MovieChat Forums > South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) Discussion > A christian site reviews this movie (!!!...

A christian site reviews this movie (!!!)

This is some christian decency site's review of the movie.

As an agnostic, this makes me deeply worried.

"They call it the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it"



'apparently these people have a hard time telling fantasy from reality'

Uhm duh! They believe a nearly 2000 year old, man written, fantasy book to be the word of some god (or son of). How can you expect someone like that to have any bit of common sense at all.


Why would a "Christian site" review ANY movie anyway?

That would be like IMBd starting to "review" the various religions and beliefs.
The ONLY reason they did it was to stir up trouble....what, over zelous religious people stirring up trouble? Well I never.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


"Uhm duh! They believe a nearly 2000 year old, man written, fantasy book to be the word of some god (or son of). How can you expect someone like that to have any bit of common sense at all."

Come on, dude... That's just as ignorant as this review!


It's not ignorant...just a bit cliche. Atheists are basically expected to say that kinda stuff now at the slightest provocation. Gives us a bad name and makes us look just as stupid is the people we're insulting.
I prefer to sit back with a big smug grin on my face and let the morons think they're better than me for being zombies.

Why yes, since you ask, I AM a fan of self-parody.

...and you will look down on the almighty and tell him "no".


It is very ignorant and cliche to say that. I am a catholic christian, and I love this film. I think it's awful to generalize christians as stupid people with no common sense. Everyone is different and everyone has different influences and has been taught differently. To me believing in God is common sense, but I don't call atheists or agnostics ignorant, because I know they might have valid reasons, just as I do.

About the film, I think it is amazing, and it really is sad to see christians who classify it only for the insults against God and religion.
I think there is much more to the film than that, plus all of the indecency and insults happen within this farcical story to make its point, so I don't think anyone should really need to be offended by this film, but rather think about what its saying about people, specifically America, in general, not about specific groups (jews, christians, blacks, handicapped, canadians, etc etc.) The fact that americans attempt to defend the freedom of speech at all cost, but at the same time exaggerate the idea of political correctness, which ends up contradicting the first amendment. That is what this film is mainly about.

Oh, and the songs are pretty f%(kin amazing too. haha


Aparently they didn't sit through the credits and listen to "Through the Eyes of a Child" either, I think that sums up the movie pretty good myself.

Though I don't think its a good idea to lump Christians into one big group, because I'm a Christian and I like the movie. To be fair that site is run by one of the most hateful Christian sects I know of, if you can even call them Christian.

Sorry just my two cents.

And remember, "What would Brian Boitano do"?



Dude, be careful of what you say. Some Christians really hate people for saying stuff like that. And when you do die and go to hell, don't tell me I didn't warn you when you see Saddam Hussein and Satan as lovers.


Parker & Stone have adressed it themselves.

Can you show me where? A link or something?



they're christians after all..they BELIEVE in fantasy..lollolol, fragile little morons


I agree with the Review. Movies do influence people more than people think. The more I grow older, the more I see how movies are destroying Christian society. Hollywood and the Media Machine is controlled by criminal lunatic people, so, I don't expect anything else. And if you try to expose their criminal activity, then you're labeled as racist and a bigot that should be persecuted under the "hate crime" laws. This site is also under their control. And we expect to have freedom of speech in this so called "Democracy", don't we?



I'm sorry but its NOT a "christian society", its a FREE society, maybe not where you come from tho... poor you.


"destroying Christian Society"

Grow up, the collapse of Christianity and all other religions will be a great step forwards


Islam is not collapsing, in fact the left is helping it along by accepting BS like "islamophobia" instead of criticizing it.

Three More Years! Duck Park! $17 trillion!


is it weird that the Christian Review has inspired me to actually record the Secret stash version of the movie airing this weekend?

I hope it's not on yet.

I gotta hurry!

EDIT: I missed it. It was probably on last night or the night before.



I like the fact the CAP dsiclaimer actually states 'We dont miss the point of movies, we choose to ignore them". At least acknowledging they're ignorant is a start.

Oh, and as for Hollywood destroying Chrisitanity, Good. The sooner the better. Its archaic, irrelevant and brings out the worst in people. It actually acts against its own 'core values' more often than it performs them.

An altogether 'evil' regime by its own standards.


Well hey, it's not the Bible's fault that so many of its followers are blubbering idiots! Apparently people are now afraid of believing in religion since it would place them in the favor of people who burn up, carry pitchforks around, and start screaming, cursing and posing threats whenever anybody disagrees with them. That was brought on by THEIR lack of logic or morale, it does not reflect on what the Bible is about.

For example, I am a strong believer in the Bible, but I LOVED every minute of South Park: BLU. It is not willing to tell infantile, amateurish stories that automatically make everybody like it without question. It is willing to find fault with any point of view, and be perfectly blunt about it.

