Has one of the worst lines of dialogue I've ever heard

This one: "It's over Anakin. I have the high ground."

Probably the most painful and blatant example of a double meaning ever written by an adult. It would actually be improved if Obi-Wan had then yelled "Get it? High ground? I'm not just talking about these rocks."

Then Anakin would shout "SHUT UP, I'm burning! This lava is worse than sand, which I hate! From my perspective, the lava is evil!"

(yes I know he wasn't in the lava until after he tried jumping over Obi-Wan, I just abridged it)


What’s the double entendres there? I don’t see it


Because Obi-Wan was smoking a bunch of weed right before their fight


Oh yeah I forgot about that part


Just... what? It's a single entendre at best.


So you really don't see the highly forced double meaning to the line?


That's distinct from a double entendre, so please explain your reasoning.


But a double entendre is a double meaning, that's what the phrase means.

There may not even be any confusion here -- Obi-Wan is referring to the physical high ground which gives him a tactical advantage, but the line also refers to his moral high ground regarding their back and forth argument about who is "evil."


I see your point. A more accurate way of wording it would have been "ham-fisted subtext," since the double meaning of which you speak does not necessarily pertain to a socially awkward, offensive or sexually suggestive interpretation. While it is clear that Obi-Wan's line carries an alternate meaning, it does not directly reflect any of the traditional definitions of what a double entendre is. Thanks for the clarity.


I've never thought of double entendre to be constrained to the kinds of categories you noted, but I see that the usage is mostly consistent with that. Plus, if we are going to use a French word, it had better be for something dirty or subversive!


"Love has blinded you?" is worse

And the delivery in "this is how liberty dies..." is terrible too


The prequels do have quite a collection of unquotable stinkers.


So the quotes he just mentioned are... unquotable?


They're quotable for the sake of humor, that's for sure.


"I wish I could just...wish away my feelings."
"I truly... deeply.... love you."
"Our lives are about to be destroyed anyway."
"You assume too much." (How many fucking times do they say that in these prequels?)


" this is how liberty dies " ist fine but you are right about.." love has blinded you?"...just terrible


Anakin should have said "Hold that thought while I take a Star Wars behind this rock."


Lol, there’s no double entendre here.


That's what she said! 🙃


Then just go for double meaning. I never considered that double entendre was constrained to innuendo instead of just basic double meanings.

BTW, innuendo is a double entendre ;)


I don't see a double meaning of any sort here. Why would moral high ground even be relevant? They are both claiming the moral high ground, so simply claiming to have the moral high ground makes no sense - even through a double meaning. Let's say he actually said, "It's over, I have the moral high ground." Huh? What does one thing have to do with the other? Why would the establishment of a moral high ground end the fight?

The only reason the line is stupid is because, as we have seen countless times in these movies, having the high ground makes no difference whatsoever. Jedis just leap and bounce all over the place anyway.


You suck.


Anything out of Rey or Roses mouth is a million times worse


"I saved you, dummy."

Why aren't more people talking about that line? One of the worst scenes in any SW movie.


Naw froggy that line of dialogue was pretty good, bad dialogue would be “don’t hold my hand” or “did you see that” or “ that’s not how the force works”, etc


Certainly not as bad as episode 2's Anakin line, "I think you are beautiful Padme. Not like the sand. The sand is course and ugly."


..and it gets into everything.

That is NOT something you talk to your girlfriend about. The line remains bizarre even a decade and some later.
