MovieChat Forums > Cold Mountain (2003) Discussion > Please please please Nicole, you cannot ...

Please please please Nicole, you cannot act.

Just finished watching Cold Mountain on DVD. I would've loved to movie to pieces if it weren't for the lovely Nicole Kidman's annoyingly bad performance.

Bless, I love her. She's pretty, she's elegant, she's a strong woman. But she doesn't know how to act (or how to sing, come to think of that). Yet she keeps turning up in all those wonderful movies, destroying each and every one of them. Honestly I can't think of any movie she's in that's good. (She's even gotten an Oscar(!), the reason for which is completely beyond me.)

Please Nicole darling, it's time for you to stop acting.

Cold Mountain, I gave it 5 stars, with much bitterness.


I thought she was great in The Interpreter...


Op, you're an idiot. Enough said.


I VERY much agree. I like her, but it sometimes is actually painful to watch her. She's good at playing Nicole Kidman, I guess. Also, I think most would agree that the Oscars are FAR from the last word on the best movies, performanes, etc. Anyway, she had some good moments in this particular movie (all the slapstick with the rooster, for example), but for the most part, yeah, I mainly felt embarrassed for her.


She is better than Renee Zelwegger in this film without a doubt.If you are going to have a go at anything about this average movie you should be moaning about the fact that RZ won an Oscar for this which is absolutely hilarious.She gives probably the worst performance in the film and Nicole is fine in comparison.


I disagree: I like Nicole Kidman.

However I agree that she wasn't right for the part. For one thing she's blond. Ada Munroe in the book is NOT BLONDE.

I know directors license is applied but surely you can get something like that right?! Where Writers Unite!


*Yet she keeps turning up in all those wonderful movies, destroying each and every one of them. Honestly I can't think of any movie she's in that's good. (She's even gotten an Oscar(!), the reason for which is completely beyond me.)*

You are absolutely and totally 100% correct.
Can't she just advertise for some perfume company FULLtime or take her clothes off for playboy or something. Everything she does looks mannered and souless.


WHatt??? OP must be on some strong meds....

Nicole Kidman WAS Ada Monroe (except for the blonde hair...but the audience has more imagination than we give them credit for... I hope?)

She was fragile, vulnerable and frigid... everything that Ada was, underlined.

I thought Jude Law was good-looking enough for the role...but his English teeth kills me everytime... I've concluded that he should always refrain from showing teeth when filming a movie. hahaha... sorry Jude. Or, perhaps I just don't like his smile....

and... for some reason, I've completely forgotten Renee Zellweger was in this movie and replaced her mentally with Michelle Williams...


Jeaniebaby, his TEETH? You must be joking. I don't know whose teeth you were looking at, but Jude's teeth are practically perfect.

You sure you're not confusing him with Hugh Grant in something?

Tiny Fey is a Maverick!


Christ, why does love to hate Nicole Kidman?

I think Moulin Rouge, The Others, Cold Mountain, The Hours, Birth, and Margot at the Wedding all feature her giving really believable, memorable performances. (I personally also liked her in Practical Magic and even though Bewitched was kind of lame, she played her role well.)


I agree, Nicole is terrible - her face is expressionless and wooden. I don't know why people keep raving about her stellar performances, she's crap. The only movie she was great in was 'The Others' and hmm, maybe 'Moulin Rouge' but other than that, no thanks.

~ nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it ~
