I finally saw this movie for the first time today. My dad LOVED this movie, which was totally out of character for him. I just figured he took a liking to Minnie Driver. But, I still never understood why he went out and bought this movie all on his own and watched it quite often. Well, now I completely understand.
My dad was a 1st generation American raised by Irish Catholic immigrants. And, yes, this is how my grandmother and the rest of my dad's side of the family spoke. So, I'm sure he took a liking to this movie because of the familiar accents and expressions, etc. Plus, my mom had just died when this movie came out, so I'm sure he related to Bob.
Speaking of my mother, the scene where Jim Belushi and Bonnie Hunt are arguing over cursing in front of their kids while shouting out all sorts of curse words while telling the other to stop, well, that was my parents. My dad would come home from work and curse up a storm about his a day and my mom would respond, "God d@mnit, John, watch your language in front of your daughter!!" Ah, memories.....