i could only put myself through 20 minutes of this film due to its terrible editing, flitting from one place to another during conversations, dubbing of conversations before they take place, confusing fast non-linear.... if done correctly and the timing is good all these can be a real strong point for a film, however i felt this film looked like a school student who had just found out how to use final cut put it together. very bad.


eh, I liked the editing.

it made the story seem like a re-telling of a memory.

slightly jumping ahead or across a story 'helped' get the point across.

to each there own. to me the Star Wars editing lookes like someone playing around with finalcut...

memories change and grow as you re-tell the story. just like the quote, "Bide your time, and everything becomes clear, and you can act accordingly."


'it made the story seem like a re-telling of a memory.'

'memories change and grow as you re-tell the story. just like the quote, "Bide your time, and everything becomes clear, and you can act accordingly."'

Finally someone got it right.

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The editing was outstanding.

It's called an attention span. Get one.


This movie was actually shown in my film class because of its editing.


My editing teacher think this is a pretty good editing. The Limey's like a reference in editing for her.


Mine too


Lol. This comment is hysterical given that there's a jump-cut every few seconds. I imagine its those with an attention span who were aggravated by it.


The editing was terrific. The reason it keeps introducing time discontinuities is to underscore the theme, namely that past, present and future all interact simultaneously. Through editing, Soderbergh is able to depict the mind's process of interweaving past memories with present-day experiences. Once you realize this is not a straightforward narrative, but a film that reveals a character's thinking, you might come to appreciate the editing more.



"I agree 100000000% It was awful, and then the melodramatic music didn't help either. And the acting was wooden." -WoodenAllen

Dude, look up the word melodramatic in a dictionary. In describing the films score, of all the words in the english language, melodramatic is the last word I'd use. I think its a very subtle yet moody score but hey, thats jus' my 'pinion!


Yes, the editing IS indeed terrible...if you're an idiot.



I have taken several classes on editing and upon graduating intend to work my way up as a professional editor and have to say the editing in this film is phenomenal.

I think the problem your having with it is that it is not your typical Hollywood style of editing in that its not invisible. It makes itself know to the viewer through planned jump cuts during key dialogue sequences , not to hurt the film, but to enhance subtextual information to the audience.

If anything, you need to take classes and learn that not all editing needs to be invisible. Like cinematography and the actors themselves, it is another tool to help covey a message to the viewer. Broaden your view and escape from the traditional.




I disagree. I thought the editing was first-rate; I loved the way the fragmentary cutting cleverly played around with the concepts of time and memory.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


I thought the editing was very good, it's always nice to see someone trying something a bit different and applying unorthodox techniques (This is in relation to hollywood).

In terms of the film, i thought it was well written and quite enjoyed it but i have to agree that i didn't like the acting. I just thought it was a little bit unconvincing. I thought that Terrence Stamp was a bit like a poor mans Ulrich Muhe in this film (With his delivery and expression, not the role). He wasn't terrible, but i don't think he was as good as some people make out.

Come on then, have you penny's worth.... :)


Lol "take an editing class". Shutup whoever said that. I edit and I appreciate all types of editing. For anyone to say this is amateur is stupid. It's just different. And you either like it or you don't. I like it. It has a purpose. For anyone to imply that the film makers "need to take an editing class" is ridiculous.

That's why they're making the movies and you're posting about how much you hate the editing on IMDB.


That's why they're making the movies and you're posting about how much you hate the editing on IMDB.



I don't know where you get off starting a ridiculous and mind-bogglingly stupid thread like this. This picture had extraordinarily precise and BRILLIANT editing!
The film, Richard Lester's Petulia and John Boorman's Point Blank are all perfect examples of how the art of film editing can turn a routine story into something with so much more depth and emotion.
Do us all a favor and stop trying to sound as if you have a modicum of sense.
