Least favorite episodes?

I think there really aren't any "bad" episodes. However, there are some I don't like as much as the others.

"Strike Too" (It lacked some humor, also I felt bad for Doug)
"Inner Tube" (pretty boring)
"Departure Time" (I enjoy the episodes with Dougs parents, however, I don't really like this episode)
"Hi, School" (could have more jokes)
"Hartford Wailer" (a bit boring)

Also, some episodes of seasons 1 and 9 felt pretty boring sometimes, too.

However, some seem to dislike the series finale, but while I think it's not one of the series best episodes, I thought it was quite decent and it seems received much better compared to other finales of recent sitcoms.

Which episodes are your choices?



I don't like the episode Queensboro Bridge, the one where it is discovered that Arthur has a half brother called Skitch who is horrible.

Obviously isn't a pleasant episode in the sense that Doug and Carrie try to get rid of Arthur to live with such a horrible man.

But what annoys me in this episode is the structure, there are two sections of silly repetitiveness.

Firstly when Doug is trying to force Arthur and Skitch to connect. Skitch works at a toll booth, so Doug keeps going back and forth, paying $6 each time, to try and get them connect, this seems to go on for a while.

Secondly, when it is clear Doug realises Arthur should come back home, he keeps delaying his return because he wants time with Carrie (mainly for pudding sex). Again, there is a sequence of repetitive scenes with Doug on the phone to Arthur making excuses, until Arthur just gets fed up and comes home anyway.


Yes, that was a rather weak episode.

But, I did love the title: "Queens'bro Bridge".

You have to give them credit for that!


1. Queasy Rider

2. Tube Stakes

3. Dire Strayts

4. Big Dougie

5. Deacon Blues

6. Departure Time

7. Pregnant Pause 1&2

8. Missing Links

9. Hero Worship

10. Mammary Lane

11. Flame Resistant

12. S'Poor House

13. American Idle

14. Dougie Houser

15. Cheap Saks

16. Damned Yanky

17. Icky Shuffle

18. Furious Gorge

19. Name Dropper

20. Offtrack... Bedding

21. Cologne Ranger

22. Knee Jerk

23. Major Disturbance

24. Ruff Goin'

25. Manhattan Project

26. Single Spaced


Why so much hate for the paintball episode? I liked that one
