Favorite Quote

For people who liked this movie, share your favorite quote.

I love every quote in this film, but I'm gonna have to say -
During Jeff and Caroline's wedding, Danny is throwing marshmallows and says:

"Meet me out front in the lobby!"

Cracks me up every time.

"I'm tryin' Ringo, I'm tryin' REAL hard to be the Shepherd."


"I love you more than band music and cookie baking."



When they both say their vows, and she says something along the lines of
"And I take you to be my wife"
it's such an awwwwwww moment because even though she said wife and not husband you can tell that she loves him very very much


There's no panic like the panic you feel when you've got you're head or hand stuck in something!!!


My fave has to be one of the Caroline ones (I'm a Poppy fan so I'm biased and also I didn't want to say one someone else had said which I love all of the above by the way). So yes, my fave is at the end after Carla's wedding when they are all standing outside and Caroline says:

"Owww! Honey, I have a bird seed in my eye!"

Cracks me up everytime, especially Poppy/Caroline's face! :)

R.R: You are 1 Grade A bitch you know that?
K.W: I'm your boss & as long as I am you're my bitch



Cracks me up every time.


Yeah - the stop laughing at me is really funny. The whole movie such an embarrassment that it totally rules.


Two favorite quotes:

1) When Danny is getting his bike at school and says "they put gum in my hat again."

2) After the wedding & the marching band is coming up the street, and Danny says "this is my present for my bride." Gets me every time.


The funniest line for me is is when Danny asks Carla to be his girlfriend and she picks up her purse and he says "You're not getting your pepper spray are you?"

I may be love's bitch but at least I'm man enough to admit it.


so my parents can get off my back!!


did you 2 do it yet?

when she talks about sex to her mom lol ....but i know all about it!

how much do you weigh?

i noe every line and can do carlas voice :)


"I like what's on page 32 but not what's on 117."

...or somethin like that. I tried to entise my wife into the act of coitus with that line once... it DOES NOT work.

"Lord, you better take care of me, cause if you don't... you'll have me on your hands!" -Raoul Duke


I tried to entise my wife into the act of coitus with that line once... it DOES NOT work.

ROFL Too funny!

I think my favorite line of the movie would have to be when they're talking about The Graduate and how she smokes and he smiles. When Carla says that she doesn't like smoking Danny retorts with, "Ya, but I just like to smile." LOL What a typical guy. ;)

- Em


LOVE it when Danny barks at Carla's mom when they are dressed up for the Halloween party. Cracks me up every time!


omg that was the best part ever!!!!!

will you be my girlfriend?
*picks up purse*
your not etting the pepper spary are you?
no!im thinking!


The Whole Carla and sex scene with her mom.

"Did you two do it yet?"

"I've took 4 buses already!"

"When are you going to do the other side of my face?"

I love this movie.




My favorite quote is "I did it Daniel I passed in a regular school!"


my favorite part that cracks me up every single time is.....

I want to wait till a special time...thanksgiving is coming up....

Yeah...but i feel special right now carla!!


True Love Will Always Find It's Way To You


"Yeah...but i feel special right now carla!! "

that's my favorite line!!! lol

i know a lot of guys who feel special MOST of the time lol.


"After the wedding & the marching band is coming up the street, and Danny says "this is my present for my bride." Gets me every time. "

Me too. This moment make my cry.
Great, great human film. Who does not have a heart never can understand that.


I love it when the minister is getting ready to pronounce them man and wife and Carla says...."HERE IT COMES!" and she is SO excited! I just love that part!!


i love that quote (when Carla says "And I take you to be my wife" ) because the look she gets on her face is so touching she looks so upset that she messed it up but everyone tells her that it is fine <3 it makes me tear up every time

sorry to comment like 7 years later :)


iloved that.
so so much!


"I don't want a boyfriend now Daniel"

Love this line!!!



My favorite is when she's talking to her mOm about her teacher/cafeteria monitor telling them about sex.The mom asks her what else the teacher told her and she says very loudly "don't put gum underneath the cafeteria tables. How many times do I have to tel you." She's just so innocent and sweet.



i totally love this movie... my favorite part is when she is fighting with her mom at her sisters wedding when she says "fine don't come i'll do it myself", the thing she does with her arm makes me laugh just the way she says it....



=) I guess it's not really a "line," but one of the funniest moments in this movie is when Carla's parents are meeting Daniel for the first time, and he's dressed like a dog for Halloween. They're about to greet him, and he just starts barking loudly at them. LOLOL, I almost pissed myself...cuz he just scares the hell out of them. So funny.

Also, I must admit...the last drinking game I played was to this movie. Me, my fiancee and some of our friends...we decided we would do a shot anytime Daniel or Carla did something "retarded". Ummmm, yeah...we got pretty drunk. I know, I know...I'm going to hell. See you there!



My favorite part goes along the lines of:

Carla: I wonder who invented sex...
Danny: I think it was Madonna...

That's not it exactly but pretty close to it. I just about died laughing.Or when the preacher says "You can do it now." and they just look at him with that bewildered look.*lmao*


Carla: I wonder who invented sex...
Danny: I think it was Madonna...

yes!!! Loved that!!!


My favorite is when Danny comes to Carla's house before the dance, dressed as a dog and says, "Don't worry I'm house-trained!"

Hehe. I love this movie. For some reason I can always watch it. And I love Carla's swan costume. I would totally rock that!


I also love the line when Carla is modeling her swan Halloween costume, and she says "I feel so delicate"!!!! That cracks me up every time I hear her say it!


lol when she is in her room in the beginning of the movie.... after her computer class...

"Do u teach private lessons.. haaa ( retarded laugh ) " lol i quit watching after that but that was hilarious


"I'm Not a Duck!! I'm a SWANNN!!"

Followed by Miss Lewis Waving her giant webbed feet around! SOooooo Funny ... infact i only saw this movie one time. .. i've just ordered it because i read all these quotes and forgot how funny this movie was!



"But do you have... I'm gonna love you, like nobody loves you."

" NO BLUES!!!"



LMAOOOOOOO i cant stop laughinnnn now that u mentioned that cuz now i keep remembering her laugh!!


I have 2, one sad but witnessed and the other happy and comic.
The scene at the country club where the groom makes his announcement of how they met, her terminal bad hair day, and ending with their song and the dance. Courage built up through alcohol, daniel announces (just wanting to be like the groom as mentally challenged kids want to be..like us) his love for Carla, and thier favorite song. The crowd not taking him serious at all and laughing causing Carla to berate the crowd to quit laughin and having a moment all kids of that nature have, i've witnessed them. It was their love and it wasn't funny to her and Daniel.
Then after the reception when CArla and her mother argue in the golf course. That she would plan her own wedding. But what caps it off is when she tells her mother she thought she did a terrible job with her sister's wedding, from the everything including the center peices. Then she says except her dress, that she liked it very much and then ends with.."I'm gonna keep it" and then proceeds to run throuhg the sprinklers with it on. It showed just how quick the mood can change in an emotional moment in thier lives. I've witnessed that to. This movie is close to my heart because of my sister. This movie captures all the emotional outbreaks to the highs that we take for granted every day.

God Bless,


One of my favorite quotes from that totally great movie is when Danny is at Carla's apartment at Thanksgiving and he just ate dinner and says "Just cause last year I ate "tids and bits" and it just didn't have that Thanksgiving feeling" Oh and the other good one was when she asked who thought of sex and he replies "I think it was Madonna actually" This movie is great!!!!


I have one other favorite line...when she is in her swan suit and tells her father..."I feel SO delicate"!! That cracks me up everytime I hear it!
