MovieChat Forums > The Insider (1999) Discussion > This is why the 90's was the best decade...

This is why the 90's was the best decade for movies!

Just look at the 90's for movies. It was incredible. The Insider, Goodfellas, Shawshank Redemption, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Braveheart, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, American Beauty, Casino, Seven, The Silence of the Lambs, Forrest Gump, JFK, The Usual Suspects, Malcolm X, Fargo, Unforgiven, American History X, Fight Club, Good Will Hunting...

The list goes on!! Each movie has some of the greatest acting in the history of film and television. It makes me want to cry when I see the tripe that they release at the cinemas today. What happened to good, decent movies? I don't want to watch a ****ing 3D movie. I want acting! I want good stories. I shouldn't have to watch a DVD just to see what a good movie is. I should be able to see it in my local cinema.

I know people always talk about the 70's and 80's when it comes to film but I'm sorry, none of them even stand close to the 90's. Bring back decent movies!!!


You are correct.Although I feel don´t agree with Shawshank Redemption being the second best ever as surveys suggest,I agree with many of yours.Reservoir Dogs,J.F.K,The Usual Suspects,Goodfellas,Fight Club,Will Hunting,Saving Private Ryan,A.H.X,Fargo,all masterpieces and I will add Magnolia,Boogie Nights,True Romance,The Talented mr.Ripley,Donnie Brasco,Millers Crossing,Falling down,Carlitos Way,Analyze this,Great action in Leon,Face/Off and The Rock(Yes,it was Michael Bay).

Like you said,the list could go on and on and people who say that movies where better in the 60´s or 70´s,that´s their opinion....but some things do evolve and peak and personally,I think cinema did so in the 90´s.

The 2000´s gave me Gladiator,Sin City,Blood Diamond,The Departed,The Prestige,Memento,G.O.N.Y.,Collateral,TDK,Munich,21 Grams,Running Scared,First LOTR,Zodiac and several others but the 90´s will always be my goldmine.Good post.



There is no best decade. Only blind or ignorant people would say otherwise.

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


But of course there is a best decade. It´s not the 90´s, though.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


There is no best decade, just like there is no best year or best movie. You've got a favorite decade, maybe, but that doesn't really mean anything.

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


In that case, nothing really means much of anything. And it´s all a bunch of semantic nitpicking, anyway, this argument.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



gotta go with the 70s but yeah the 90s were pretty great. also like the 40s and 50s.


Did you watch this movie right now?
I did, the credits are rolling as I type.


naw i just seen it a bunch of times


I've often said that the 90s was one of the best for film, for many reasons that other people have done pointed out. But then I have to remind myself that every decade has their hit-or-miss affiars. Though I will say that the 90s was the last true decade for originality; before the remaking, er, "rebooting" hoopla started to take place. Not to mention the overreliance of pop culture references that many films are laced with today. Even Django Unchained, a movie I enjoy, has dialog lifted verbatim from Hollywood's past glories (i.e. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly).


Tarantino was stealing in the 90's too.

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.



You are correct, matthew-dexter-brewer. I should've said that Tarantino was referencing a quote from a classic film; a film whose dialog is well established within our lexicon and pop culture. I don't fault Tarantino for doing that, as I do enjoy his films.


Best decade for movies in general or best decade for USA movies?
That's a huge difference.


I think this "best of" argument can be used for literally every decade of film, depending on your vantage point. Let's not forgot that films are art and grounds for subjective thinking. It's all opinions. Get off your pedestal.

It may be wrong of them, but they value their lives.


Just looking at the year 1999 alone is enough to realise how brilliant the nineties was for film.

Off the top of my head I can think of the following groundbreaking, innovative and/or universally praised masterworks:

Fight Club
American Beauty
The Insider
The Limey
Three Kings
Being John Malkovich
The Sixth Sense
The Matrix
The Green Mile
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Arlington Road
Eyes Wide Shut
The Blair Witch Project
Bringing Out The Dead
Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
A Room For Romeo Brass

Some of these films may not be considered contemporary classics or masterpieces but they were a part of a filmmaking resurgence where creativity, daring and invention became prevalent once again. It's a shame this great year of promise was never truly followed up on in its proceeding decade.

In 1999 we had proper introductions to many talents (some who had been around for a while without notice) such as M. Night Shyamalan, Charlie Kauffman, Alexander Payne, Doug Liman, Shane Meadows, The Wachowski Brothers, Sam Mendes, P.T Anderson, and many others who either became "names" or solidified their reputations as ones to watch.

Most of them, not all, have lived up to their reputations. Some of them have withered but 1999 was still a great year for cinema. American cinema in particular.


Oh my God, you mentioned "eXistenZ", awesome! :D


Nothing beats the 30s to 50s. These decades are the pillars of film-making.

These are the decades of directors like Alfred Hitchcock and Charles Chaplin, and actors like Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn.

Please don't tarnish the Hollywood golden era due to your lack of film knowledge.


Why so touchy and shrill? Haven´t noticed any "tarnishing" going on here.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Maybe you are too stupid to notice 'em?


Well, for what it´s worth, I´ve certainly noticed you being a pretentious twit in throes of some bizarre self aggrandizing hysteria.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Trust me, don't sweat it... your opinions are not worth much to me.

Au revoir.



Thank you.

Never for the sake of peace and quiet deny your convictions-Dag Hammarskjold
