Teena lying to Lana about her physical sex is so untruthful. I am in no way against transgenders but there has to be a grain of truth. It's probably so hard to go through life feeling like you're in the wrong body and who knows why it happens (chemical, hormonal). I also understand it is a hard thing to tell someone and it's his/her business, but once physical contact starts there needs to be an explanation. It's hurtful and deceiving to the other person. I really hate the character Teena/Brandon, I can't feel sympathy for her/him, nobody deserves to die like that though.
---We May Be Through With The Past, But The Past Isn't Through With Us---
As a transgendered man, reading this thread makes me really hopeless. I guess there is no way for me to exist without a lot of people thinking I'm mentally ill or deceiving others - much less ever date anyone (I would obviously tell at some point before things got intimate, but I don't think I have to wear a badge on my arm to warn everyone beforehand). Even though from my point of view what is deceiving is my biological appearance, as it makes it really hard for people to to see me as I am.
I realize that accepting transgenderism as a real thing is pretty hard even though it has been proven to actually exist. We don't know the real reason for it yet, but the problem is real. One of the more convincing explanations nowadays is that a part of the brain (especially the one that concerns one's own body image) has been wired to the opposite sex while the baby was still developing in a womb. However, the actual explanation is a bit irrelevant here, even though understanding the cause would make things easier to accept - for you cisgendered as well as for us transgendered. More important is to treat people as people.
The reason why Brandon should be referred to as HE despite what he has between his legs and regardless if he has gone through the transitioning process, is that he is and has always been internally a HE. The transition won't "change" anyone's gender, it just makes the body more aligned with the gender people already have. It is quite painful to live in a body your brain can't recognize as it's own, and to be constantly reminded of that fact by other people treating you as the gender you don't feel like. I am only me and can't talk for all the transfolk, but I would ask for some respect and understanding at least. Please use the right pronouns, it is just respecting people's basic right to exist as they are. .
As I said, the practical transitioning process doesn't actually "change" the gender. Which in my case means that I know how a man feels, because I am a man. I am not sure how a woman feels, having never been a woman. Sure I have worn womens clothing in the past because I thought that I didn't have any options, and it took me some time to realize what was wrong with me, but that doesn't mean I was a woman even then. For some people their gender does change or they may feel being outside of the gender binary altogether, but I cannot know how that feels. You'll have to ask them. However, their gender is as real as yours nevertheless.
When it comes down to it, a person can only really feel how a one person feels - themselves. Putting the whole gender thing aside, I think it is impossible to claim to know how exactly any group of people feel, as all the people are individuals.
What you are suggesting is that my feeling of being a man is less real than your feeling of being a man. Probably the whole concept of feeling like a gender might feel very foreign to you - after all unless you have ever had problems with your gender and your body not matching, it is hard to realize how you can know what gender you are. Would you still be a man if you lost your penis in an accident? Would you still be a man even if some medical hiccup caused breast growth on you? So would I. Having the wrong kind of body does suck though, as does having any other major physical problem.
This too is one question to ponder. If someone would give you one million dollars but you would have to live the rest of your life as a woman, would you agree? I suspect a lot of men wouldn't. Being able to see yourself in the mirror and to be treated as who you are is very important. Being able to take that as granted is a great luxury.
I might be answering too seriously, as this is just an IMDB discussion board. Only there are so many prejudices and so little information about this matter available, even to the ones who really need that info. Still, if you are interested, I hope you do search around for more information.
Hi Markus5 ... I have been reading IMDB forever, but created an account just now to respond to your post. :o) I watched "Boys Don't Cry" this evening and the depth of the story-line is more than worthy of investigating. When I am affected by a film this much, I read until the sun comes up. I just want to say (even though your posts are over a year old) that I admire you and your candor. You offer gentle and respectful insight. You deserve respect.
biology doesn't lie this is an irrefutable scientific fact and no study has ever proven that its possible to be a man trapped in a woman body or a woman trapped in a mans body
we are what our biology says this is a fact you can not know how a man feels because you are not a man this is an irrefutable fact
This is a matter of biology vs. psychology though. It may not be irrefutably proven, but many things in the realm of psychology aren't, and to say that gender dysphoria is not a real thing is just plain ignorant.
That's not to say Brandon Teena's deception was ethical or morally right-- I don't believe that lying about that sort of matter is okay-- but I know transgendered people enough to know that it really, truly does happen. All fetuses biologically begin as female and become male via testosterone, so it's not that far-fetched for some sort of hormonal inconsistency to occur in the womb that would affect the way someone conceives themselves.
Teena was still young and based on quotes and interviews, it seems like he was still figuring out his identity; with his life being cut short though, we'll never really know what the internal situation was.
u are right on the money, at least u understand.. I am like brandon teena i am ftm "female to male transsexual" thats what brandon was before he died. this movie is based on actual events that happened. Most people dont know what ftm's are because we live in secret behind closed doors because we are met with fear and hate and usually end up like brandon. I thank u for ur words and bright blessings to u.
No, she was deceiving people from what she truly was, no argument as it is fact. Sure , the end results are unfortunate but the deception was the foundation that led to the end.
I agree. Teena was either a mentally ill lesbian or just a sexual predator. She was a woman, not a man, regardless of how much she wanted to be a man. She didn't deserve to die, although she should have been locked up in a psych ward
first off before u blow off ur horn, learn some information about transgenderism. He was scared to come out because he people hate and fear people who are transgendered. We are met with hate and fear. Every day we are met with name calling, being beat up, raped, and killed. It happens every day and no one wants to talk about because it's taboo. We are usually taught to stay away from police and hospitals because we are usually refused treatment and respect. FTMs what Brandon Teena was and like me. Yah i am an FTM and in ur face.
ps. hey Kurt, being a female to male transsexual is not a mental disorder it is a gentic disorder, which happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. U have no respect. If brand says that hes a man he is a man and thats that and not a *beep* lesbian! just because ur a female to male transsexual like brandon doesnt make all of us lesbians! If you feel overwelmed... Keep Going!