Favourite Quotes?

I know Its a hard question.
I'd say:
MICK - "Yeah, I was a little bitter about the whole gettin killed by my best friend thing, but I've had time to get over it."

PNUB - "Go go Buffalo!"

"Ann, Mommy said you're not dead. Is That True?"


MICK: Yeh there's a murderer loose, dont you ever wath the news?

ANTON: No, i hate that f***ing show.


MICK: There was this havenly light with these angels singing.

ANTON: so what did you do?

MICK: We figured f*** it! I mean it was really far.


ANTON: Pnub man im dry, how bout you bring me over some

PNUB: This isnt Dominoes you lazy b****, come over and get it yourself.


MICK: Lets go walk through a nurse.

PNUB: Careful dude some of them are guys.


when pnub sees ANT written in blood, he goes 'Ants?? They were killed buy giant ants?

I havnt seen this movie in a while but these are some of the ones i remember.


I love all those other quotes mentioned! Here are some more that I like...

After Anton's dad checks under the bed from seeing the words "I'm under the bed" written on the ceiling...
>ANTON'S DAD: "Just a prank, that's all. Anton."
>ANTON'S MOM: "Anton?! Our little 'Scooter' would never do something like that."
>ANTON'S DAD: "Quit calling him that baby name. Anton would not scoot his behind off the couch if the house was on fire! Lord nows he didn't help me with the Halloween decorations."

>ANTON: [Singing] "Devil girl with nothing to lose. She's got wind in her hair and gum on her sho-o-o-o-oes."

>PNUB: "Those things won't even cut my bagel."

>MICK: [Laughing] "Look at, look at me. I'm 'Leatherface'."

>ANTON: "I was looking for my cat. We got in a fight."
>MOLLY: "You sure got your ass kicked."
>ANTON: "I did okay."

>RUCK: "Anton Tobias. You got a reason for prowling around this neighborhood?"
>ANTON: "Yeah, I live here. Since when is it against the law to grocery shop? [Short Pause] Hey, I know you guys! Yeah, you guys were Seniors when I was a Freshman."
>RUCK: "Yeah, lets talk about High School, Anton."
>McMACY: "Yeah, you and all your stoner friends zipping around on your skateboards. Thought you were to cool for us, huh? Did you ever, even once, invite us to get high behind the gym?"
>ANTON: "You were dorks."

>MICK: "It's 'Mighty Joe Bong'!"
>PNUB: "I needs me spinach."

I could go on forever, but I'll stop here! I could practically say every line from this movie! There are tons of other hilarious quotes, but I just named a few for ya!

"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do."
-Lucas, Empire Records


There are TONS of funny lines in this movie, but I have to agree that one of the funnier lines was when Seth Green says heaven was too far of a walk so they just said fuc it. Stoner humor at its best!!


i like these:
MICK: "Look at, look at me. I'm 'Leatherface'."

ANTON: "I was looking for my cat. We got in a fight."
MOLLY: "You sure got your ass kicked."

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.


Anton: I don't wanna hurt you!!!
Pnub: Then don't!!!!!!


MICK: Yeh there's a murderer loose, dont you ever wath the news?

ANTON: No, i hate that fu**ing show.

That's my favorite one.


hey does anyone know the one quote where anton says to the police officers these aren't my pants? It goes something like that but i dunno!

"i'm being pulled and tucked and nipped and brushed...with a baby brush, a good baby brush"~Clay<3


iluvclayandtom124, I think the part you're talking about goes...

>ANTON: "Either of you guys holding?"
>RUCK: "What?"
>ANTON: "Look, I'm desperate. I know you guys can get in the evidence room, so..."
>McMACY: "You a$$hole! Y-You're trying to score from a cop?!"
>RUCK: "That's it. Complete personal effects search."
>McMACY: "Ah-ah-ah-ah, yeah. What the hell is this?"
>RUCK: "Stupid, thats an asthma inhaler. Don't you know anything?"
>McMACY: "Empty your pockets, boy."
>ANTON: "Yeah. Nice try, but they're not even my pants."
>McMACY: "Lets go."
>ANTON: "All right."
>McMACY: [Finds a dollar bill & takes it] "George has found a new home. [Finds a baggie] Ah, what do we have here? [Sniffs it] Officer? [Ruck sniffs it] Smells like marijuana to me. Write it up, Ruck."
>ANTON: "What?! It's empty! Hey, I know my rights, you can't cite me for possession of a baggie!"
[McMacy throws the baggie on the ground]
>RUCK: "Littering. Maximum fine. $200."
>ANTON: "Right."


My favorite line is when Seth Green's character is holding up the electric turkey carver and he yells out "Look at me, Im leatherface!!"


mine hands down (no pun intened) is:

ANTON: ....naw the left ones a keeper, i swich channels with it, use it to light up...relieve a little tention


After finding the girl's body parts everywhere

PNUB- ohh man, and I was going to get some tongiht

Mick-Really, well you can go back and get a piece



well you cant ever forget Mick's burrito song: "burrito burrito uh uh buritto"


well you cant ever forget Mick's burrito song: "burrito burrito uh uh buritto"


Here are some of my faves
Mick: [to 911 operator] There is something wrong with my friend, I think he smoked some nutmeg or something.

Mick: [holding an electric carving knife] Look at me! Look at me! I'm Leatherface!

Pnub: Maybe we should clean that up.
Mick: Yeah, and while we're at it, let's just clean the whole fcukin' house.

Anton: What the fcuk are you doing man?
Pnub:CPR man I saw it on Baywatch

Mick: I'm gonna go call 911. What's the number?

Mick:It's Mighty Joe Bong!!!

