
" . . . I think that the core of the movie’s thesis, that of finding true beauty in a world obsessed with appearances, is fairly universal."

How I interpret Lester and his attraction to his daughters friend (which I think would properly be termed ephebophilia and not pedophilia as by this author) is a reconnect to his days of youth and what that opened within. It takes him to the end of the film to realize this, as he thinks he merely has a taboo lust for a teenager, when what he has really awakened is the joy and exuberance of his younger days, when he met his wife, the joy of raising his daughter, etc.

Reconnecting with that joy and energy of the people who he loves most in life and feeling that love anew after slowly dying inside over the years is the payoff.

His attraction for the younger girl is the plot device intended for comedy and "to get us there" by the end of the film.

Now, had he gone ahead and slept with her before making this inner discovery, well . . . .


all true


Jimminy Crackerbarrels, the world is nothing but whimps now. "I'm offended by THIS or THAT in a MOVIE" that sets out to show a discusting side of life.... oh gee, REALLY? You are offended or triggered? Grow the fuck up. [no you Soteric, the author and other pussified morons of thie modern degeneration]

"I don't like THIS or THAT and it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE!! MOMMY WHERE'S MY SAFE SPACE????"
I quite reading after the whining started knowing exactly what the rest of it says.

It's just a movie! Don't like it? Maybe don't watch it. What a radical idea!!!!

I should be triggered, offended by each and every decapitation or blood letting that occurs in every gory horror movie. But, I am not. Do you know why? Because I make the conscious effort to not watch them. It's super easy to do.


It's actually a very good article, lucidly and thoroughly discussing this Clinton-era relic.

Although it's somewhat amusing that this article about a very "triggering" film is also triggering those who read it.
