Paraphrasing the saying he mentioned, there's three sides to every story, 2 sides & the truth. It'd be interesting to hear if he had more examples with her or what was happening on that specific day. Were they were all cracking NSFW jokes and she dropped that one thinking he & Debra would be comfortable with it due to their working relationship. It would also be interesting to know if Aries & Debra ever said it around Alex. That could be a reason she mistakenly thought she could use it around them.
It seems odd that they all four of them were sitting in the makeup room and suddenly Alex decides to say. 'Hey I have dirty fingernails, I must have been raped by a black guy'. There must have been some kind of conversation taking place or jokes happening where she thought her comment would be funny.
I'd also be interesting to know if this was the first time and only time or twenty-first time saying something like that. It's interesting he didn't say they talked to her about it right then, so it's likely they didn't have a close enough relationship, personal or professional, to say, 'Hey Alex, you shouldn't say that'. One dropped N-word among people who perhaps she believed were friends, doesn't necessarily make her a racist, if there is a history of her doing it, that's a different story.
I'm all for un-PC jokes, and that one is actually pretty hilarious... but saying that around black people, especially your coworkers, definitely not the best move. Back in those days she obviously got away with it, but if that happened today she'd not only be fired, but there's be a whole SJW social media shtstorm about it.
Would anybody watch reruns of the original MadTv now that Alex has shoned her true colors or skip them?
Still bumping old threads I see... well since you did, Alex hasn't shown any colors [pun maybe intended]. All we have is an out of context story from Spears. There's still no real evidence that she's racist. Just saying the word, evidently once that he knows of, doesn't mean she's a hardened racist.
There is practically no way you can take that out of context except maybe if you start with "Look at my impression of a completly racist a......" and even then it just shows what she really is.
------------------------------ Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!