First of all, to the OP (I know this was a year ago, but I cannot believe someone hasn't caught it yet)...'retard' is not the word. I'm sure you've got something wrong with you, you don't want anyone else to point that out to you, right? I mean, are you ugly? Fat? Deaf? Stupid? Are you a retard? Black? I mean, not to sound racist (seriously, I'm not racist), but black people cannot help being black. White? People cannot help that either! Do you have glasses? Acne? Freckles? Big Ears? Scars? Wheelchair? Braces? Do you have anything that's deformed? Heh, I bet you do. But, you're still a human. Mentally challenged people cannot help being the way they are. So, here you go: Go look into a mirror...and actually look at everything. I'm sure you'll see imperfections. Do you have regrets? I bet you do, no one's perfect. People have feelings, even the 'retarded' ones. Why don't you call yourself some names just to see how it feels...repeat after me: "I, mariannala, am one ugly fat bitch. I know I have imperfections, but I never point out my own, I just like to make other people's lives miserable. I'm not perfect, so before I put everyone else down, I'll put myself down. I am a disgrace, I want to vomit from just looking at myself. I am a Bitch."
See how that feels? Yeah, not good.
Secondly, I know that Carla was a brat, but she didn't really know any better. My brother is very mentally handicapped, and he acts very similar to Carla. Carla is what, 22-25 years old, but her MIND is stuck at a very young age. My brother is 22 years old and his mind is set at 10 years old. That's a very sad thing. The thing with Carla's mother giving just so Carla wouldn't make a much bigger scene, Carla cannot help it. She may know what she's saying, but she doesn't know how she's acting. She cannot help it.
So, you all have no idea what it's like to have a mentally handicapped person in your life, you'd understand if you did.
Fear is the enemy of logic.-Frank Sinatra
R.I.P. George Carlin