MovieChat Forums > Family Guy (1999) Discussion > What's the most cold hearted joke the sh...

What's the most cold hearted joke the show has done?

Which joke do you think is the most cold hearted the show has ever done? I think it was about Elizabeth Smart's rape. That was a real child who was raped for months.


Check, I agree with you. Everyone these days gets so hurt and offended over a CARTOON!! It pokes fun at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE and I have to agree some of the funniest or best moments were in very dark or very offensive episodes. It's a show, don't like it, turn it, the end. There was a time when Married With Children was the most offensive thing on TV and that show is a classic!!! Just my opinion tho.


Thankyou SheHawGol84.


I'd like to see them make fun of Mohammed


I don't think it's necessarily a joke, but the one where they had Peter trying to help Jesus loose his virginity. I don't practice any religion, but I found that a little *beep* up and regret watching it.

Move along:


Probably the woman getting raped by someone at the beach and Aquaman not doing anything. That is probably still the darkest joke they've ever made. It's so hard to watch, I feel sorry for that poor woman even though Aquaman's laziness is funny.


His laziness wasn't the joke. The joke was: Aquaman is the most usless/disliked/lame superhero.
He wanted to save the girl, but couldnt cause the attack was taking place on land, thus, AQUAman's powers are completely stupid and irrelevant. He cant help anyone unless they're in water and he can summon some fish to fight for him.
Watch it again: he says "if you were over here...." Meaning in the water.


The baby on the titanic was pretty messed up, but it was so inappropriate that I laughed about it all night.


I can't think of one off the top of my head. But they have done cutaways for Lady and the Tramp and Titanic that annoyed me because they are my favorite movies. But I got over it.


The Simpsons bit where Quagmire chased after Marge till they made out and she agreed to have a one night stand with him at her place, and when Homer invades the scene Quagmire sees fit to make sure there are no witnesses so he doesn't get into deep trouble. Damn, that was pretty disturbing, the majority of the people involved with the show thought that was legitimately enjoyable and kept it in? There are plenty others, but this one immediately comes to mind.

