrong, I'll refer you to this link.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.


My post isnt contradixctory, and you are still wrong.

here are other definitios for Religion.

   [ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA

a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.

the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.

Modern Eno-Atheists fit def. 1. No, Def. 1 does not say that Relgiion requires beleif in a superhumn agency. The sdefinition ends at Universe. The word "Especilly" connotates a usual trait, not a Universal one. Itis not essential tot he definition. If you dont beleice me, look up the ord Especialy.

it also fits dedinitions 2, 3, and even 5.

Here are some mroe "conrradictory' materials.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy makes it plain that Religion doesnt reqire Theism.

So does the encyclopedia Britannica.

So, you are wrong. Relgiion is not beleif in, and reverence of, gods and supernatural powers. Religion is a Philosophical system that explains the nature and meanign of our existance.

Tryign to make Atheism the opposite of Relgiion may help you define Relgion as a force you struggle agaisnt, but it doesnt change the fundamental fact that in reality allyou are doign is trign to oust one setof beleifsin favour of another.


First things first, did you actually read the link that I provided? It explains in great detail everything that I was trying to convey. It's even backed up with sources. If you didn't, which is most likely, I must suggest again that you read it. It is very informative and explains why you are wrong about what you are saying.

As for your links, they actually prove my point.

The Stanford article goes on and on about theism and religion and how they are interchangeable.

It talks about the history of religion, and how it evolved. It talks about the various forms of theism, such as monotheism and polytheism. The only possible exception would be "deism", but even then you are still expressing a belief in a god, you just choose not to define it. One could argue that Buddhism is a type of deism.

The point is that theism is a belief in a god figure of some sort. Whether you believe that "God" is Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Zeus, Krishna, Osiris, Zeus, the Earth, or the Universe, you're still expressing a belief in some sort of "superior" or "supernatural" being. What you choose to call it is your prerogative.

Your Britannica link proves my other point. Religion is about a practice of beliefs. Religion is dogmatic and ritualistic. Even if you are a spiritualist and believe that "God" is the trees and the grass and the water and the sky, etc and don't actually believe in a singularly or plurally defined "God", you still believe in something.

The point of religion is that you practice something. You have a set of beliefs, rituals, and practices. You have dogma. Religion is organized.

There is no such thing with atheism. Atheists don't get together and hold services. Atheists don't practice any set of rituals. Atheists don't all hold a shared set of beliefs. Hell, the odds are that if you a group of randomly selected atheists together in a room, they'd all disagree with each other about a great number of things.

Atheism is literally a lack of a belief in any sort of "supernatural being". That's it. We don't just disbelieve in Yahweh and Jesus, we disbelieve in everything. We disbelieve in Islam and Greek Mythology and Wicca and everything in between.

What you're confusing is the true definition of an Atheist. If you actually bothered to read the link that I provided, you'd understand. To put it simply, people misunderstand what Atheism and Agnosticism mean. People think Agnosticism means "on the fence" or "undecided", but that is not true. Even somebody who is "undecided" is an Atheist. Agnosticism is about knowledge. Agnosticism literally means the belief that one cannot know or possess the knowledge of "God". There are actually Agnostic Theists. Imagine that! How can one be both undecided and firm in their belief in God at the same time? Because Agnosticism has nothing to do with belief in a god or gods! Just like there are Agnostics Theists, there are also Gnostic Atheists!

What people misconstrue as "agnosticism" is actually weak Atheism. Strong Atheists are firm in their belief that there is no "God" of any kind and many of them are also anti-theists as well, which means that they oppose any sort of religion.

Weak Atheists are those that are not sure that there is "God" of some kind, but are also unsure that there is no "God" either. They are Atheists simply because they doubt the existence of God. One does not have to be firm in the belief that there is no God in order to doubt the existence of one in the first place. I cannot say with 100% conviction that there is NO Bigfoot, but I also cannot be sure that there is one. I am reserving judgement. The same goes for God. I'm what you'd call a weak Atheist.

The point is that you were completely erroneous in your original assertion that Atheism is a form of religion. This simply isn't so. Atheism is not a "religion" by any definition or sense of the word.

By the way, you also proved my point that Philosophy and Religion are two completely different things as well. The Stanford article you linked to is titled "The Philosophy of Religion". If Religion and Philosophy are one and the same, then you could alternately call that article "The Philosophy of Philosophy" or "The Religion of Religion". Yeah, makes perfect sense to me.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.


First things first, did you actually read the link that I provided? It explains in great detail everything that I was trying to convey.

Do you really think “Rational Responders” is an academic and unbiased source? It’s clear that they have their own agenda and he whole Anti-Religious mentality they hold to isn’t going to allow them to honestly examine any topic.

I really don’t care what they have to say. Just calling themselves rational doesn’t mean they actually are and it certainly doesn’t mean that they are right.

It's even backed up with sources. If you didn't, which is most likely, I must suggest again that you read it. It is very informative and explains why you are wrong about what you are saying.

I wrote a peer reviewed masters thesis, and your answer back to me is a website that makes it a point to attack Religion. Yeah, there’s logic for you. Do you even understand the concept of bias?

The Rational Responders are what I’m referring to, by the way. They have made a Religion out of hating Religion. They are clearly just a militant form of Humanism and don’t really want you thinking for yourself and arriving at your own conclusions, they want you to arrive at the ready made conclusions they tell you are Rational.

As for your links, they actually prove my point.

No, they don’t.

The Stanford article goes on and on about theism and religion and how they are interchangeable.

No, it doesn’t. In fact, if you actually read the article ( as opposed to skim it) it mentioned non-theistic Religions like Theravada Buddhism.

It talks about the history of religion, and how it evolved. It talks about the various forms of theism, such as monotheism and polytheism. The only possible exception would be "deism", but even then you are still expressing a belief in a god, you just choose not to define it. One could argue that Buddhism is a type of deism.

1: it is stupid to see Deism as an alternative to Theism, as Theism mean you believe in a god. Deism is a type of Theism.

2: No, Buddhism is not a the of Deism. In fact, Buddhism comes in many varieties and some are Atheistic.

The point is that theism is a belief in a god figure of some sort. Whether you believe that "God" is Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Zeus, Krishna, Osiris, Zeus, the Earth, or the Universe, you're still expressing a belief in some sort of "superior" or "supernatural" being. What you choose to call it is your prerogative.

1: Allah and God are the same thing. Allah is just Arabic for the God. Allah is not a proper name for God.

2: Your point here doesn’t seem to mean anything. I never said Theism was not belief in a god, I said that Religion is not Theism.

Even Austin Cline agrees that Theism is not the same thing as Religion. Though he still says he has no Religion.

I’m also certain that like most Neo-Atheists you wont listen to anything that contradicts your view and won’t even I’ve me the benefit of a doubt. You need to nto be Religious. Pity that in reality there is no distinction.

Your Britannica link proves my other point. Religion is about a practice of beliefs. Religion is dogmatic and ritualistic.

Actually Britannica doesn’t say that religion requires Practice of beliefs or Dogma or Ritual. Not that it matters, as your own Rational Responders are very much Dogmatic. Oh sure, they will say they have no Dogma, but just try to contradict one of their own Sacred Cows. Calling Dogma something other than Dogma doesn’t make it not Dogma. Atheists can be, and often are, very Dogmatic.

Below is what Britannica actually says.

“””religion, human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. In many traditions, this relation and these concerns are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitude toward gods or spirits; in more humanistic or naturalistic forms of religion, they are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitudes toward the broader human community or the natural world. In many religions, texts are deemed to have scriptural status, and people are esteemed to be invested with spiritual or moral authority. Believers and worshipers participate in and are often enjoined to perform devotional or contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, or particular rituals. Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of the religious life.”””

Note: It does not say Ritual or Dogma are essential requirements of Religion.

It does mention Humanistic Religions, that are not Theistic, though.

Even if you are a spiritualist and believe that "God" is the trees and the grass and the water and the sky, etc and don't actually believe in a singularly or plurally defined "God", you still believe in something.

Atheists believe in something.

But again, Religion is not Theism.

That is where you miss the point.

Well, that and buying the hype that Atheists have no Dogmas, and Atheists are logical and Rational, and Atheists have no Religion because Religion is the opposite of all that.

You really need to avoid places like the Rational Response Squad if you want real intelligence, and actual facts.

The point of religion is that you practice something. You have a set of beliefs, rituals, and practices. You have dogma. Religion is organized.

Not all Religion is organised. Not that it matters as modern Atheism is very much organised around tis own Doctrines and Dogmas, even as it denies having them. You can find those Dogmas and Doctrines on the Rational Response Squads website, thought hey will refuse to call them that.

The very fact that such organisations exist to promote Atheism as the RRS, or the Freedom From Religion Foundation, or the Counsel For Secular Humanism, shows that modern Atheistic beliefs are themselves organised, dogmatic, and doctrinaire.

There is no such thing with atheism.

Yes there is. What do you call the Humanist manifestos? And even the Rational Response Squad has its own organisational structure and its own set of beliefs it promotes. Pretending it doesn’t won’t make the facts go away.

Atheists don't get together and hold services.

Yes they do.


Here is another.,9171,1686828,00.html

Well, the FFrF holds a lot of meetings and conventions.

I can go on and on and on and on.

Of course you may protest and say this is somehow different than a Church service. Some aren’t weekly for example, but then, most Japanese Temples aren’t visited weekly for worship service either, and Shinto is a Religion. So is Buddhism.

The thing is though; Atheists DO form organisations and DO meet to promote their beliefs. Some even meet weekly.

I’m sorry but, your claim that Atheists don’t organise, have no doctrines, no dogmas, and no set community value is contradicted by the facts, and even contradicted by your own use of an explicitly Atheistic organisation.

Atheists don't practice any set of rituals.

Debaptisms have become popular, and the Blasphemy challenge was nothing but a Ritualistic exercise. In fact, Atheistic Rituals exist in many forms, from FFrF’s “Atheists in the Foxholes” and its moments of silence, to Richard Dawkins own “Reflections on existence”, ritualistic behaviour is, in fact, observed amongst members of the modern Atheistic Community. Again, saying otherwise is part of the hype, but it is not a reality.

Atheists don't all hold a shared set of beliefs.

This depends on how you define Atheists. One can say the same thing about Theists. Theists don’t all have shared beleifs either.

However, given that you linked to the Rational Responce Squad, its disingenuous go claim that you lack shared beliefs with a community of fellow believers. Just how much variance is thereon the RRS? Or for that matter how much disagreement exists between the RRS and the FFrF or Richard Dawkins?

The idea that you lot don’t have shared beliefs is laughable. You all say the same things and always use the same arguments, and generally even hold to the same political views.

There isn’t a hairs worth of difference between you and yet you want people to buy that somehow you don’t have shared beliefs?

Hell, the odds are that if you a group of randomly selected atheists together in a room, they'd all disagree with each other about a great number of things.

You’d never now it from the Rational Response Squad and hwo often its adherence walk in lock step conformity with each other. Or from the Secular Web. Or from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Or from Richard Dawkins own website.

Why should I believe in this vast divergence of beliefs amongst Atheists when I can see the opposite if I visit the very website you linked me to?

Atheism is literally a lack of a belief in any sort of "supernatural being". That's it.

No, its not.

Again, you can’t lack belief in something you have a concept of. The idea that Atheism is a lack of belief in a god is just a popular definition bandied about, but tis an actual impossibility. As you have some basic idea of what God is supposed to be, you can’t simply lack belief in God. You either believe God exists, or you don’t, but you do nto lack belief in God.

