Which is worse? Episode I or II?
Episode II in my opinion. It's just so creepy!!
shareI would have to agree with you joshua_maddock. Episode II was worse in my opinion. It just seemed like it was made with not a lot of effort. Yeah, it's amazing how long we've come with CGI, but it just felt empty. It was void of emotion and the acting...[shuddering at the scenes with Anakin and Padme on Naboo]...was just dull, with the exception of Anakin's murdering rampage after his mother died. But even that was too short a scene and it was the music made the difference, particularly when you see him looking at her corpse and then slowly looking up.
While nothing in this is as good as Maul or the podrace, and the effects have aged worse, somehow I like this one more. The main thing is that it is paced better and never as painfully boring. The plot is halfway interesting and unique for Star Wars, and it's cool to see Obi-Wan play detective. It's also more mature with an absence of fart jokes and Jar Jar (mostly).
FYC: Keanu Reeves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvaCWTkSXdE
I found Attack of the Clones worse. In fact, I struggled staying awake at one point and even considered leaving. I did not like the plot, the pace was too slow, the dialog actually got worse, and there was absolutely no chemistry between Anakin and Padme. The light saber battles were not innovative - and seemed downright dumb with Yoda working against Dooku.
shareSomehow through the years I've development a morbid affection for The Phantom Menace, as bad as it is I still pop it up and watch it once in a while.
I've never done that with AOTC.
What's best in life ?
I prefer TPM. It's the only one of the prequels which actually feels like a Star Wars film.
AOTC is the worst film I've ever seen. That's not even an exaggeration. It is a horrible movie, I physically can't watch it.
By the beard of Zeus!
The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way
WELL, let's see...Calling to mind the most TERRIBLE moments of each...
Episode I has crap like that part where the race announcer starts popping and locking.
And Episode II has "Hello, Dex 😀" UUUUUUUUGH.
I don't know; tough call.
AOTC was worse for the simple reason that TPM had at least one great actor called Liam Neeson. AOTC could have been superior if Lucas would had casted a proper actor instead of Hayden C. and didn't use green screens for every *beep* shot.
shareII is the worst of them all. Just look at this:
This example of horrible CGI is in a 115 million dollar movie.
I've seen fanfilms with better CGI. The whole movie has this weird digital late 90's look. Even the real actors look digital. WHY WHY WHY?
Note to digital filmmakers: CGI ages badly. Today's cutting edge digital effects are laughable within 10 years. Just look at King Kong.
And then there is the story ...
I'm just on my way up to Clavius.
Oh my God, the Irony... the man who can't stop re-doing, re-editing and stuffing every one of his STAR WARS movies with CGI made Episode II that - for a change - really would profit from fresh, updated CGI!!!
NightAxe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJzZ4jkYd40
I am just seeing these on Disney + I like episode 1 more. but I much prefer star trek Discovery to these I am on season 2 of that. I don't know what to expect when seeing The Mandalorian?