I always enjoyed Episodes 1& 2 despite their (greatly exaggerated) issues. The only thing people ever really bring up as a criticism for Episode 2 is the awkward romance dialogue & maybe "too much CGI". I still love TPM but I will openly admit that a few key changes would have easily made it a much better film and strengthened the trilogy overly. The main problem with the romance was that it had to be rushed. Where Han & Leia, met and slowly fell in love over the course of the entire trilogy, Anakin were forced to meet (essentially for the first time on screen) and fall madly in love in a single movie, giving no time for the relationship to breathe & develop more naturally. Decisions made in episode 1 are largely to blame for this. Some changes I would make to Episode 1 that I feel would have strenghed Episode 2 & the trilogy overall are as follows:
1. Age up Anakin a few years, casting Hayden Christensen from the start. This allows his onscreen relationship with Padme to develop more naturally & plant the seeds of romance for the sequel. Get the actors to establish chemistry with each other as early as possible.
2. Reduce Qui Gon Jinn's role in favor of Obi Wan or write him out entirely. As much as I liked Qui-Gon, the trilogy simply didn't need him to exist but if he HAD to exist, he should have stayed on the ship & Obi-Wan should have discovered Anakin & bonded with him, taking it upon himself to train him (making it consistent with what he said in 'A New Hope'). This also similarly allows the three main heroes to establish onscreen chemistry with each other from the start. The result? We have meaningful relationships already established by the end of the first movie, creating a much more natural narrative transition into Episode 2 for our main characters.