I don’t care how popular the definition is, its an impossibility to lack belief, and therefore Atheism is not a lack of beelfi unless Atheism simply doesn’t exist.

But it is cute how you parrot the idea tha tits just a lack of belief, and refuse to consider that this definition is wrong. Its part if your shared beliefs with other Atheists that you deny having. A shared talking point.

We don't just disbelieve in Yahweh and Jesus, we disbelieve in everything.

So you disbelieve in Gravity? How about Evolution? What about your own existence?

Everything is a very broad term.

We disbelieve in Islam and Greek Mythology and Wicca and everything in between.

But not in Humanism.

And Humanism is what I’m calling your Religion.

What you're confusing is the true definition of an Atheist. If you actually bothered to read the link that I provided, you'd understand.

Atheism is the rejection of Theism. Don’t tell me what I do and don’t understand if all you can do to prove your point is post to a Neo-Atheist website that has an obvious agenda and no academic credentials.

Just because the Rational Response Squad says something doesn’t make it automatically True, and they have no real qualification in any of these topics anyway.

To put it simply, people misunderstand what Atheism and Agnosticism mean. People think Agnosticism means "on the fence" or "undecided", but that is not true. Even somebody who is "undecided" is an Atheist. Agnosticism is about knowledge. Agnosticism literally means the belief that one cannot know or possess the knowledge of "God". There are actually Agnostic Theists. Imagine that! How can one be both undecided and firm in their belief in God at the same time? Because Agnosticism has nothing to do with belief in a god or gods! Just like there are Agnostics Theists, there are also Gnostic Atheists!

And this has something to do with what I’ve said…how?

You are still Religious because you still have a set of beleifs about the nature, origin, and ultimate meaning of our existence, and the Atheist talking points of not having dogmas and doctrines is still false.

What people misconstrue as "agnosticism" is actually weak Atheism. Strong Atheists are firm in their belief that there is no "God" of any kind and many of them are also anti-theists as well, which means that they oppose any sort of religion.

Strong and Weak Atheism are made up terms that are built on a fantasy,.

Weak Atheists are those that are not sure that there is "God" of some kind, but are also unsure that there is no "God" either. They are Atheists simply because they doubt the existence of God. One does not have to be firm in the belief that there is no God in order to doubt the existence of one in the first place. I cannot say with 100% conviction that there is NO Bigfoot, but I also cannot be sure that there is one. I am reserving judgement. The same goes for God. I'm what you'd call a weak Atheist.

Atheism is defined as a belief that there is no God. It is not “lack of belief” and the strofgn and weak Atheism distinction is a semantic word game based on nonsense.

The point is that you were completely erroneous in your original assertion that Atheism is a form of religion.

I never said that Atheism was a form of Religion. I said that Atheism is not an absence of Religion and I said that Atheism is not the opposite of Religion. I said that even Atheists have Religious beliefs. But I never said Atheism is a form of Religion.

Maybe you should read what I’ve actually said and respond to my actual arguments.

Secular Humanism is a Religion, and is Atheistic. Objectivism is Atheistic, and a Religion. Religion does not require Theism.

But I never said that Atheism as itself a Religion.

This simply isn't so. Atheism is not a "religion" by any definition or sense of the word.

But, Theism is also not a Religion. What is yoru point?

That still doesn’t mean that being an Atheist makes you nonreligious nor does it make Atheism the opposite of Religion.

By the way, you also proved my point that Philosophy and Religion are two completely different things as well. The Stanford article you linked to is titled "The Philosophy of Religion". If Religion and Philosophy are one and the same, then you could alternately call that article "The Philosophy of Philosophy" or "The Religion of Religion". Yeah, makes perfect sense to me.

Are you really this stupid?

All Philosophy is broken down into branches, but having something like “The Philosophy of Religion’ no more makes Religion different than Philosophy than “The Philosophy of Government” makes Governmental theory not Philosophy. Keep in mind that I didn’t say “all Philosophy is Religion’, any more than I said Atheism was a Religion. I said that Religion was a type of Philosophy, not that all Philosophy was Religion. If you honestly cant understand that then you are simply not that logical or that intelligent.


Wow. I must have struck a nerve. I post one link to a website and suddenly you go on a rampage about the RRS? I'm not even affiliated with them. I just recently discovered their website and their definition of Atheism was the first one that I thought of because it was still fresh in my mind.

Calm down sparky, it's ok. The mean old RRS isn't out to get you. I promise.

I wrote a peer reviewed masters thesis

Really? Where? I'd love to see it.

and your answer back to me is a website that makes it a point to attack Religion.

I didn't see any master thesis, so I don't know how I answered back to it.

The Rational Responders are what I’m referring to, by the way. They have made a Religion out of hating Religion. They are clearly just a militant form of Humanism and don’t really want you thinking for yourself and arriving at your own conclusions, they want you to arrive at the ready made conclusions they tell you are Rational.

They may have been like that in the past, but they aren't anymore. The original group broke up. The only one left is Brian Sapient and he barely posts on the website anymore. The website is comprised of a motley crew of Atheists and Theists and they all disagree on just about everything. The RRS forums actually prove my point that Atheism is unorganized and every Atheist has different beliefs.

No, it doesn’t. In fact, if you actually read the article ( as opposed to skim it) it mentioned non-theistic Religions like Theravada Buddhism.

How is Buddhism non-theistic? Care to elaborate?

1: it is stupid to see Deism as an alternative to Theism, as Theism mean you believe in a god. Deism is a type of Theism.

Tell that to Deists.

The reason I even mentioned it, and it's especially fitting given your apparent hatred for the RRS, is that Thomas Verenna, aka Rook Hawkins, formerly of the RRS, left the group a few years ago and proclaimed himself a "deist". He says that he's no longer an atheist, but he's still not a theist either. He's trying to take some sort of middle ground whilst still preaching his atheistic beliefs and non-historicity of Jesus Christ. I had a long chat with Brian on RRS one day about how saying "I'm not an Atheist or a Theist, I'm a Deist" is BS. He agreed with you and me 100%.

2: No, Buddhism is not a the of Deism. In fact, Buddhism comes in many varieties and some are Atheistic.

I know there are many different groups of Buddhism, but my understanding of the general principles of Buddhism is that, in a sense, the Universe is "God". That is to say, the Universe (or existence) controls everything. There is no singular God that controls everything, but the universe itself controls and balances everything. You know, Karma and all that. The universe isn't a God per se, but it serves the purpose of a "God" figure in the Buddhist religion. It's not Atheistic at all, that's for sure.

1: Allah and God are the same thing. Allah is just Arabic for the God. Allah is not a proper name for God.

Since when? Even English speaking Muslims refer to him as Allah, just like Jews refer to God as Yahweh. Only Christians simply call him "God".

I’m also certain that like most Neo-Atheists you wont listen to anything that contradicts your view and won’t even I’ve me the benefit of a doubt.

I'm always willing to learn new things and am open to new interpretations. Thanks for being judgmental and throwing out a nice ad-hominem attack while you were at it.

You need to nto be Religious.

I don't need to be anything. I am what I am. Who are you to define what I am or am not?

Pity that in reality there is no distinction.

Yes, there is. You just choose not to accept it. I seem to recall somebody talking about not listening to anything that contradicts their view-points..

Actually Britannica doesn’t say that religion requires Practice of beliefs or Dogma or Ritual.


" Believers and worshipers participate in and are often enjoined to perform devotional or contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, or particular rituals. Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of the religious life."

I rest my case.

Not that it matters, as your own Rational Responders are very much Dogmatic. Oh sure, they will say they have no Dogma, but just try to contradict one of their own Sacred Cows. Calling Dogma something other than Dogma doesn’t make it not Dogma. Atheists can be, and often are, very Dogmatic.

For somebody who hates the RRS so much, you sure know next to nothing about them. Sure, back when it was just Brian, Rook, and Kelly, they all mentally masturbated each other and acting like their word was the final one regarding Atheism and religion, but that changed shortly after they became famous. Their "dogma" was thrown out with the trash, because true Atheists could see the hypocrisy and called them on it.

Note: It does not say Ritual or Dogma are essential requirements of Religion.

Actually, it does say ritual. You are right that it doesn't say dogma, but dogma is pretty much interchangeable with words like "tradition" and "ritual", so your argument is moot.

Atheists believe in something.

Care to tell me exactly what that something is that you keep claiming all Atheists unanimously believe in? I'm still waiting.

But again, Religion is not Theism.

That is where you miss the point.

You're the one who keeps missing the point. Religion and Theism are the same thing. You can't have one without the other.

Well, that and buying the hype that Atheists have no Dogmas, and Atheists are logical and Rational, and Atheists have no Religion because Religion is the opposite of all that.

You really need to avoid places like the Rational Response Squad if you want real intelligence, and actual facts.

I'm not buying anything. I only discovered the RRS about 1 month ago, but everything that I believe regarding Atheism has been in place since I was a child. I didn't buy any hype, I actually applied critical thinking and reason and figured it out for myself. The fact that most of the world happened to agree with me only helped to fortify my beliefs. You can just drop the RRS attacks because I'm not a member of the group and never have been. I just peruse their website from time to time.

Not all Religion is organised.

Tell me one that isn't then. I'd love to see some actual examples instead of your repetitive talking points.

Not that it matters as modern Atheism is very much organised around tis own Doctrines and Dogmas, even as it denies having them. You can find those Dogmas and Doctrines on the Rational Response Squads website, thought hey will refuse to call them that.

What doctrines and dogma? Nobody at the RRS can agree on just about anything, and even famous Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens don't agree on everything. There is no doctrine, let alone dogma. They're about as unorganized as you can be.

The RRS is a very small website with a very small member base. I hardly call that organized, especially when compared to the billion or so members that comprise the Catholic Church alone. THAT is organization.

Yes they do.


Here is another.,9171,1686828,00.html

Well, the FFrF holds a lot of meetings and conventions.

I can go on and on and on and on.

Secular Humanism is not simply Atheism. They even say so on the welcome page of their website.

"For many, mere atheism (the absence of belief in gods and the supernatural) or agnosticism (the view that such questions cannot be answered) aren’t enough.

Atheism and agnosticism are silent on larger questions of values and meaning. If Meaning in life is not ordained from on high, what small-m meanings can we work out among ourselves? If eternal life is an illusion, how can we make the most of our only lives? As social beings sharing a godless world, how should we coexist?

For the questions that remain unanswered after we’ve cleared our minds of gods and souls and spirits, many atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and freethinkers turn to secular humanism."

As for the FFRF, they're as much a religion as the DNC or RNC are. Just because like-minded individuals decide to form a group, that does not make them a religion.

Of course you may protest and say this is somehow different than a Church service. Some aren’t weekly for example, but then, most Japanese Temples aren’t visited weekly for worship service either, and Shinto is a Religion. So is Buddhism.

But all of those groups deal with spirituality. That is what makes them religions.

The thing is though; Atheists DO form organisations and DO meet to promote their beliefs. Some even meet weekly.

So do all the guys at my neighborhood bar on Sundays. Does that mean watching football is a religion too?

I’m sorry but, your claim that Atheists don’t organise, have no doctrines, no dogmas, and no set community value is contradicted by the facts, and even contradicted by your own use of an explicitly Atheistic organisation.

Once again, there is no dogma or doctrines. Atheists are not "bound" to believe or revere any set of rules, core beliefs, etc. Sure, a few like minded atheists get together to celebrate their shared rejection of theism, but that hardly makes them an organized religion. They don't have an official "bible", they don't have official places of worship. Having a get together at a community center is not the same thing as having a church dedicated to worship.

