You can say that about pretty much any movie, they all have flaws, and if you approach a movie from the perspective of 'this is a bad movie, I just have to find out how', you will be successful eventually. There is no perfect movie.
This movie is a bit silly comedy on ths surface, but it does contain MANY elements and layers that separate it from the usual movies. You can see it as cringy macho-fest with no value.
You can also see it as criticism against consumerism, materialism, corporations and the scary world we actually live in, when corporations have so much power, and individual men are forced to live lives of quiet desperation and often depression, anxiety and suicide.
It's not men's fault, it's this world that hates men while celebrating women - no matter how you measure it, the result is the same. Women have it much easier in every area, except maybe 'monthly bleeding'. They also have victim status and zillion simps defending their honor, and exclusive right to complain.
This movie is not revered because of the things you mentioned, people like it because it works on many levels. There's a relatively organic, clever twist that the movie even hints at from time to time, very often.
Brad Pitt's performance is extremely charismatic, 'cool' and interesting, and he's always fun to watch in a movie, when he's given something crazy to do.
People like this movie for various reasons, because this movie GIVES people multiple reasons to like it. The underlying message of pointing out how hollow and materialistic most people's lives are, is a very interesting one. This movie is very rewatchable, and you can understand it from multiple perspectives. On one hand, it points out how miserable men's lives have become compared to historical lives.
On another hand, you can feel the pain of men without purpose.
Then there's the perspective (are we in legs now?) of women can be really crazy, and yet this world worships them, but don't give men a chance.