Stop with the wishful thinking, the irresponsibility...
While he was a brilliant comic, he nevertheless, chose wrongly.
Yes, it is a tragic, selfish act that he did and he was a completely flawed human being as we all are and stop saying that he is with God and in heaven and all of that.
If there is a God, RW would surely be in hell for taking his own matter how much he has made you laughed or how he had entertained you or how good he made you feel.
Stop with the misdirected sympathy. Instead, learn from this and look deep within yourselves and your community to possibly help those who are in the similar needs.
Be careful how they might think of this as a POSITIVE way out.
If RW did it and get so much blessings and well wishings, why can't I scenario.
All I can say for RW is that at least I am happy that he is no longer in pain.
Nothing more.