Debaptisms have become popular, and the Blasphemy challenge was nothing but a Ritualistic exercise. In fact, Atheistic Rituals exist in many forms, from FFrF’s “Atheists in the Foxholes” and its moments of silence, to Richard Dawkins own “Reflections on existence”, ritualistic behaviour is, in fact, observed amongst members of the modern Atheistic Community. Again, saying otherwise is part of the hype, but it is not a reality.

I don't agree with or condone their behavior, and a few small groups of idiots does not comprise the face of Atheism. You do realize that all of maybe 100 people actually participated in the blasphemy challenge, right? That is hardly representative of all Atheists. Your examples only prove my point - Atheism is disorganized and most atheists can't even agree with one another. A few idiotic extremists do you represent the group as a whole.

This depends on how you define Atheists. One can say the same thing about Theists. Theists don’t all have shared beleifs either.

But there are basic prerequisites. To be an Atheist, you have to lack belief in a "God". To be a Theist, you have to have a belief in some sort of "God".

However, given that you linked to the Rational Responce Squad, its disingenuous go claim that you lack shared beliefs with a community of fellow believers.

Actually, you're wrong. I don't share the beliefs of the RRS community. I actually loathe the place for the most part. I do, however, share their trust in things like dictionaries and encyclopedias, so their definition of Atheism was the one I chose to link to for that reason.

Just how much variance is thereon the RRS? Or for that matter how much disagreement exists between the RRS and the FFrF or Richard Dawkins?

A whole hell of a lot more than you seem to be aware of, that's for sure. For somebody chastising another for being ignorant of religion and theism, you seem to be equally, if not more so, ignorant of atheism.

The idea that you lot don’t have shared beliefs is laughable. You all say the same things and always use the same arguments, and generally even hold to the same political views.

There isn’t a hairs worth of difference between you and yet you want people to buy that somehow you don’t have shared beliefs?

Generalizing and stereotyping will get you nowhere. Your ignorance, hatred, and bias are bleeding through terribly at this point. Did some atheist kid bully you when you were a child? You may need to consider seeking therapy..

You’d never now it from the Rational Response Squad and hwo often its adherence walk in lock step conformity with each other. Or from the Secular Web. Or from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Or from Richard Dawkins own website.

Lockstep? Seriously? Those guys argue with each other worse than when they argue with theists. It's hilarious actually. I find it quite entertaining.

Why should I believe in this vast divergence of beliefs amongst Atheists when I can see the opposite if I visit the very website you linked me to?

Its obvious that you didn't actually bother to browse the website, because if you did then you'd know that nobody on RRS agrees with each other. Sure, the original three members that founded it were pretty much in agreement, but even they broke up and disbanded because of their differences. The members of the forums there are about as different from one another as you can get.

Again, you can’t lack belief in something you have a concept of. The idea that Atheism is a lack of belief in a god is just a popular definition bandied about, but tis an actual impossibility.

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say, but it makes zero sense. I have a concept of Bigfoot and UFOs, but just because I'm aware of the concept that means that I can't lack a belief in them? By your definition, nobody can be an Atheist because as long as you are aware of the concept of "God", you can't disbelieve in it. Sometimes you come across as smart, but misguided. Other times, like this one, you come across like an utter jackass. Just because you repeat nonsense over and over, that won't make it true.

I don’t care how popular the definition is, its an impossibility to lack belief, and therefore Atheism is not a lack of beelfi unless Atheism simply doesn’t exist.

But it is cute how you parrot the idea tha tits just a lack of belief, and refuse to consider that this definition is wrong. Its part if your shared beliefs with other Atheists that you deny having. A shared talking point.

To lack belief is not the same is having a belief of the contrary. I don't believe there is a God, but I don't believe that there is no God either. One can be not 100% convinced that there is a God whilst simultaneously not being 100% sure that there is no God either. To be an Atheist simply means a lack of belief, not a fervent, rigid belief to the opposite of Theism.

It's irritating and annoying how you keep saying dumb, idiotic things over and over again, expecting them to suddenly make sense.

So you disbelieve in Gravity? How about Evolution? What about your own existence?

Everything is a very broad term.

Now you're just being a dick. You know damned well what I meant.

But not in Humanism.

And Humanism is what I’m calling your Religion.

I don't subscribe to Humanism, and even if I did, I would hardly call it a religion.

Atheism is the rejection of Theism.

It is not a rejection of anything! You're describing anti-theism. That is not the same thing as Atheism. You really need to borrow a dictionary from somebody.

Don’t tell me what I do and don’t understand if all you can do to prove your point is post to a Neo-Atheist website that has an obvious agenda and no academic credentials.

First of all, wtf is a Neo-Atheist? You keep using that term, but I've never heard it used by anybody but you. I guess it's your made up term for the imaginary group that is out to get you in your paranoid delusions..

Secondly, if you want links, you'll get them. I didn't know this had became a dick-waving contest. I guess now it's about who can provide the most links..

Just because the Rational Response Squad says something doesn’t make it automatically True, and they have no real qualification in any of these topics anyway.

Just because you say something, that doesn't make it automatically true either, and I've yet to see any of your "credentials", come to think of it..

You are still Religious because you still have a set of beleifs about the nature, origin, and ultimate meaning of our existence, and the Atheist talking points of not having dogmas and doctrines is still false.

I don't have a set of beliefs about anything regarding nature, origin, and ultimate meaning. You don't know me, don't know a damned thing about me, and haven't asked me a single question regarding my beliefs, yet you claim to know exactly what my beliefs are. If you bothered to ask, you'd realize that I'm not even an Atheist! I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing because I have nothing better to do.

Strong and Weak Atheism are made up terms that are built on a fantasy,.

Says the guy that's provided no credentials to back up his "expert opinion" and has provided zero evidence to the contrary.

Atheism is defined as a belief that there is no God. It is not “lack of belief” and the strofgn and weak Atheism distinction is a semantic word game based on nonsense.

Oh that's rich. I'm being accused of playing semantical word games by the guy who's been attempting to do so all night.

I never said that Atheism was a form of Religion. I said that Atheism is not an absence of Religion and I said that Atheism is not the opposite of Religion. I said that even Atheists have Religious beliefs. But I never said Atheism is a form of Religion.

But not having an absence of religion literally means to not not have religion. It's a double negative, so that would mean that Atheism is a religion based on your logic. What was that about semantic word games again?

Maybe you should read what I’ve actually said and respond to my actual arguments.

Maybe you should read what you've actually written. You're literally saying "I'm not saying what I'm saying". No offense, but you come across as a complete idiot when you tell me that you're not saying something, then proceed to say exactly what you just claimed that you aren't saying.

Secular Humanism is a Religion, and is Atheistic. Objectivism is Atheistic, and a Religion. Religion does not require Theism.

Neither of those are religions, they are philosophies. Like I said before, Philosophy is not a religion, and it never will be. No matter how many times you say the opposite, it will not make it any more true.

But I never said that Atheism as itself a Religion.

But yet you argue that it's religious. How can a belief be religious, but not be a religion? That's like saying that two guys having sex are gay, but sexual act itself isn't gay. That doesn't make much sense, does it?

But, Theism is also not a Religion.

Dafuq did I just read? Now you're really starting to sound like a loon. You just basically said that religion isn't a religion. Therapy. Seek. It. Now.


Wow. I must have struck a nerve. I post one link to a website and suddenly you go on a rampage about the RRS? I'm not even affiliated with them. I just recently discovered their website and their definition of Atheism was the first one that I thought of because it was still fresh in my mind.

Calm down sparky, it's ok. The mean old RRS isn't out to get you. I promise.

Just because I post long posts doesn’t mean I’m not calm. This is another reason I find neo-Atheists such as you boring…

I wrote a peer reviewed masters thesis

Really? Where? I'd love to see it.

You wouldn’t understand it.

and your answer back to me is a website that makes it a point to attack Religion.

I didn't see any master thesis, so I don't know how I answered back to it.

This is why I call you an idiot.

I’m obviously not publishing my Masters Thesis on IMDb.

That said, even if I didn’t have one, you’d surly know better than to rely on the RRS as a credible source for information.

The Rational Responders are what I’m referring to, by the way. They have made a Religion out of hating Religion. They are clearly just a militant form of Humanism and don’t really want you thinking for yourself and arriving at your own conclusions, they want you to arrive at the ready made conclusions they tell you are Rational.

They may have been like that in the past, but they aren't anymore. The original group broke up. The only one left is Brian Sapient and he barely posts on the website anymore. The website is comprised of a motley crew of Atheists and Theists and they all disagree on just about everything. The RRS forums actually prove my point that Atheism is unorganized and every Atheist has different beliefs.

And yet you call Jesus a magical half god half man who came back as a Zombie.

I’m sorry but, I’m not buying claims or originality from someone who can’t even come up with an original insult.

No, it doesn’t. In fact, if you actually read the article ( as opposed to skim it) it mentioned non-theistic Religions like Theravada Buddhism.

How is Buddhism non-theistic? Care to elaborate?

Certain forms of Buddhism. You do seem to have a problem with specific details.

And Theravada Buddhism does not accept gods. Its self explanatory.

1: it is stupid to see Deism as an alternative to Theism, as Theism mean you believe in a god. Deism is a type of Theism.

Tell that to Deists.

Most I know personally agree that it’s a form of Theism. It’s more of an internet phenomenon to make a distinction.

The reason I even mentioned it, and it's especially fitting given your apparent hatred for the RRS, is that Thomas Verenna, aka Rook Hawkins, formerly of the RRS, left the group a few years ago and proclaimed himself a "deist". He says that he's no longer an atheist, but he's still not a theist either.

Had it ever occurred to you that he’s the one who doesn’t know what the terms mean?

He spent years bashing Theism, so doesn’t want ot admit beign one. The distinction between Desim and Theism suits him.

But look at what Theism is defined as. Its just belief in a god. It’s not specifically beleif in an actively involved one. Deism is a type of Theism, because it is belief in a god.

It’s not that complicated.

He's trying to take some sort of middle ground whilst still preaching his atheistic beliefs and non-historicity of Jesus Christ. I had a long chat with Brian on RRS one day about how saying "I'm not an Atheist or a Theist, I'm a Deist" is BS. He agreed with you and me 100%.

If we agree then its pretty well a nonissue.

2: No, Buddhism is not a the of Deism. In fact, Buddhism comes in many varieties and some are Atheistic.

I know there are many different groups of Buddhism, but my understanding of the general principles of Buddhism is that, in a sense, the Universe is "God". That is to say, the Universe (or existence) controls everything. There is no singular God that controls everything, but the universe itself controls and balances everything. You know, Karma and all that. The universe isn't a God per se, but it serves the purpose of a "God" figure in the Buddhist religion. It's not Atheistic at all, that's for sure.

Pantheism is a form of theism and what your generally describing, an not all Buddhists ae Pantheists either.

1: Allah and God are the same thing. Allah is just Arabic for the God. Allah is not a proper name for God.

Since when? Even English speaking Muslims refer to him as Allah, just like Jews refer to God as Yahweh. Only Christians simply call him "God".

Actually Jews don’t tend to refer to God as Yahweh. Yahweh itself may not even be the name of God as it’s a reconstruction. Jews typically refer to Go as god, and many spell it G-d to avid any profaning of the name.

