MovieChat Forums > The Sixth Sense (1999) Discussion > Spoilers -- When did you first figure ou...

Spoilers -- When did you first figure out the secret?

If it was before the very end?

I figured it out about halfway through, at the anniversary dinner. I heard there was a twist, so I was trying to figure out what it was. At first, it appears that people are interacting with Willis, so I didn't think he was a ghost. However, at the dinner, I realized that she never actually looked at him, and that's when it started clicking.

Usual Suspects took me a little longer, maybe 75% of the way through.

Any other good twist films out there? I love those. I've seem Memento, the ghost movie with DeNiro and the little girl, The Others, etc.

The Ring was scary partly because of the twist near the end -- wasn't really over like we thought it was.


Apparently I'm one of the only people brave enough to admit I didn't get it until the end. And to everybody who already knew there was a twist (which is most of you), sorry but that doesn't count.


The restaurant scene was a dead give away I thought. It's obvious she was trying way too hard to let us know there was no one in front of her



The interesting thing is that few actually wondered how come Malcolm was so fine after getting shot.



Sadly I knew there was a twist before going to see it and had figured out that the most likely twist was that the Willis character was a ghost.

That being said, I thought it was generally well done and a very good "reveal".


Okay, it probably helped that I went into the movie already knowing (a) it's about a kid who sees dead people who don't know that they're dead, and (b) there was a big twist in the story. But I figured it out after 15 minutes, the first time we see Malcolm after the opening scene, seeming perfectly fine though we just saw a big to-do of him getting shot.

>>I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.


I saw this movie not knowing there was a twist and was COMPLETELY shocked by the ending. Never have I ever felt that before! I wish another movie could shock me like that.

I did, however, think it was unusual, throughout the movie, that Malcolm never interacted with his wife. I thought that was strange and a little weird.


I also saw this without knowing there was a twist and it was a great realization, didn't figure out till the end. I remember thinking that his wife and him must have had a real falling out, and she must be very depressed about their relationship, but it didn't exactly strike me as odd that she was ignoring him, just sad. That was such an amazing twist.


I figured it out (finally!) when Malcolm visited Cole at the hospital. Cole starts talking about the ghosts and how... "They see what they want to see... they don't know they're dead..." and the whole time he is just staring at Malcolm and that's how I knew.


I saw this movie not knowing there was a twist and was COMPLETELY shocked by the ending. Never have I ever felt that before!

Very same here.


I figured it out only at the end and I'm happy for that It was way more exciting this way :D However, I'm watching it again and it's still interesting not boring for me. But some people like it this way and others like it another ;)