Anton: Aww man, you said you were holding
Pnub: Yeah but I didn't say what is was holding[holds his crotch]

These are just some. I got plenty more

Now, where was I?


Here's another one I missed that I think is really funny

Piss on the bill of rights. We have just cause. (1 of the cops said it, I don't know which one)

Now, where was I?



Mick: Look at me! Look at me! I'm Leatherface! (cord to the electric carver comes out of the socket)

Pnub: Ahh, and I was going to get some tonight.
Mick: Well, hey you can go back and get a piece.
(that's my personal favorite)

Pnub: Ant? There were killed by ants?
Mick: Please don't be stupid.

I am the long lost Orange Power Ranger, Ash Patrick! This is my sidekick, Val, the Purple Ranger!


Mick: That's it? That's it? No explosions, no hellfire, no *screeching*? I mean, no, I'm glad everybody's alright, but that was weak.


Pnub: As usual, marijuana saves antherwise disasterous day.

those lines rule!!

"Out.for.a.walk...bitch." ~Spike


Pnub: "COOL" while being decapitated

"ok, first things f*ckin last"

"What's a f*ck*ss?"


my fave quote is definitly
MICK : im gonna call 911, whats the number? [walks of in shock and a bit high]
thats soooooooooooo the best quote! lmao!


MICK : im gonna call 911, whats the number?

I tried to call 911, but there isn't an eleven on my phone 

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, what about Mary?


i agree with letscauseascene


(After Tonya gets chopped up)
Mick: Ugh, I'm not crawling through all this Tonya
Debi: Now it's time for the ritualistic sex, (to Randy) you coming?
Randy: You are a... pistol!
Randy: What did you do to my truck, you evil hosting *beep*
Molly: You wouldn't stand me up, would you?
Anton: Not a chance, babysnakes


dude, i watch this movie everyday! haha, i know, im a loset, i just got done watching it like 10 mins ago.

my favorite quote is

Pnub: Dude, dont you ever watch the news?

Anton: I hate that F-ing show.

i know its prolly a common favorite quote, i just love it though, haha.


"What the *beep*'r you doin man thats my dad come on!!!" perfect timing


PNUB: They were playing some sh!t like Enya or sh!t. And they were all like 'Come to us, come toward the light.

ANTON: So then what happened?

MICK: Oh so we figured fcuk it...I mean it was really far.

...i am the passenger


After finding the guy and girl dead in the car
Pnub: What a waste.
Mick: I thought you didn't like Curtis.
Pnub: I'm talkin about that A$$!
Mick: At least he died happy.


"Okay, that wasn't my fault, that thing shoulda' come down a LOT slower!" -Pnub

"Okay, I'm not walking through all this Tanya, go back that way." -Mick

"They asked me out on a double-date, and I thought they were 'tards, 'cause there's only one of me, right? So I told them to go blow eachother!" -Tanya
"Whoa....did they?" -Randy

"They were killed by ants?" -Pnub
"Please don't be stupid....do you have, like, an evil aunt?" -Mick

"Everything's gonna be cool, Anton! Everything's gonna be..."-head's cut off, stumbles down the stairs, and says-"...cool." -Pnub

"It's just music, just like Mozart, and that other f ag, um..." -Randy
"Who, Beethoven?" -Anton
"Yeah, that's the guy. It's just like their music, only louder." -Randy

"I haven't seen my parents in a couple days." -Anton
"Maybe they're dead...party at Anton's!" -Pnub

"You're not going anywhere, you evil-hosting f uckstick! No one touches my Ford!" -Randy

Great movie.


pnub: and there was like this musi. but like really lame crap like enya or *beep* and like all these chicks going "come to us some to use t=come towards the light"
anton: whoa...so what did you guys do?
mick: well.....you know....we figured *beep* it...i mean, it was really far!

anton: *screams*
mick: hey, you're right...he does scream like a girl
pnub: you think we should tell him we painted that on the wall?
mick: *beep* it

anton: dearly beloved, we are gathered here today....because you're all dead.

loads of other ones but i LOVED those

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.



I like it when Mick reminds Pnub that having Tanya sleep with him would be illegal because he's dead. Funny.

The Apple Slut


"lookat me im leather face!!"

"i dont patronize bunny rabbits"


"Go Go Buffalo" haha



Anton:(to Pnub)I can't believe you told me to smoke that sh!t.

Molly:(to Anton)That's my parents. you'd better leave. I think they wouldn't like it very much if they came home and found a dirty, bloody boy bangin' their daughter.

And......This isn't a quote but.....

When Anton first wakes, he's listening to BTK's "Peppy Rock" on his boombox. Then he becomes disgusted with the music, throws the headsphones off, puts on another set of headphones that is connected to a portable player, also playing "Peppy Rock", but is only then finally overcame with a look of pure bliss.

I absolutely love that scene.

"Once again the fruit of peace has become the jam of war"-"Femputer:Death by snoo snoo!"



I love the end where "i'm under the bed" is written on Anton's hospital room ceiling. And the guys go "Should we tell him we wrote it?"




"dearly beloved we are gathered here today becuase you all dead and its my fault.
mom, dad. what can i say.. i mean you brought me into this world, you put a roof over my head, you fed me untill i killed you. So i guess if you look at that way i havnt been a good son. BUT im really really really sorry."


Mick to Anton-The killer was wearing your shirt!

Pnub-Hey don't forget my bong.
Mick-You did not make that bong.
Pnub-Yeah I did I arch welded it and *beep*

Anton to The Hand-Who's your daddy now bitch,Who's your *beep* daddy!


MOLLY: You're Kinky!

...turned me on, lol


*dog throws his bowl on the floor*

There's a lot more that I love that no one has said but I left the movie at my mom's house...:(