That said, look uo the word Allah in a site that gives word meanings and origins. Muslism do nto refer to the god Allah, at all. It is true that many (though nto all) Muslism in the west call Gid “Allah”, but its never “The god Allah”.

Allah means “The God” in Arabic.

Its like some Greek Orthodox who refer to God as Theos, or mary as the Theotokos.

Just using non-English terms doesn’t mean it’s a totally different word.

I’m also certain that like most Neo-Atheists you wont listen to anything that contradicts your view and won’t even I’ve me the benefit of a doubt.

I'm always willing to learn new things and am open to new interpretations. Thanks for being judgmental and throwing out a nice ad-hominem attack while you were at it.

My certainty came from what you’ve already said. Its not Ad Hom to note what you already have said and done, and to extrapolate future behaviours from it.

You need to nto be Religious.

I don't need to be anything. I am what I am. Who are you to define what I am or am not?

Then why do you have a problem when I say you are Religious?

Why not be open minded enough to listen to what I say rather than just try to criticise it?

Pity that in reality there is no distinction.

Yes, there is. You just choose not to accept it. I seem to recall somebody talking about not listening to anything that contradicts their view-points..

The difference is nonexistent. Its like the difference between Deism and Theism.

Actually Britannica doesn’t say that religion requires Practice of beliefs or Dogma or Ritual.


" Believers and worshipers participate in and are often enjoined to perform devotional or contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, or particular rituals. Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of the religious life."

I rest my case.

You have proven again that you lack reading comprehension. Since when does “Often” make something a Universal practice?

Ad what do you do about solitary practitioners,? R those who don’t attend worship s4rvices but still believe in something?

Not that it matters, as your own Rational Responders are very much Dogmatic. Oh sure, they will say they have no Dogma, but just try to contradict one of their own Sacred Cows. Calling Dogma something other than Dogma doesn’t make it not Dogma. Atheists can be, and often are, very Dogmatic.

For somebody who hates the RRS so much, you sure know next to nothing about them.

I know a lot more than you would think.

Sure, back when it was just Brian, Rook, and Kelly, they all mentally masturbated each other and acting like their word was the final one regarding Atheism and religion, but that changed shortly after they became famous. Their "dogma" was thrown out with the trash, because true Atheists could see the hypocrisy and called them on it.

only to hold them to new standards and dogmas.

Note: It does not say Ritual or Dogma are essential requirements of Religion.

Actually, it does say ritual. You are right that it doesn't say dogma, but dogma is pretty much interchangeable with words like "tradition" and "ritual", so your argument is moot.

No its not. Dogma doesn’t mean the same thing as Ritual or tradition. Dogma is a belief rhat is considered central and unquestionable. Tradition is a practice carried over Time and Ritual is a behaviour that holds symbolic resonance.

And again, by this definition, quakers have no Religion as Quakerism has no Rituals.

Atheists believe in something.

Care to tell me exactly what that something is that you keep claiming all Atheists unanimously believe in? I'm still waiting.

Your also putting words in my mouth. I never said all Atheists agree unanimously on all things. I did say that all Atheists had Religious beliefs, and most of he ones online are some form of Humanist. But I also noted Objectivism, which is not Humanism.

So rather than invent what I’m saying, try actually reading what I’m saying.

But again, Religion is not Theism.

That is where you miss the point.

You're the one who keeps missing the point. Religion and Theism are the same thing. You can't have one without the other.

You can have one without the other, and even Austin Cline agrees that Religion is not a Synonym for Theism.

The idea that Theism and Religion are the same thing is nonsense.

Well, that and buying the hype that Atheists have no Dogmas, and Atheists are logical and Rational, and Atheists have no Religion because Religion is the opposite of all that.

You really need to avoid places like the Rational Response Squad if you want real intelligence, and actual facts.

I'm not buying anything. I only discovered the RRS about 1 month ago, but everything that I believe regarding Atheism has been in place since I was a child. I didn't buy any hype, I actually applied critical thinking and reason and figured it out for myself.

Calling Jesus a magical half god half man who came back as a Zombie didn’t originate with you. Nor did any of your other arguments.

I’m sorry but, your not being Truthful here. Its obvious your copying arguments from elsewhere, and these aren’t your original thoughts on the topic.

Not all Religion is organised.

Tell me one that isn't then. I'd love to see some actual examples instead of your repetitive talking points.

Many forms of Pentecostalism.
Most forms of Ba’ahi.
Sufi Islam.

Want more?

Not that it matters as modern Atheism is very much organised around tis own Doctrines and Dogmas, even as it denies having them. You can find those Dogmas and Doctrines on the Rational Response Squads website, thought hey will refuse to call them that.

What doctrines and dogma? Nobody at the RRS can agree on just about anything, and even famous Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens don't agree on everything.

Not all Christian writers agree on everything either, but I’d bet there’s enough agreement for you to claim that its Organised into doctrines and dogmas.

In fact, the differences between the writings of Rowan Williams and Rick warren are far, far greater than the differences between Hitchens and Dawkins, and yet somehow Im supposed to believe that they have Dogmas and Doctrines in common and Atheists sliek Dawkins and Hitchesn don’t?

There aren’t any more significant differences between them than there ae Christian writers. Why should I accept that Christianity stifles the Mind from exploration by Dogma and Doctrines and the Neo-Atheism doesn’t?

There is no doctrine, let alone dogma. They're about as unorganized as you can be.

Actually the whole Neo-Atheist Movement is organised and does have a basic Humanist outlook which you can follow if you just read the various Humanist Manifestos.

Yes they do.


Here is another.,9171,1686828,00.html

Well, the FFrF holds a lot of meetings and conventions.

I can go on and on and on and on.

Secular Humanism is not simply Atheism. They even say so on the welcome page of their website.

But I never said it was. In fact my position this whole Time was that Atheists hold Religious beliefs, but Atheism itself is not stand alone.

As for the FFRF, they're as much a religion as the DNC or RNC are. Just because like-minded individuals decide to form a group, that does not make them a religion.

Except there are a like minded group of people who have organised around specifically Humanist principles, and promote those beliefs, whilst attacking “Religion”.

That makes it very different from the DNC or RNC.

Are you honestly going to pretend they don’t have specific beliefs that are at leats analogous to Religion? Because even one of Barkers Non-Tracts says thy are Humanists.

Of course you may protest and say this is somehow different than a Church service. Some aren’t weekly for example, but then, most Japanese Temples aren’t visited weekly for worship service either, and Shinto is a Religion. So is Buddhism.

But all of those groups deal with spirituality. That is what makes them religions.

Not all of them deal in Theism, and technically all Atheistic “non-Religious Philosophies” deal in Spirituality.

The thing is though; Atheists DO form organisations and DO meet to promote their beliefs. Some even meet weekly.

So do all the guys at my neighborhood bar on Sundays. Does that mean watching football is a religion too?

Religion is a set of beliefs about the nature o our existence. Watching football doesn’t do that. You know better than to ask this kind of question.

I’m sorry but, your claim that Atheists don’t organise, have no doctrines, no dogmas, and no set community value is contradicted by the facts, and even contradicted by your own use of an explicitly Atheistic organisation.

Once again, there is no dogma or doctrines. Atheists are not "bound" to believe or revere any set of rules, core beliefs, etc. Sure, a few like minded atheists get together to celebrate their shared rejection of theism, but that hardly makes them an organized religion. They don't have an official "bible", they don't have official places of worship. Having a get together at a community center is not the same thing as having a church dedicated to worship.

The Council For Secular Humanism, and the National Secular Society, do have places dedicated to specifically spreading their ideas and values.

And again, I never said Atheism itself was a Religion, but Atheists do hold Religious beliefs. If Humanists gather to promote Humanism and encourage each other in Humanism, its no different than a Church Service.

Debaptisms have become popular, and the Blasphemy challenge was nothing but a Ritualistic exercise. In fact, Atheistic Rituals exist in many forms, from FFrF’s “Atheists in the Foxholes” and its moments of silence, to Richard Dawkins own “Reflections on existence”, ritualistic behaviour is, in fact, observed amongst members of the modern Atheistic Community. Again, saying otherwise is part of the hype, but it is not a reality.

COntinjed Below.


Continued From Above.

I don't agree with or condone their behavior, and a few small groups of idiots does not comprise the face of Atheism. You do realize that all of maybe 100 people actually participated in the blasphemy challenge, right? That is hardly representative of all Atheists. Your examples only prove my point - Atheism is disorganized and most atheists can't even agree with one another. A few idiotic extremists do you represent the group as a whole.

Theism is disorganised and not connected, and Theists don’t all agree with each other.

Therefore, Theism is not Religion and is the opposite of Religion.

This depends on how you define Atheists. One can say the same thing about Theists. Theists don’t all have shared beleifs either.

But there are basic prerequisites. To be an Atheist, you have to lack belief in a "God". To be a Theist, you have to have a belief in some sort of "God".

Atheism is not a lack of belief in a god, it is the belief that there is no God. You cant lack belief in something you have a concept of.

And if that’s the only connection, Theism is not a Religion because Theism is not organised. It’s the same logic.

However, given that you linked to the Rational Responce Squad, its disingenuous go claim that you lack shared beliefs with a community of fellow believers.

Actually, you're wrong. I don't share the beliefs of the RRS community. I actually loathe the place for the most part. I do, however, share their trust in things like dictionaries and encyclopedias, so their definition of Atheism was the one I chose to link to for that reason.

But Atheism is not defined as a lack of belief.

a•the•ism (th-zm) KEY


Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
The doctrine that there is no God or gods.
Godlessness; immorality.

Here’s another.

   [ey-thee-ist] Show IPA

a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.

The lack of belief definition is bogus.

Just how much variance is thereon the RRS? Or for that matter how much disagreement exists between the RRS and the FFrF or Richard Dawkins?

A whole hell of a lot more than you seem to be aware of, that's for sure. For somebody chastising another for being ignorant of religion and theism, you seem to be equally, if not more so, ignorant of atheism.

I’ve read Dawkins “The God Delusion” and I read Hitches “god Is Not great”… the differences are less in degree than I’ve seen amongst Christian writers, whom you seem to think have a lot more in common.

The idea that you lot don’t have shared beliefs is laughable. You all say the same things and always use the same arguments, and generally even hold to the same political views.

There isn’t a hairs worth of difference between you and yet you want people to buy that somehow you don’t have shared beliefs?

Generalizing and stereotyping will get you nowhere. Your ignorance, hatred, and bias are bleeding through terribly at this point. Did some atheist kid bully you when you were a child? You may need to consider seeking therapy..

You called Jesus a half man half god who came back as a Zombie. Its not hatred or bias on my part to nor that this is a cheap caricature, nor is it hatred or bias to note that its nor original to you. None of your arguments are original. None of them are rational either.

Again, you can’t lack belief in something you have a concept of. The idea that Atheism is a lack of belief in a god is just a popular definition bandied about, but tis an actual impossibility.

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say, but it makes zero sense. I have a concept of Bigfoot and UFOs, but just because I'm aware of the concept that means that I can't lack a belief in them?

basically yes, it means this. You either accept that they are real, or reject them.

You can’t lack belief in them though.

By your definition, nobody can be an Atheist because as long as you are aware of the concept of "God", you can't disbelieve in it.

Actually I said you cant lack belief in, I didn’t say you couldn’t reject. The whole point is that Atheism is a rejection of Theism, not a lack of belief.

Atheism is the belief that there are no gods, it is not the lack of belief in gods.

So you disbelieve in Gravity? How about Evolution? What about your own existence?

Everything is a very broad term.