Again, religion itself has nothing to do with it, people are just idiots!


Yeh I take your point, but as the Bible itself is written by people (who were in fact idiots) it kind of defeats your own argument.




Those who claim that Bible is not written by human beings need to come up with the proof.


Awesome movie, Religious fanatics are retards

Innocent until proven guilty

Therefore no God exists until proof of it's existence is found.

And that proof will never be found because there's no such thing.

All religious texts were written thousands of years before humans even knew any modern science.

The Bible is 4.57 billion years out on Page 1, with the date of the creation of the Earth.

They also think it was created by a supernatural being, which is also absolutely false.

Until religious freaks stop denying reality, they will be a terrible influence on this planet.

The world would be a much better place without them.



You just have to look at Australian Aboriginals... Who have been proven to have lived in Australia for nearly forty thousand years, with their own culture. A culture that is thousands and thousands of years older then the Bible, but is one hundred percent different in everyway to the Bible concerning the creation of the Earth.
If anything don't you think Aboriginals would be know more. Considering they weren't ever wiped out by other races, or tribes... So their stories were handed down to each new generation, up until European settlers got to Australia... At what point they were either killed off, forced off their own lands and would eventually have christianity enforced upon them.
I don't know anything about Native American history, but I could imagine it would of been similar. Same with tribes in Africa, and other places in the world. The Bible is a book that is pretty much a way to enforce slavery without the slave knowing that they are actually enslaved.


Sure. Prove it right here right now. IF 2 billion people have willingly died for a religion, it ain't a stupid religion.


Yep. I looked at a rock and guessed it was 4.7 Billion years old. At least people are willing to die for Christianity so don't be a hater. Would you be willing to die for the Religion of Evolution. No. You would answer, ah you idiots are that dumb to kill someone for looking at rocks. Nah so shut up until you have real proof for Atheism.


"At least people are willing to die for Christianity"

... And how exactly is that ever a good thing?


When you ask a question, end it with a question mark.

As to your question mark-less question: Yes. I would be willing to die for evolution, since I've no choice. Evolution dictates the lifespan of things. When things evolve, they get better, and live longer (or better). As of now, the human lifespan is pretty much set as far as the limits of how old someone can reasonably expect to live. Variables, such as disease, human interaction (oh, I forgot, god dictates when someone shoots you dead), and scientific occurrences (weather catastrophes) all can end a human life before it reaches its' maximum span.

Believe what you want; I'm certainly not here to change your mind on your faith. But I would ask you a few questions: Why can't you (and other people that believe in an edict) simply keep your faith to yourself? If it's such a ruling influence on how you behave, why isn't that good enough? Why must you wear your faith like a badge? I suspect the answer to all three is pride, which I believe means something in your religion (something about a number of deadly sins, or something).

Should you choose to respond, keep fire and brimstone out of it if you expect a discussion.





Yeah, that doesn't really matter too much when compared to what they REALLY want to do, which is teach your kids about sex, and why it's EVIL.

...and you will look down on the almighty and tell him "no".



This is a movie which teaches that self-sacrifice for your fellow man will get you into Heaven.

Not really such a bad messages.
That's debatable.

...and you will look down on the almighty and tell him "no".



I COULD debate with you about that, but I'd sound like an Ayn Rand quote book.

...and you will look down on the almighty and tell him "no".



And not such a bad thing.
In your opinion. I disagree.

...and you will look down on the almighty and tell him "no".


Self-sacrifice for your fellow man is bad then?


Self-sacrifice for your fellow man is bad then?
No. It's not good or bad. It's an act that, by itself, cannot be brought down to such rudimentary terms as "good" or "bad. Sacrifice by its nature is the act of giving up the worthwhile to the worthless; giving something of which you have value to that which you do not is a sacrifice. It's giving something away with no expectation of a reward.
What about self-sacrifice for your fellow man, when he doesn't need it? When he is perfectly capable of working for it and attaining it himself entirely without your just giving it to him? Is THAT good? I personally think it's stupid. But people still do it.
Or you provide healthcare for a people who do not have the money to pay for it, so that they may better themselves and prove to be valuable members of society (or in the hopes that they will). That is self sacrifice that I do not consider to be bad. But there are some methods of thought that go by the question of if there is nothing to be gotten back, then there's no reason to give.

That's basically why I think telling people that self-sacrifice is good is not really appropriate. There are just too many moral grey areas to it.

...and you will look down on the almighty and tell him "no".


A lot of hippie liberal douches here who think all christians are ignorant man real smart.

The reason Wacko Jacko died is because it's heart just couldn't BEAT IT anymore.


It's funny how this Christian website doesn't list Cartman's anti-semetism towards Kyle under the Impundence/Hate section. I love South Park, and I'm a Christian, but this is just flat-out ridiculous!

