MovieChat Forums > Angela's Ashes (2000) Discussion > Funny scenes that made me laugh

Funny scenes that made me laugh

Yes, I realize this is a sad story, but the humour in some of the scenes made me laugh very hard!

Especially the first communion scene. Little Frankie receives the Host from the priest and gulps it down like a horse! "Please stop your clucking and get back to your seat!" he says to Frankie.

Also: the doctor farting in front of a sickly and yet older Frankie.

Who could forget the story Frankie reads to his class about JESUS AND THE WEATHER? If Jesus lived in Limerick, he would die of consumption in a month, there would be no Catholic Church, and I wouldn't have to write compositions about Him. I loved it!

** John Kotynek



My favorite line from the movie:

"Ye might be scrawny, but that's a fine boyo ya got there!"