Now you're just being a dick. You know damned well what I meant.

be specific.

But not in Humanism.

And Humanism is what I’m calling your Religion.

I don't subscribe to Humanism, and even if I did, I would hardly call it a religion.

What you call it is immaterial to what it is…

Atheism is the rejection of Theism.

It is not a rejection of anything! You're describing anti-theism. That is not the same thing as Atheism. You really need to borrow a dictionary from somebody.

Anti-Theism is a Neologism based on the silly idea of Atheism as lack of belief. It’s a multiplication of entities beyond what is needed.

I showed you the dictionary definition. Atheism is not a lack of belief, it is the belief that there is no god.

Don’t tell me what I do and don’t understand if all you can do to prove your point is post to a Neo-Atheist website that has an obvious agenda and no academic credentials.

First of all, wtf is a Neo-Atheist? You keep using that term, but I've never heard it used by anybody but you. I guess it's your made up term for the imaginary group that is out to get you in your paranoid delusions..

I didn’t invent it. Its also called New Atheism.

You are still Religious because you still have a set of beleifs about the nature, origin, and ultimate meaning of our existence, and the Atheist talking points of not having dogmas and doctrines is still false.

I don't have a set of beliefs about anything regarding nature, origin, and ultimate meaning.

Then you are incapable e of navigating the world as a Rational adult…

You don't know me, don't know a damned thing about me, and haven't asked me a single question regarding my beliefs, yet you claim to know exactly what my beliefs are. If you bothered to ask, you'd realize that I'm not even an Atheist! I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing because I have nothing better to do.

Well, that still doesn’t alter my own arguments.

Atheism is defined as a belief that there is no God. It is not “lack of belief” and the strofgn and weak Atheism distinction is a semantic word game based on nonsense.

Oh that's rich. I'm being accused of playing semantical word games by the guy who's been attempting to do so all night.

This is hat Atheism is. The rest is accumulated nonsense.

I never said that Atheism was a form of Religion. I said that Atheism is not an absence of Religion and I said that Atheism is not the opposite of Religion. I said that even Atheists have Religious beliefs. But I never said Atheism is a form of Religion.

But not having an absence of religion literally means to not not have religion. It's a double negative, so that would mean that Atheism is a religion based on your logic. What was that about semantic word games again?

I didn’t say that either.

Here is hat Im saying.

Theism is not a Religion.

Theim is part of several Religions though.

Atheism is not a Religion.

Atheism is part of several Religions though.

Secular Humanism is a Religion, and is Atheistic. Objectivism is Atheistic, and a Religion. Religion does not require Theism.

Neither of those are religions, they are philosophies.

They are Philosophies which cover the same ground as Religion and serve the same function Religion serves. There’s no difference between them and Religion.

But I never said that Atheism as itself a Religion.

But yet you argue that it's religious.

No, I argued that Atheists were Religious…

How can a belief be religious, but not be a religion? That's like saying that two guys having sex are gay, but sexual act itself isn't gay. That doesn't make much sense, does it?

Atheism is a stand alone belief, not a set of beliefs. It’s the set that makes the Religion.

But, Theism is also not a Religion.

Dafuq did I just read? Now you're really starting to sound like a loon. You just basically said that religion isn't a religion. Therapy. Seek. It. Now.

I didn’t say that Religion isn’t Religion. I said that Theism is not Religion. Just because you think Theism and Religion are the same thing doesn’t mean that they are.


I'll just leave this here.. since you chose not to reply to it the first time..

What part of I AM NOT AN ATHEIST do you not understand?

Yes, I find the zombie Jesus joke to be funny. In fact, I find it friggin' hilarious.

I actually know a lot more about the Bible than you give me credit for. I'm just making light of this entire situation because you obviously have problems comprehending even your own nonsense.

For the record, Moses did receive stone tablets, everything about classical mythologies is supernatural, and so was Jesus.

You're really starting to come off like a lunatic.

Jesus was fully man and fully God at the same time! Yeah, makes perfect sense.

Everything Jesus did can be logically explained! Sounds legit to me.

A talking bush that is on fire, but does not burn and gives a man named Moses 10 commandments to take back to his people - nothing odd about that.

Virgin births? Completely normal.

Faith isn't about belief in something even when there is no evidence to prove the existence of the thing that you believe in? Sure buddy, if you say so.

Come talk to this nice lady in the white lab coat. Don't pay any attention to the big guys in security uniforms. They're your friends! That straight-jacket? Don't worry about it. It's cold out and they thought that you could use a coat..

I could respond to your post point by point again, but I've grown tired of your circular logic and backpedaling.

You claimed that Atheism was a religion, then you said it's not a religion, but it is religious. Now you're saying that Atheism isn't a religion and isn't religious, but certain religious groups incorporate Atheism into their beliefs, even though Atheism, by your own definitions, is a rejection of religion.

You made a few good points and I learned some new things, but overall you come across as a lunatic. You state things that make zero sense, you use circular logic and backpedal constantly, you're biased, judgmental, and a semantical prick.

Oh, for the record, once again, I haven't copied and pasted anything. The zombie Jesus joke is very old. It's not some secret in joke that is circulated by Atheists at the club meetings. Hell, the majority of the times that I've seen it have been on Facebook for crying out loud! I would hardly call Facebook an Atheist organization.

It's amazing to me how you ignore almost every point I make and choose to instead continue ranting about one stupid joke that I made for the lulz and an Atheist organization that I'm not even affiliated with. It may offend you, but the sad truth is that I have read the Bible many times. I'm actually an ordained minister. The "zombie Jesus" summary may be over simplified, but it's actually pretty accurate and true the Bible. If you're offended by it, please take it up with the authors of the the Bible. They wrote that nonsense, not me.

By the way, I found an interesting article. It talks about how non-Theistic religions are almost non existent, and also makes a point to say that Atheism does not count because it is not a religion. .html

I guess the point is that yes, technically, one can have a religion without theism, but it is very rare and usually doesn't work out very well. The vast majority of religions are theistic, so the few exceptions only help to prove the rule.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.



I'll just leave this here.. since you chose not to reply to it the first time..

Look at hatidid reply to.

What part of I AM NOT AN ATHEIST do you not understand?

Yes, I find the zombie Jesus joke to be funny. In fact, I find it friggin' hilarious.

No its not. Its also an inaccurate caricature. Further, If you use it, align with the magical half god half man claim to prove Christianity is irrational, then you have utterly failed to meet your objective. Tory statements about Zombie Jesus don’t reflect what Christians belief. None of your claims did.

I actually know a lot more about the Bible than you give me credit for.

I doubt this. Especially given your presentations here.

You won’t get rid of my doubts by posting stupidity.

I'm just making light of this entire situation because you obviously have problems comprehending even your own nonsense.

Saying that Christianity worships a magical half god half man who cam back as a zombie is not evidence that I don’t comprehend my own nonsense, tis proof that you can cut and paste a bad caricature, and evidence that you don’t know anything about the topic of Christianity. Instead of you coming off as superior, you come off as stupid.

By the ay, my “nonsense’ has thusfar made sense, just because you don’t understand it doesn’t man I’m he one with the problem in understanding.

For the record, Moses did receive stone tablets,

But not magical ones. Are your really this stupid to try to correct me on the point that I didn’t contest? Are your really trying to depict me as ignorant based on something other than what I said again?

everything about classical mythologies is supernatural,

No, nothing in classical Mythology was supernatural. Maybe that’s how modern minds understand them, but the term “Supernatural’ want used and, superficially, the idea is not there. Supernatural means above nature. The gods were not above nature. How can they be Supernatural if they were not above the laws of nature?

The fact that you can’t understand this means you aren’t very bright.

and so was Jesus.

Not nessisarily, and yoru declaration that he was doesn’t make the matter settled.

You're really starting to come off like a lunatic.

Because I don’t –play by your rules. Gods are supernatural, period. Greek mythology is supernatural too. Religion is beleif in gods.

Well, why should I accept these idiot terms from you? I’m not being a lunatic, I’m just educated, which his something you aren’t.

Just because you don’t understand what terms like “Supernatural” or “Religion” or “Faith” mean doesn’t mean I’m a lunatic for using them correctly.

Jesus was fully man and fully God at the same time! Yeah, makes perfect sense.

It actually does if you read Christian Theology. Simply mocking the idea based on a desire for it to not make sense isn’t very sensible.

Everything Jesus did can be logically explained! Sounds legit to me.

As opposed to your declaratory statements? Can you demonstrate that everything in classical Mythology was Supernatural with something other than decree?

A talking bush that is on fire, but does not burn and gives a man named Moses 10 commandments to take back to his people - nothing odd about that.

You’ve just proven that you don’t know the Bible as well as you claimed. Moses did not receive the Ten Commandments from the Burning Bush, and did not take them back to his people. Moses received the ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, after the Exodus from Egypt. By the way the burning Bush was a manifestation of God, and was there to grab his attention. That was when he was told to go back and free the Hebrew people from bondage, it was not when he received the Ten Commandments.

Virgin births? Completely normal.

The entire point was that it wasn’t Normal, that’s what makes people know that something special is afoot.

Faith isn't about belief in something even when there is no evidence to prove the existence of the thing that you believe in? Sure buddy, if you say so.

You know, Sarcasm doesn’t win arguments. Just saying that Faith is really belief without evidence and I’m stupid doesn’t mean faith is belief without Evidence and that I’m stupid. Here are a few links so you can see what I mean. t-evidence/


His time the Thomistic definition of Faith as used by actual Churches. This is new Advent, the catholic Encyclopedia.

Here is another. e.html

Simply saying that UI sound like a lunatic, and insisting that Faith is belief 3eithout evidence and that I’m clearly wrong, doesn’t prove your right.

In the topic of Religious studies, Faith has never meant belief without evidence.

Come talk to this nice lady in the white lab coat. Don't pay any attention to the big guys in security uniforms. They're your friends! That straight-jacket? Don't worry about it. It's cold out and they thought that you could use a coat..

Am I supposed to take this seriously as a retort? Have you proven that faith really is beleif without evidence, Religion really is the same thing as Theism, and that classical mythology is Supernatural by making this statement? Or have you just made an Ad Homonym attack? You don’t prove that I’m wrong by mocking me.


You claimed that Atheism was a religion, then you said it's not a religion,

Actually if you read my posts I never said that Atheism was a Religion. I simply said that Atheists have Religious beliefs. My position ha been constantly the same. The fact that your too stupid to understand the distinction doesn’t make my claims contradictory.

but it is religious. Now you're saying that Atheism isn't a religion and isn't religious, but certain religious groups incorporate Atheism into their beliefs, even though Atheism, by your own definitions, is a rejection of religion.

But, I never said that Atheism, by its own definition, is a Rejection of Religion. That’s what you said. I said that Atheism is only a rejection of Religion if Religion and Theism are the same thing, but I also noted that Religion and Theism aren’t the same thing.

My position isn’t that hard to grasp.

What I’ve been saying in every post is that everyone has a Religion of some sort, because Religion is just the term we give your beliefs about how the world works. It is a Philosophical system that explains the world we see around us. Even things we today often say aren’t Religions, such as Secular Humanism, are in fact Religions because they fill the same function Religion fills and in the same way.

Secular Humanism is An Atheistic Religion.

My actual argument is that Atheism is not the opposite of Religion, because Religion does not require Theism and is just a term we use to describe any belief system about hwo the world works,.

The fact that you can’t get this right after I’ve repeated it, and in fact claim that I now said that Atheism by definition is a rejection of Religion, only shows that you can’t understand basic English.