I don't read the script. The script reads me.



rneil95, great point, and one that's very telling about that website.

"you watched it, you can't unwatch it."


Not to mention that they DO list Big Gay Al's hosting the USO show (or otherwise showing up in the movie) as an offensive homosexual reference.



God - the all knowing being who created everything down to the nucleus of an atom.

-Gives man free will.
-Floods the entire planet because man doesn't act how he wanted.

Good logic god.


seriosuly. you guys suck. you talk about christians the same way fundy christians talk about gays for isntances. that makes you suck equally as hard as the people you are talking about.
you can disagree without being a douche. shoving your beliefs down christians throats is no more useful to society as christians shoving their beliefs down your throats.
just think about it, before you talk. am i being a douche?



Hey, us non-believers don't even hold any beliefs to "shove down" your throats! We acknowledge that life is the greatest mystery there is and we support the research necessary to solve it.

In all my life, I will never love a woman the way this officer loved that lip ferret.


I would see your point, IF....

Gay people had as much power and influence in the world as Christians (and other religious folk) do.

"Fundies" had a rational basis for condemning gays. And no, a few words thrown into a 2,000-year-old book cannot be considered a rational basis. If gays had slaughtered thousands of Christians throughout the centuries; if there were some sort of gay organization whose gospel teaches that the Christian lifestyle is evil and immoral and condemns Christians to eternal damnation; if there had been Crusades all through history where one faction of gays had committed a sort of "gay genocide" of another faction, for the sin of not believing what the first faction does and having different goals for their people; THAT might be considered a "rational basis."

Gay people weren't PEOPLE, with the same five senses, the same emotions, the same rights to live, as Christians.

To sum it up, Christians have ruled the roost in the United States of America for a very long time now. But finally, fortunately, their time is slowly ending. They are intolerant. They are self-righteous. They don't just "shove their beliefs down the throats" of the rest of us. They actually have power to back up the "shoving" with legislation. They attempt to enforce unenforceable laws about personal sexual behavior and preference, not to mention reproductive freedom (witness last year's congressional candidate Christine O'Donnell, who would outlaw masturbation if she possibly could). They claim this country as a "Christian nation," lie and rewrite history to make it seem that THEIR vision of America was what the Founders had in mind the whole time they were crafting their dream (the tacit implication, of course, being that those who aren't Christians have no place in this country, and can all just go to Hell).

So there you have it. When one group with power chooses to condemn and abuse another group with virtually NO power, the abused group has a predilection to get a little cranky! Imagine that! And the abused will always have others standing in their corner to lend a helping hand because, by instinct, human beings tend to hate abuse, and hate those who dish it out for no good reason.

The Falcon flies


What makes you think you're acting any better than religious nutjobs (no, not religious people, there IS a difference, believe it or not.)?

All you did was lump a bunch of people together and say, "this is how all of them act, blah blah blah".

Yeesh. I'm a Catholic, I do have atheist/agnostic friends (shocking, right?), and... you know what? I won't even bother.

All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed.

There are those who still know- they're still home. We're still home.

Into the woods, then out of the woods-- and happy ever after! (I wish...)

~Proud to be a Gleek!~

You watch me, just watch me. I'm calling, I'm calling. And one day all will know...

La Vie Boheme!


It is plain ignorant to assume movies or entertainment is what makes children the way they are.

To start off, parents have the responsibility to teach their kids and restrict them from whatever they deem inappropriate. Just because some people think that learning about sex and the "f" word destroys our children doesn't mean we all believe that. I personally know people who grew up around "evil" material and they are very kind, good human beings.

Subject matter in and of itself is quite literally just communication. Teaching people and children to help, be kind to, and ultimately teach each other is the main goal of our human coexistence. Being honest and selfless and empathetic is more important to teach. But teaching people to not use "dirty" and controversial language merely just states we aren't trying to help the oppressed, and in turn just teaches us to ignore the real problems and pretend there is nothing wrong.


Those Christians and the MPAA need to get laid.


But if they did, they wouldn't be allowed to watch it.



There is no proof of a God, but there is no proof that there isn't one....and I'm "techniaclly" Christian. To be honest I don;t know what to believe, its just one of life's greatest mysteries. Noone know how humans started, its all theories but there is no proof. Thats why everyone is entitled to there opinion..and that review was the most ignorant peice of crap I have read.


There is no proof of a God, but there is no proof that there isn't one.

This statement is a HUGE fallacy, lack of proof of non-existence is NOT proof of existence. The burden of proof is on the people claiming there is a God, unless they can actually prove there is a God then the only logical thing to think is that there isn't one. If you claim there is a God then you must prove it, it is NOT up to other people to disprove your claim, YOU are the one who has to back it up with evidence.


It's logically impossible to prove a negative. Can anyone prove Santa Claus doesn't exist?
