crazy how much the 2009 Star Trek movie took from this
is like ST09 was Galaxy Quest played 'straight'
The botched leaving blue lit spacedock scene
Neros ship was very much like Sarris' ship even firing similar missiles (and Nero's character was similar to Sarris)
Kirk in the Kobashi Maru - similar to way Tim Allen dealt with Sarris during their 1st encounter
"there's always a bigger fish"-monster-on-planet moment
Beaming Kirk & Sulu up from Vulcan / beaming tim alien up from the rock planet
Pikes torture scene was similar to the head alien
the scotty in the pipes scene / the wacky chompers inside the ship,
Quintos Spock was constantly pissed off like Rickman lol (and is affected by an emotional death)
the sliver phaser handguns
the doomed redshirt trope
the magic time mcguffin orb being stored inside the ship
the phaser-fights-in-corridors were more like GQ than Trek
And just the overall hyper feel was abit similar