favorite quotes

not sure if this has been done before, but i just watched it again and i thought of all my favorite lines. here are a few:

loretta: for christ's sake amber, the woman clung to your tap shoes while flying through the air like a god damned lawn dart!


gladys: excuse me, miss penthouse 98, put your knees together. i could drive a boat show in there!

gladys: you get your ass up there! and show me some teeth!

becky: she's skinny, amber...not deaf.

amber: course...i hope i end up a little more like diane sawyer than my mom.

annette: yeah, well, if they ask you to take your top off, get the money first.

(the scene in the trailer with loretta and annette):
annette: all right, thats it, im cuttin ya out and sendin ya home, she's gotta go home...
loretta: what, i'm braggin up your kid here. amber's gonna be the next diane sawyer, ya know.
annette: they're makin a movie here, you don't know where this'll end up
loretta: i know they're makin a movie here
camera man: why do you think becky'll win?
loretta: why do i think becky'll win? Ow, don't pinch! you're talkin about the richest family in a small town. its front page news when one of 'em takes a *beep*
annette: oh, great.
loretta: so, can one of you boys give me a ride home?
annette: don't fall for it, she live two trailers down
lorettta: so, be real easy! anyone??
annette: go on home loretta, show's over.

terry macy: while we have not ruled out sabotage from neighboring state pageants...
colleen douglas: ohio, south dakota...that bitch from wisconsin!

hahahaha. this movie is great. does anyone know if there ever will be a special edition dvd???


Nurse: Hello Miss Sad Pants, and her friend, Serious Sally! How about a nice cool mint to help turn those frowns upside down?
Loretta: Do you think a nice cool mint would help if I shoved your head up your ass?

haha greaaaaaaaat



my favourite would have to be when they ask becky what kind of tree she would be...

'I'd have good strong roots in a town like Mt. Rose, a solid Christian trunk, and long, leafy branches to provide shade for handicapped kids on a hot day.'

Loretta is the best of them though


Loretta is absolutely the best character. I just watched the movie so I wrote down her best quotes. These are my favorites from her. There are so many funny quotes in this movie, too many to write down. Might as well just get the whole script on here.

Loretta, "Are we on cops again?"

Loretta, "Shes the most smartest"

Loretta, "Can one of you boys give me a ride home?"
Amber's mom, "Dont fall for it she lives 2 trailers down"
Loretta, "So? It will be real easy"

Amber, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom?! Mom?!"
Fireman smoking, "Hey are you family?"
Loretta, "no shes just screaming mom, mom because she has terrets"

Loretta, "Once a carnie, always a carnie"

Loretta, "Go Hank!"

Loretta, "she had a big a** then she has a big a** now"

at beckys funeral, she takes a picture of her casket

Loretta, "So youre cute... Oh I see youre married"

Coming out of hotel room with bartender with girls vomiting "Oh my god do you think they heard us?"

On the news "I got some"

~*Sweet Merciful Crap!*~


I can't believe it's gone unmentioned thus far..."AIRPORT HOJO!!" oh, and "Tammy always used to have a smoke after a good drive."



Loretta is great, but Annette has some great lines, too!

Annette: Amber, I am reaching a point where I would kill someone for the nicotine under their fingernails.

Annette: The best thing I've got to look forward to is to end up in some decent raisin ranch where they change me twice a day.

Annette: You wanna look like you've been rode hard and put away wet when you're my age?


Def. when Brittany Murphy's dad told her that he was upset that she let Kirsten Dunst go instead of her and told her that her brother Peter would never have done that. And Brittany tells him that Peter was gay. The way that she did was so funny! I commend her for keeping a straight face. I don't think I could have. Although I used to be able to do a good immitation of her and I did keep a straight face. It was just a funny scene.

"Amber deserved to win."
"Your brother Peter never would have done this."
"Well you know what, dad? You know what? Peter is gay. GAY!"


"It's best with lots of butter."

"Hello, Miss Sad Pants...and her friend, Serious Sally. How bout some nice cool mints to help turn those frowns upside down?"

"...but none can compare to the greatest bark of all: The German Shepard errrrrrrrrrrrrrAHH!"

"yeah, really nervous...it's been about two months. I haven't told my boyfriend yet. How did you know?"

"I think I'm, like, due, or something."

"You betcha, Iris."

and soo many more!


My favorite is at the beginning when the lady talks about St.Paul Pork products and she's got on the blood stained apron. I love it when she says. "I just love St. Paul Pork Products, I love them so much I work here now!"


The best part by far is when the retard hangs from car it is policy of documentary crew not to interfer with it's subject LMAO


Amber: Guys get out of Mount Rose all the time. You know, hockey scholarhsips, or prison...

Hank: I want a big bag of little donuts.

Harold: Well mom's dead so shut your fly trap!
Hank: Only if you shut your pie hole.

Harold: Were gonna use the money to get our mom a proper head stone, and move her out to the cemetary...

Lester: You two dont jew me down too much on that dinette and i'll through in the hutch for free!

The whole movie is gold, pure gold and we definaly need a directors commentary on special editing dvd.


You guys pretty much got all of my favorites on here but I'll be redundent and name mine. But yeah pretty much anything Loretta says is GEAR!

"This is my lucky bolt. They think that it fell from a DC10. The doctors said I was really lucky that the flat part hit my head or else it could have gone right through."

"I always offer to pay them off in tacos, Oh they love that."

"Nah I think I'm like, due or something."

"You know they only had me cause Peter needed that kidney."

"I shoved your tap shoes in my panties... you go find the guy who cut em' off"

"Oh for christ sakes Amber the woman clung on to your tap shoes while flying through the air like a goddamn lawn dart."

"Oh no she's just screaming Mom Mom cause she's got tourettes, she's Annette's kid dipsh!t."

"Well you know what dad, Peter's gay, GAY" - Totally slays my mother

"Yeah, I always remember what she wrote in the card, Jesus loves winners"

"Yeah, exactly how I pictured it, choking on swan gas."

"Hey, hey, I got second runner up! I got second place! (Third) No I got-Bye!"

"Competing for teen princess pageant sure was exciting but I never would have won without my- St. Paul's Pork Products! (LOVE THAT SEGMENT)

"She had a big ass then, she has a big ass now."

"No go ahead open it, tape cassette comes out of Afghanistan-- Oh yeah she's damn near as good as that uh- Candyman, you know the one with the glass eye (Sammy Davis Jr.) Yeah the Jew."

"The swan ate my baby!!!"

"It's a $200 dollar fine! - I told I'd move if a cripple came"

"This just proves the communal wine is too tempting - That's why we Lutheran's use Grape Kool-Aid for the blood of Christ."
Then the whole beginning segment with Adam West and the computer activated voice with BEAUTIFUL MOUNT ROSE MINNESOTA is so damn funny. And like others have said the whole movie is gold, brilliant, hilarious, etc. :0)

~ Haven't you ever heard of suspension of disbelief?!?!


do ya think a nice cool mint'd help if I shoved your head up your ass?

"Now you go get me a beer and a woman. I'll give that waterbed a workout!"


This is during the scene where Amber is putting makeup on one of the people at the funeral home and the owner of the funeral home tells her the family of the woman she's working on is upset because she doesn't look the same as she did when she was alive.
Amber: 'Well I'm sorry but I didn't think she'd wanna meet her maker lookin' like a cheap whore!"
Mr. Larsen: " Well this cheap whore is that family's lovin' mother!"