You made a few good points and I learned some new things, but overall you come across as a lunatic.

A large part of why I came across as a Lunatic is because you seem incapable of actually grasping what I’ve said. EG, you just lied about what I said about Atheism as a rejection of Religion. I never said that. I also never said that Atheism in itself was a Religion, though you insist that I did. I simply said that Atheism is not the opposite of Religion and Atheistic “philosophies” that do the same thing as Religion are Religions in their own Right. This argument is not contradictory and has been the same one I used from post one. The fact that you can’t understand it only shows a poverty on your part.

You state things that make zero sense, you use circular logic and backpedal constantly, you're biased, judgmental, and a semantical prick.

I never used circular logic, nor did I backpeddle. The fact is, you simply never bothered to read what I actually said and misrepresented my beleifs like you did Christianity.

Oh, for the record, once again, I haven't copied and pasted anything. The zombie Jesus joke is very old.

This is an example of a contradiction. You did copy it, its not original to you, an you just admitted it.

It's not some secret in joke that is circulated by Atheists at the club meetings. Hell, the majority of the times that I've seen it have been on Facebook for crying out loud! I would hardly call Facebook an Atheist organization.

I never said it was a secret, I said that its nor original to you and reflects badly on you for using it. Are you really incapable of understanding that?

It's amazing to me how you ignore almost every point I make and choose to instead continue ranting about one stupid joke that I made for the lulz and an Atheist organization that I'm not even affiliated with.

You were trying to show how Irrational Christianity was, and it failed because you misrepresented Christianity.

It may offend you, but the sad truth is that I have read the Bible many times.

I don’t believe you after the burning bush comment.

I'm actually an ordained minister. The "zombie Jesus" summary may be over simplified, but it's actually pretty accurate and true the Bible.

Let me guess, its one of those instaministries you sign up for on the internet.

And no, Zombie Jesus is not accurate. A Zombie is a walking corpse, and in Christian belief Jesus as resurrected as fully alive. So its not accurate to call him a Zombie.

If you're offended by it, please take it up with the authors of the the Bible. They wrote that nonsense, not me.

But they didn’t write that Jesus came back as a reanimated corpse. Just like they didn’t say he rode to heaven on a cloud or that Go made us sinners. That’s the point, those things aren’t in the Bible.

By the way, I found an interesting article. It talks about how non-Theistic religions are almost non existent, and also makes a point to say that Atheism does not count because it is not a religion. .html

So your going to ignore my accrual argument again, right?

I never said Atheism was a Religion, despite you lying about it and saying I did. I did however say that the supposedly nonreligious Philosophies that are Atheistic are Religions, and thus things like Secular Humanism and Objectivism are Religions.

I guess the point is that yes, technically, one can have a religion without theism, but it is very rare and usually doesn't work out very well. The vast majority of religions are theistic, so the few exceptions only help to prove the rule.

No they don’t. if you can have a non-Theistic Religion, then why should I accept something like Secular Humanism as not Religious simply because its Atheistic?

It actually validates my point.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.

Makign demands is very presumptuous of you.


One more thing - Your argument about lack of belief vs. disbelief is flawed.

There is a difference.

One is passive, the other is aggressive.

If I lack a belief in God, that means that I do not believe in the existence of God, but I am open to the possibility. If I were to find evidence or a good enough reason to believe, then I would change my mind.

If I disbelieve in God, or reject the belief of a God, as you put it yourself, then I would be actively rejecting the belief in a God and would not be open to the possibility that one exists.

One is certain, the other is not.

One can lack a belief in something without actively rejecting it.

I disbelieve in Bigfoot, but I don't reject the possibility of it's existence. If somebody came out with proof tomorrow, I'd accept it willingly.

That is the difference. To lack something simply means to not have it. I don't have a belief in God. I'm undecided.

Like I said, you look at it as black and white, but you forget about the grey area.

Your argument that you can't lack a belief in something that you have a concept of makes no sense.

Your basically saying that one cannot lack awareness of a concept that they are aware of, but that's not the argument. I am very aware of the concept of God, so I don't lack an awareness. I lack a belief in it's existence. That means that I don't actively believe in God, but I don't actively reject or disbelieve either. It could go either way in my opinion.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.



ne more thing - Your argument about lack of belief vs. disbelief is flawed.

no, its not.

There is a difference.

One is passive, the other is aggressive.

Actually neither is passive or aggressive. The fact is, once an idea is introduced, you can either accept the idea as true or reject it as false, but you can’t “lack’ the idea.

Once exposed to something, you must make a determination about it.

That is why Atheism can’t be a lack of belief in a god, because the Atheist has some idea of what God is supposed to be, and is actually rejecting this.

If I lack a belief in God, that means that I do not believe in the existence of God, but I am open to the possibility.

No, if you lack beleif in God, it means you have no awareness of even the idea about God. That is what lack means. If I lack water it means I have no water. If I lack beleif in God it means I have no actual idea about what God is.

If I were to find evidence or a good enough reason to believe, then I would change my mind.

I doubt this. You seem emotionally invested in Atheism, and given how you lie about what I’ve said and distort my arguments as well a Christianity, you’d just perform mental gymnastics to validate your own biases.

If I disbelieve in God, or reject the belief of a God, as you put it yourself, then I would be actively rejecting the belief in a God and would not be open to the possibility that one exists.

Not necessarily. Just because you believe that God doesn’t exist doesn’t mean you refuse to change your Mind, and what your saying is a false assumption that positive belief makes you closed minded.

Its the same fallacy Atheists make when they say that belief in God makes you incapable of being impartial or considering that God doesn’t exist.

Being one minded does not mean not taking a stand somewhere.

One is certain, the other is not.

Being certain sin to the same as refusing to revaluate ones beliefs, and not being certain is not the same as lack of belief.

One can lack a belief in something without actively rejecting it.

But only if you have no idea what that thing is. Since you have some idea of hat God is supposed to be, you do not lack belief in God.

I disbelieve in Bigfoot, but I don't reject the possibility of it's existence. If somebody came out with proof tomorrow, I'd accept it willingly.

But you disbelieve, you don’t lack belief…

That is the difference. To lack something simply means to not have it. I don't have a belief in God. I'm undecided.

You are clearly not undecided.

Like I said, you look at it as black and white, but you forget about the grey area.[./quote]

No, I just point out the obvious. You cant lack belief something you have a concept of, because you have to do something with that idea.

Your argument that you can't lack a belief in something that you have a concept of makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. If you are introduced to an idea, you have to do something with that idea. It becomes part of your mental landscape. You can either accept it as true or reject it as else, but the idea is there, you do not lack it, and therefore do not “lack belief” in its claim.

Your basically saying that one cannot lack awareness of a concept that they are aware of, but that's not the argument. I am very aware of the concept of God, so I don't lack an awareness. I lack a belief in it's existence. That means that I don't actively believe in God, but I don't actively reject or disbelieve either. It could go either way in my opinion.

Actually I’m saying that you believe that God doesn’t exist, and its either that or you believe he does. The lack of belief angle doesn’t fly because you have to determine the validity of all idea in your mind.


Since you chose to drag this out into a lengthy debate, I reread your post and decided to give it a proper response this time.

Your definition for Atheism is wrong. It is not a lack of beleif in a god or gods. Sure, its popular to say it is, but its also impossible to actually lack belief in something you have a cpncept of. Once an idea is introduced, you can either accept it or reject it, but you cant lack it. Atheism is the belief that there is no god, it is not a lack of belief in a god.

Wrong. There is a difference between firmly believing that there is no God and merely doubting the existence of one. You're looking at this as having two sides when it is really has three. You have those that are absolutely sure that there is no God (Strong Atheism), you have those that are absolutely sure that there is a God (Theism), then you have those who are undecided and therefore lack a belief in a God, but are open to the possibility (Weak Atheism). Two of those camps both fall under the banner of Atheism, because much like Theism there are many facets. You have many, many types of theism. They are not all one and the same, and the same goes for Atheism. There is no one specific group of Atheists. They're all different.
I never said it [Atheism] was [a religion].

Yes, you did.
Everyone is Religious, and thuis includes Atheists. Religion is just what you beleive about the world we liv ein, its a Philosophy about who and what we are. Secular Humanism, Objectivism, both billed as Nonreligiosu Philosophies yet both do the same thign as religion in the same way, so whats the difference there?

Then, you turned around and said it AGAIN right after you said that you never said that.
However, being an Atheist doesn’t make you Non-Religious. What I said was that everyone has a Religion, and this includes Atheists. This is because Religion is a Philosophical understanding about the nature of the world we live in. Religion is not another word for Theism and doesn’t require Theism.

If you are a Secular Humanist, you are Religious and Secular Humanism is your Religion. This isn’t saying “Atheism is a Religion”, its saying that Secular Humanism is a Religion. Secular Humanism is Atheistic, but there’s more to it than this.

Secular Humanism is not the same thing as Atheism. It is also not a religion. It is a philosophy. Religion doesn't just mean a set of beliefs. If that were the case, then the U.S. Government is a religion because they have a strict set of beliefs that are set forth in the constitution. You seem to be confusing the word "religion" with the words "ritual" and "tradition". Not everything that has rituals and traditions is a religion, but all religions have rituals and traditions. Get it yet?
Everyone has a Religion because everyone has some sort of Paradigm that tells them how the world works and that’s all Religion is.

Wow, so now knowledge of anything is a religion? So if I say that I'm pretty darn sure that a toaster works by using electricity to produce heat via heating elements, that is a religion? The fact that I know not to touch a hot stove or I'll get burned as a result is a religion? The fact that I know that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West is a religion? According to your logic, it apparently is.
This is only True is Religion is defined as Theism. Atheism is the opposite of Theism. But Theism is not the same thing as Religion.

Yes it is! Theism is just one type of religion, but it still has to do with spiritual beliefs! Like I said in my other post, you can try to proclaim yourself a "deist" instead of a "theist", but ultimately you still believe in something greater than yourself, so in my book "deism" is interchangeable with "theism" and without either of those you can't have religion. Religion is about the organized, ritualistic belief in something. What you choose to call that something is up to you.
You misdefine Atheism, and Religion. Atheism is not a lack of belief in gods, and Religion is not the same thing as belief in gods.

The only person misdefining anything here is you.
And I never said “Atheism is a Religion”, I just said that being an Atheist doesn’t make you Non-Religious and even Atheists have Religious beliefs.

You keep repeating this, but it makes zero sense. Atheism isn't a religion, but it is a religious belief? That's what I meant by contradictory. You can't be both religious and non-religious at the same time, which is exactly what you're saying. Atheism isn't a religion, but Atheistic beliefs are religious? You might want to rethink that logic.
No, they aren’t. Religion is in fact nothing more than a type of Philosophy dealing with the foundational matters of our existence.

Many religions contain philosophical concepts, but they are not a philosophy in and of themselves. They are two different things. Philosophy tries to explain things rationally and logically. Religion explains things supernaturally. Even your Stanford article pointed that out.
Faith is not belief without evidence, before that cobbler is thrown out there.

Spiritual faith is exactly that. A Christian cannot prove in any way the existence of God, but they choose to believe in him anyway. That is exactly what faith is - belief even the face of a lack of any evidence.
And Relgiion is also about Logic and Reason.

