MovieChat Forums > Cast Away (2000) Discussion > What Did FedEx Owe Chuck For What They D...

What Did FedEx Owe Chuck For What They Did To Him?

We know FedEx gave Chuck a fancy, welcome-home party. We know he had the free time to drive to Texas. But what else did they give him? Did they offer him his old job back? If you were Chuck, would you be willing to work for FedEx again? Did they offer him a cash settlement of, say, half a million dollars? Chuck lost 4-years of his life, suffered bodily harm and psychological trauma, lost his fiancé to another man, and had his whole life turned upside-down. How much do you think they should pay Chuck for what he went through, on their behalf?


Why is this whole thread talking about Chuck like he is a real person? :/


Is he not


You mean this film is not a documentary?
