MovieChat Forums > Almost Famous (2000) Discussion > Fack checker = MAJOR C*NT!

Fack checker = MAJOR C*NT!

Wanted to magically appear in the movie and punch the fact checker in her ugly fart face! Horrible shrew!


she was created to be hated


What I never understood is why would a band admit to anything anyway, especially if it they think it doesn't make them look good? Factor in all the drugs they were on and would they even remember what they said?


Yeah, but I guess this is rolling stone, not a random gossip magazine. So only "acceptable" things, I guess.


Because he was a fan. At the concert when William is trying to get in, they brushed him off like he was any other music journalist, but when William talked about how great of a fan he was and complimented all individually, they helped him get in backstage.


There wasn't much in William's piece that could be confirmed from outside the band, except the Golden God. And not much they would want printed. Plus with William being so young, it was easy enough to get the story pulled. Nobody at the magazine would want to risk lawsuits. I wonder how much of the original article ended up in the printed one, and how the Rolling Staff reacted to William when they knew he was genuine.


Women in the work place, I tells ya.


She probably had a masters in journalism but her job was fact checking the article of this high school kid who just went on a company sponsored rock tour. Plus the editor was going to put his story on the cover. Of course she was going to call out the unsubstantiated facts in the wunderkinder’s story.