So, using Christianity as an example, a magical half God/half man that was given birth to by a virgin that could walk on water and raise that dead that was killed and came back as a zombie to ride to heaven on a cloud just so that we could be forgiven for being the sinners that God created us as in the first place is reasonable and logical?
The idea that Religion rejects Reason in Favour of Faith is nothing but a Talking point in the neo-Atheist community

It is not a talking point, it's the truth. Not every single religious person on Earth is illogical and irrational, but many of them are and there is no denying that fact.
but anyone whose bothered to look into Religion realises that Religious thought is actually rooted in observation and logic as much as anything else. The idea that its not is simply daft nonsense.

It was at one point. That was thousands of years ago, however. You know, back when we had just barely discovered fire and the wheel? Back when we had no concept of math and science and no idea of how the world worked, so we made up whatever explanations that we could come up with based on our observations? Back then is was reasonable and logical to assume that "god did it". In this day and age, its absurd.
Actually plenty of Philosophers have dealt with the Supernatural, and plenty of Religion deals in the Natural. Indeed, the very idea of the Supernatural didn’t even exist till about 200-300 years ago, so what your saying is that Religion didn’t exist at all till 300 years ago. This is of course silly nonsense.

I don't know where you got your information, but I hope you didn't pay for it. Otherwise, you should demand your money back.

So what you're telling me is that Greek and Roman mythology isn't supernatural? That Egyptian mythology isn't supernatural? That Norse mythology isn't supernatural? That Krishna having an epic battle with space aliens 12,000 years ago isn't supernatural? That Moses receiving magical stone tablets from a talking bush isn't supernatural? That Jesus walking on water and raising the dead isn't supernatural?

At this point I don't even know if it's worth continuing this debate with you because, quite frankly, you just lost all credibility with that last statement. I'm starting to think that you're just talking out of your ass.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.


Now again.

Since you chose to drag this out into a lengthy debate, I reread your post and decided to give it a proper response this time.

Not really. Your still going to just argue blindly for the Atheist talking points. Heaven forbid you give me any credit.

Your definition for Atheism is wrong. It is not a lack of beleif in a god or gods. Sure, its popular to say it is, but its also impossible to actually lack belief in something you have a cpncept of. Once an idea is introduced, you can either accept it or reject it, but you cant lack it. Atheism is the belief that there is no god, it is not a lack of belief in a god.

Wrong. There is a difference between firmly believing that there is no God and merely doubting the existence of one.

Not really. In the end they are just shades of the same thing; Different levels of conviction. In the end, its still belief that there is no God, or belief that there is.

You're looking at this as having two sides when it is really has three. You have those that are absolutely sure that there is no God (Strong Atheism), you have those that are absolutely sure that there is a God (Theism), then you have those who are undecided and therefore lack a belief in a God, but are open to the possibility (Weak Atheism).

Weak and Strgn Atheism are semantics created by the Atheist Community, and proof of a shared language that you deny. The distinction isn’t real.

There is no such thing as a Strong or Weak Atheist. Again, the only difference is the level fo conviction in ones belief, but the terms “Strong Atheism’ and “Weak Atheism’ are in the end meaningless twaddle.

Just erecting terms to back up a self referential belief system is not good enough.

Two of those camps both fall under the banner of Atheism, because much like Theism there are many facets. You have many, many types of theism. They are not all one and the same, and the same goes for Atheism. There is no one specific group of Atheists. They're all different.

And, I did mention differing Atheist groups, so your point is meaningless. You act like I lump all Atheists into a single category when, in fact, I didn’t.

I never said it [Atheism] was [a religion].

Yes, you did.

No, I didn’t. If you want to say I did then quote me.

However, my actual stance is that Atheists have Religious beliefs and that everyone has a Religion. I never once said “Atheism is a Religion”. Just because you are incapable of following what I’ve actually said because your busy following the Atheist apologetics responses to “Atheism is a Religion” doesn’t mean I actually said this.

But its good to see how shallow and unthinking you are.

Everyone is Religious, and thuis includes Atheists. Religion is just what you beleive about the world we liv ein, its a Philosophy about who and what we are. Secular Humanism, Objectivism, both billed as Nonreligiosu Philosophies yet both do the same thign as religion in the same way, so whats the difference there?

Then, you turned around and said it AGAIN right after you said that you never said that.

S what your saying is, you lack reading comprehension.

I still didn’t say “Atheism is a Religion” here. I did say that everyone has a Religion, and this includes Atheists. But this is not saying “Atheism is itself a Religion”.

Just like Theism is not a Religion, Atheism is not a Religion. However, all Atheists have a set of beleifs hat define how they understand the world, and that set of beliefs is their Religion. So rather than saying “Atheism is a Religion”, what I’m actually saying is that Atheistic “Non-Religious Philosophy’ is actually Religion.

However, being an Atheist doesn’t make you Non-Religious. What I said was that everyone has a Religion, and this includes Atheists. This is because Religion is a Philosophical understanding about the nature of the world we live in. Religion is not another word for Theism and doesn’t require Theism.

If you are a Secular Humanist, you are Religious and Secular Humanism is your Religion. This isn’t saying “Atheism is a Religion”, its saying that Secular Humanism is a Religion. Secular Humanism is Atheistic, but there’s more to it than this.

Secular Humanism is not the same thing as Atheism.

Christianity is not the same thing as Theism.

However, Christianity is Theistic, and Secular Humanism is Atheistic.

It is also not a religion. It is a philosophy.

Secular Humanism covers all the same ground Religion covers and fills the same role in an individuals life as Religion would. He only distinction between this “Philosophy’ and a Religion is that its Atheistic. But given that Theism is not a prerequisite to Religion, I have to wonder why this “Philosophy’ shouldn’t be counted as a Religion in its own Right? Because it fits the definition of Religion.

That’s the point. Secular Humanists insist that their belief is a Philosophy and not a Religion, but there is no discernable distinction you can make between their beliefs and Religion. Their beliefs are, in fact, Religious.

Simply trying to remove Humanism from the Religion category to better enable you to lambast everyone else doesn’t really mean anything.,

Religion doesn't just mean a set of beliefs.

Actually, it’s a set of beliefs about the nature, origin, and meaning of our existence, specifically. This is why even Secular Humanism is actually a Religion.

If that were the case, then the U.S. Government is a religion because they have a strict set of beliefs that are set forth in the constitution.

Again, its “ A set of beliefs about he nature of our existence, its origins, and its ultimate meaning. Why is it that you can’t follow the complete definition I am using?

You seem to be confusing the word "religion" with the words "ritual" and "tradition".

No I’m not. But you did in the other post.

Not everything that has rituals and traditions is a religion, but all religions have rituals and traditions. Get it yet?

Actually not al Religions have Rituals, but I don’t expect you to be smart enough to grasp that. Just like not all Religions hold meetings for its adherents.

Everyone has a Religion because everyone has some sort of Paradigm that tells them how the world works and that’s all Religion is.

Wow, so now knowledge of anything is a religion?

No. Religion is a Philosophical model (Paradigm) that explains how we came to be, what our ultimate purpose is, and the nature of our existence. That is not “Knowledge f anything”. You are again ignoring what I’m actually saying.

So if I say that I'm pretty darn sure that a toaster works by using electricity to produce heat via heating elements, that is a religion? The fact that I know not to touch a hot stove or I'll get burned as a result is a religion? The fact that I know that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West is a religion? According to your logic, it apparently is.

I know your slow but, Religion is being defined here as a comprehensive Philosophical belief system about he nature of our existence. That is not “knowledge of anything” and your again being stupid.

The reason Secular Humanism is a Religion and believing a toaster uses electricity is not I because Secular Humanism defines how you understand your own existence in this world, an the toaster tidbit does not.

This is only True is Religion is defined as Theism. Atheism is the opposite of Theism. But Theism is not the same thing as Religion.

Yes it is!

Theism is not the same thing as Religion, and there are non-theistic Religions even by your shallow estimation.

Theism is just one type of religion, but it still has to do with spiritual beliefs! Like I said in my other post, you can try to proclaim yourself a "deist" instead of a "theist",

You know, the distinction between Deism and theism is nonexistent too. Theism means you belief in a god,. It doesn’t mean this god has to be active. If you are a Deist, you are automatically a Theist.

but ultimately you still believe in something greater than yourself, so in my book "deism" is interchangeable with "theism" and without either of those you can't have religion. Religion is about the organized, ritualistic belief in something. What you choose to call that something is up to you.

Religion does not require theism by ay real measure. Theravada Buddhism is Atheistic an is still a Religion. He only reason Secular Humanism is said to not be a Religion is because of its Atheism, but as noted, other Atheistic Religions exist, and he First Humanist Manifesto itself declares Humanism a Religion,

Religion does not require Theism.

You misdefine Atheism, and Religion. Atheism is not a lack of belief in gods, and Religion is not the same thing as belief in gods.

The only person misdefining anything here is you.

Not really. You cant lack belief in something you have a concept of. It is epistemologically impossible to do so. Religion has never required Theism.

And I never said “Atheism is a Religion”, I just said that being an Atheist doesn’t make you Non-Religious and even Atheists have Religious beliefs.

You keep repeating this, but it makes zero sense.

Only because you refuse to even listen to reason.

Atheism isn't a religion, but it is a religious belief?

It’s very simple. A Religion is a set of beliefs, Atheism is a singular belief. Religion details the nature of our existence and how we relate to it. Religion is the same thing as “Worldview”. Atheism can be a part of this set of beliefs or Philosophical system, or even the ore of it. But Atheism remains only one belief, not a set of beliefs.

Just ike Theism is not a Religion, but Theists have religious beliefs.

That's what I meant by contradictory.

But its not contradictory.

Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t make it a contradiction. It’s also not that complex so your failure to understand is not a good reflection on you.

You can't be both religious and non-religious at the same time,

I didn’t say you could be. I said that Atheism is not all by itself a Religion. But Theism is not all by itself a Religion either. Theism is however a part of many Religions. The same applies to Atheism. Atheism is a component part of various Religions, but id not in itself a Religion. I don’t see how this is saying “You are Religious” and :”You aren’t Religious” at the same Time.

Do I need to get the crayons and explain it?

which is exactly what you're saying. Atheism isn't a religion, but Atheistic beliefs are religious? You might want to rethink that logic.

Actually I’m saying that things like Secular Humanism are Religions, despite its modern adherents insisting otherwise.

Again, if I said “Theism is not a Religion” would you find that hard to understand? Because it’s the same thing.

No, they aren’t. Religion is in fact nothing more than a type of Philosophy dealing with the foundational matters of our existence.

Many religions contain philosophical concepts, but they are not a philosophy in and of themselves.

Actally they are.

They are two different things. Philosophy tries to explain things rationally and logically. Religion explains things supernaturally. Even your Stanford article pointed that out.

No it didn’t. it also makes no sence.

1: Not all Religions even hold to belief in the Supernatural. Even if we exclude Atheists from being Religious, many forms of Religion do not have a concept of the Supernatural.

2: You also assume that supernatural explanations cant be logical or rational. There is no basis for this.

3: It is obvious that Religious Thinkers have, in fact, employed Logic and Reason in their writings. Thomas Aquinas spent 30 years of his life writing the Suma Theologica using Aristotelian logic to back up the Christian faith, for example. The ides that “they use the Supernatural, not Logic and Reason’ is therefore absurd.

Faith is not belief without evidence, before that cobbler is thrown out there.

Spiritual faith is exactly that.

No its not. The only people to define Spiritual Faith as belief without evidence are idiot Atheists trying to attack Religion.

You won’t find any actual writer who defines it that way who aren’t in the the New Atheist movement, and recently even many Atheist Philosophers or other assorted Scholars have criticised this definition.

A Christian cannot prove in any way the existence of God, but they choose to believe in him anyway.

Actually there are rational arguments for the existence of God. Remember Aquinas? He postulated five such using Aristotelian logic. Rene Des carte came up with his own argument in his Meditations. You can find modern Theologians or even Scientists like Francis Collins who would make arguments for God’s existence base don evidence and Logic. Our statement is thus wrong.

That is exactly what faith is - belief even the face of a lack of any evidence.

O, its not. Only moronic Neo-Atheists use the word that way, and its simply stupid to project that definition onto all “Religious people” as if they agree with it and use the word the same way. This is just another example fo how you lot are just lemmings following each other off a cliff.

And Relgiion is also about Logic and Reason.

So, using Christianity as an example,

But you didn’t use Christianity as an example…

Caricature of Christianity is a sign of a weak mind.

a magical half God/half man

Christianity doesn’t have a magical half god half man. Not only does Magic not show up in the actual Bible, despite idiots like you conflating Miracles with Magic, but Jesus is said to be filly God and fully Man, not half god and half man.

If your going to try to criticise Christianity, Criticise what Christians actually believe in, not stupid rubbish you get from places like the Rational Response Squad.

You just sound like an idiot here.

that was given birth to by a virgin

Which isn’t even impossible today…

that could walk on water and raise that dead

Which isn’t really illogical if you, I don’t know, read why Christians believe he could do that. Simply positing that eh walked on Water and raised the Dead doesn’t prove that Christianity forsakes Logic and Reason.

that was killed and came back as a zombie

Jesus didn’t come back as a Zombie. The whole “ZXombie Jesus” joke may be funny to you, but it only proves two things.

1: You are an idiot.

2: All claims you make about Atheist being Free Thinkers who don’t copy each other is a lie, as this is just a vain repetition.

Here’s the thing, images of Jesus coming back, skin rotting and craving brains, may make you chuckle butt actual Christian belief has him coming back to life. He isn’t a Zombie. Only a moron would call him a Zombie.

Resurrected Humans aren’t Zombies.

How on earth are you proving Christianity is not logical by making obviously false claims? Do you really think these Caricatures make you seem cleaver?

All you prove by them is that Atheists like you are illogical and irrational.

to ride to heaven on a cloud

Christians don’t believe that Jesus rode to Heaven on a Cloud. This is another stupid Caricature that is horrifically inaccurate.

just so that we could be forgiven for being the sinners that God created us as in the first place is reasonable and logical?

God didn’t create us as Sinners. If you are going to distort, and outright lie, about Christianity, then you really don’t have standing to prove its actually Irrational. All you have proven is that you can copy standardised arguments form the Atheist community.

The Irony is, nothing you’ve said is Original and none of it contains the least but of thought, yet you want me to believe that Atheists are a Herd of Cats, each one unique. How on earth is repetition of obviously distorted claims about Christianity prove that Atheists are individual thinkers? And why am I supposed to think Christianity is Irrational just because you can repeat what amounts to as lies about it?

What you posted above is not what Christians actually believe, but it is what Neo-Atheists love to pass along to others in their own Faith community, and repeat despite claiming to have no shared beliefs.

The idea that Religion rejects Reason in Favour of Faith is nothing but a Talking point in the neo-Atheist community

It is not a talking point, it's the truth.

No, its not. I mean, you even pull the “Zombie Jesus” routine. Am I supposed to beelive your assessment here?

Continued Below.


[Continued From Above.

Not every single religious person on Earth is illogical and irrational, but many of them are and there is no denying that fact.[/quote]

But by repeating an Atheistic Caricature about what Christians believe, you’ve proven that you are illogical and irrational, just like you’ve proven that Atheists do, in fact, have an organised community with shard beliefs.

but anyone whose bothered to look into Religion realises that Religious thought is actually rooted in observation and logic as much as anything else. The idea that its not is simply daft nonsense.

It was at one point. That was thousands of years ago, however.

Actually I can name contemporary Theologians who would very much disagree with you. Religion wasnt just about Logic and Reason thousands of Years Ago tis about that now, as anyone who has read Rowan Williams or Dallas Ward can tell you.

You know, back when we had just barely discovered fire and the wheel? Back when we had no concept of math and science and no idea of how the world worked, so we made up whatever explanations that we could come up with based on our observations? Back then is was reasonable and logical to assume that "god did it". In this day and age, its absurd.

This is another Time in which you repeat another part of your Faith Communities claims without thinking. The idea that Religion was invented to give us explanations about the world before we have Science.

The whole “Science VS Religion’ Canard has, of course, been disproven ages ago but it’s a central tenet of your Religious Faith.

You need to pretend that Religion is made up stories we don’t need now that we have Science, just like you need to pretend you are Scientific and Rational, and need to pretend you think for yourself and Atheist are all unique and different.

You wont admit of course that your presentation of Christian beliefs came form others, and that you mindlessly repeated it. And even if we buy into this rubbish explanation for origin of Religion, you have just made Science and Religion the same thing.

Not that you can admit that.

Actually plenty of Philosophers have dealt with the Supernatural, and plenty of Religion deals in the Natural. Indeed, the very idea of the Supernatural didn’t even exist till about 200-300 years ago, so what your saying is that Religion didn’t exist at all till 300 years ago. This is of course silly nonsense.

I don't know where you got your information, but I hope you didn't pay for it. Otherwise, you should demand your money back.

Given your “Zombie Jesus’ crack, you’d best be careful whom you disparage.

So what you're telling me is that Greek and Roman mythology isn't supernatural?

Its not. The gods were aspects of Nature and bound to its laws. They did not exist separately from, and superior to nature.

That Egyptian mythology isn't supernatural? That Norse mythology isn't supernatural?

None of the gods in any of those mythologies actually had the power to change the laws fo nature, and in many of them the gods were aspects of nature itself.

That Krishna having an epic battle with space aliens 12,000 years ago isn't supernatural?

Krishna didn’t battle space aliens… again, learn what your mocking before you speak.

That Moses receiving magical stone tablets from a talking bush isn't supernatural?

Moses didn’t receive magical stone tablets, and your a moron if you think he did.

Even in the context of the story, nothing magical exists about the tablets.

That Jesus walking on water and raising the dead isn't supernatural?

Not necessarily. It depends on how you view god and his nature. The term Supernatural” once applied only to God. Pagan gods were not supernatural, nor were Angels or Demons or Souls. The idea of a separate Supernatural Realm was unheard of in the Middle Ages.

See, the term “Supernatural” means you are above nature. Angels, even Satan, were not seen as above nature, but as part of it as they were part of the created order.

This is also why in the Middle Ages it was said that Satan could not perform genuine Miracles, only counterfeits,.

The term “Supernatural” was applied to God because some theologians believed that God was separate from and superior to nature. Still, others identified God as the source of all natural law and thus not separable from it.

Not that I expect you to understand tis, before you ridicule me for it.

At this point I don't even know if it's worth continuing this debate with you because, quite frankly, you just lost all credibility with that last statement.

As opposed to your vain repetition of the Caricature of Jesus as a Zombie? Or as a Magical half god and half man?

I don’t think you have room to talking terms of credibility.

I'm starting to think that you're just talking out of your ass.

Well, your just cutting and pasting arguments from Atheist websites whilst pretending that Atheist all disagree with each other and are wonderfully diverse…


Well, your just cutting and pasting arguments from Atheist websites

That is absurd! I haven't copied and pasted a damned thing except for one lone url and the quotes from your posts, of course.

After all the time I spent typing those long replies, this is what I get in return? An accusation of copying and pasting?

Fine. No more lengthy replies for you. If you can't appreciate the effort that I've made to have an actual civil debate with you, then you can just politely sod off.

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.


What part of I AM NOT AN ATHEIST do you not understand?

Yes, I find the zombie Jesus joke to be funny. In fact, I find it friggin' hilarious.

I actually know a lot more about the Bible than you give me credit for. I'm just making light of this entire situation because you obviously have problems comprehending even your own nonsense.

For the record, Moses did receive stone tablets, everything about classical mythologies is supernatural, and so was Jesus.

You're really starting to come off like a lunatic.

Jesus was fully man and fully God at the same time! Yeah, makes perfect sense.

Everything Jesus did can be logically explained! Sounds legit to me.

A talking bush that is on fire, but does not burn and gives a man named Moses 10 commandments to take back to his people - nothing odd about that.

Virgin births? Completely normal.

Faith isn't about belief in something even when there is no evidence to prove the existence of the thing that you believe in? Sure buddy, if you say so.

Come talk to this nice lady in the white lab coat. Don't pay any attention to the big guys in security uniforms. They're your friends! That straight-jacket? Don't worry about it. It's cold out and they thought that you could use a coat..

No questions. No answers.. You just accept it and move on.


i gotta say that anyone who goes through that many posts argueing with someone (and at that length) is as crazy as the person they call crazy.

i have never once seen posts that huge. even if half of it is quoting the last.

just insane.


I rather liked it as well.

Yes, it was so goofy and campy but if viewed in that context, you could somewhat get into it.

There are two types of people in the world, those who divide people into two types and ........


I read the book, it was awesome. The film was awful. They should have got peter jackson to make a it a trilogy.


what and kill it even more than he did the other major literary classic of our time, thats not even funny dude


Im on your side. It wasn't a good movie, but it's not as bad as people say. I thought John Travolta did a good job. its not worse than Carnosaur thats for damn sure, but Carnosaur is rated higher.

"Give it your all, It's all you've got"


I wouldnt call it great but there is defintly worse movies then this.


I rather enjoy it and look forward to viewing it anytime it is on. If you set aside harse criticism which picks this movie apart, sit back and enjoy it, its not soo bad!

"Man's reach exceeds his imagination..." - Robert Angier


Yes it was.

I will admit I laughed my way through this movie just from the sheer badness of it and picked up a used copy of it when I had the chance. It had to be a used copy because giving these people any more money might be incentive for them to make another movie and that would just be wrong on so many levels.

But make no mistake, this was a terrible movie.


It sucked ass, with plot holes I could drive a bus through. Dialogue and directing was crap, John Travolta looked like a moron. Anyone who says this movie was "not bad" is a scientoligist or has the worst taste in movies imaginable.


If you think I'm going to agree with your crap-lousy idea you're out of your skull bone.


Have to agree with CapnKaos. It is TRULY that bad...But still it has a
niche entertainment value for those who relish bad film.


> Definitely alot worse out there.

Well, it's certainly good to see there's some other folk out there with some perspective and common sense.
Not counting the individual bashing within this thread, of course.

I tend to look for the positive, not go on and on about bad movies. Someone else, didn't like it ? Fine, that's your prerogative and opinion, but don't bully on and on and on (why is it that every other movie I look at on IMDB always has the irritaing troll "worst movie ever" thread ? Perhaps these folk only have watched 4-5 movies in their whole life :-)

-- Kris


Only a RAT BRAIN would think this movie was good. Have you blown a HEAD GASKET?!
While you were still learning how to spell your name I was being trained to CONQUER GALAXIES!


yes it is.


I agree - this is an average Sci-Fi action flick. Some massive plot-holes, some scenes very obviously 'borrowed' from earlier and much better films (such as The Matrix and Blade Runner) and several very silly moments. The production values and SFX were above average, IMO.

But, there are FAR FAR worse films around than this one.

I think the rating is so low, because of it's links to Scientology and all the controversy around that subject. I've no time for that, and so I watched it without (m)any preconceptions, as I would any other Sci-Fi film...

All My Film Ratings :
