While he was a brilliant comic, he nevertheless, chose wrongly.
Yes, it is a tragic, selfish act that he did and he was a completely flawed human being as we all are and stop saying that he is with God and in heaven and all of that.
If there is a God, RW would surely be in hell for taking his own life...no matter how much he has made you laughed or how he had entertained you or how good he made you feel.
Stop with the misdirected sympathy. Instead, learn from this and look deep within yourselves and your community to possibly help those who are in the similar needs.
Be careful how they might think of this as a POSITIVE way out.
If RW did it and get so much blessings and well wishings, why can't I scenario.
All I can say for RW is that at least I am happy that he is no longer in pain.
STFU dude. There's no way someone as good hearted and loved would be in Hell. I question the people who aren't depressed about this world more than the ones who do as there's so much unnecessary hate and flaws. Either way, you're just trying to contribute to the hate by saying somethin so awful about someone so loved and you're a dick for that. Your actions on earth and the love or hate you put into the world determines your salvation. Only in a stupid superficial new age Christianity would someone like hitler be able to go to Heaven had he "asked for forgiveness at the last second," but not someone like robin williams who did nothin but try to make people feel the opposite of the pain he felt inside.
Jacob H, “your actions on earth and the love or hate you put into the world” have nothing to do with your salvation. Accepting Jesus as your savior is the only thing that will insure your salvation. Disagree? Take it up with Jesus; He said it. John 14:6
I think RW taking his own life is a tragedy and I feel sorry for him and those who are left behind.
However, I believe you and the others on this thread are incorrect in your view of what 'gets you into heaven' or 'sends you to hell'.
RW taking his own life won't send him to hell. RW good deeds won't get him into heaven. Nothing RW did or didn't do has a bearing on his salvation. It was grace from God, who sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins that gets us into heaven. It is all done by Jesus, not by man. To say otherwise would take away from this free gift.
None of us know where RW will spend eternity (since he was a practicing Episcopalian I like to think he was a believer). It isn't for us to decide.
If you're gonna speak by the Book, please don't stop halfway. *According to the Bible* Jesus went down to Earth to open Heaven's gates that were shut since Adam and Eve, but it's up to us to choose right or wrong so yes, basically, every we do counts one way or the other.
Robin's death is a tragedy, not only because we lost him, but because someone so obviously inclined to do good to others couldn't defeat his own daemons and finally lost his battle against depression. Yes, from a Christian point of view, he took his life that was not his but given by God and it's a sin that he did etc. This is where it gets tricky. For all the strength he gave to so many, he didn't have enough to choose life over death. No one should judge him for the final second when he gave up. I feel so sorry for those whose life is too much pain, and when I write this, I don't do it lightly but with the closest relatives in mind...
Mr Williams, you gave us so many touching movies, you have all my respect. Rest in Peace. If you are not in Heaven right now, Heaven is not a place worth going to!
You are right, I should not stopped halfway, maybe even list out scriptures backing up my claim. And you are right that Jesus came to Earth and opened Heaven's gates that were shut since Adam and Eve. The thing is, we are have done bad/wrong/evil things (which you eluded to) (see Romans 3:23). But it is our belief that Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins, even while we were sinners (see Romans 5:8). We learn that those sins get us into hell, but that God's gift to us, through His son Jesus, is forgiveness of sins and eternal life (see Romans 6:23). That is what makes us righteous is God's eyes (not the good we do), so that we may enter through them.(Romans 10:9-13).
I'm not saying we should continue to do wrong, quite the opposite. Since we are 'a new creation' we should turn from our old sinful ways (2 Corinthians 5:17) We will still do bad things, but we ask for forgiveness and choose to what is right.
I believe RW is in heaven (I always hope for the best in things).
You're an absolute moron if you believe Robin Williams will go to hell because he committed suicide. If there is a god and he sends people to hell because they killed themselves then I hope he sends me to hell too. I would never ever want to serve a god like that. Ever. Not that I would ever serve god in the first place. The whole idea is ridiculous.
For one, I haven't made any other postings about what I believe gets people into Heaven so idk what that, "based on this and some of your other postings" is supposed to mean. But anyway, believe me I know what Christianity says gets you into Heaven and blah blah. I came up very Christian so I know all their beliefs and concepts. But I'm not talkin about what Christianity says is true cause you can't prove Christianity is the right religion. Because of this, were just having a discussion over what we believe. And I believe that any "all-loving" God would never send somebody who was struggling and hurting due to the very real and legitimate problems and flaws of the world to an even worse ever-burning fiery pit of torture for all eternity. That's sick. In my opinion, it is your attempts to be a good person and put kindness and love into the world that should ultimately deem you worthy enough to go to Heaven or not. There's no reason someone who has done nothing but give and love others no matter what, spreading hope and forgiveness, should go to hell because they didn't believe something that they have no way in knowing in the first place. Nor is there any reason that someone who's done nothin but be an *beep* treating anyone they come in contact with like *beep* spreading hate and cynicism into the world, be deemed worthy to go to Heaven all because they asked Christ for forgiveness at some point.
Interesting response. Just curious, you say you were raised a Christian. Are you still a believer? How do those beliefs "react" with your belief system now, as they seem to contradict.
Sorry for the late reply. Re-watching the movie has brought me back to the board. To answer your question I am no longer a Christian. I'm agnostic, the only option that's truly logical in my opinion. It's simple fact that nobody can disprove ANY god nor can they prove any God to be real. There may be a god but I accept that he's almost definitely nothing like the being were taught in our worldly religions and simply too complicated for any human mind to comprehend in it's entirety. My personal beliefs make sense to me. I was raised Christian. When I was old enough to start seeing things for myself and pondering things like Heaven and religion, I found myself constantly in conflict with Christianity. I still respect all religions and all people. I don't however subscribe to a god who would send people to hell for suicide, and the bible clearly states that suicides go to hell. Disregarding this movies message, the bible doesn't accept suicides and I've known the most beautiful souls that've hurt and cried for years until taking their own life. Idk it's a lot to talk about on a imdb board. If you read this and wanna know more PM me. To answer your base question tho I'm not a Christian anymore. I'm of my own beliefs an overall acceptin of the idea that there could be a god or maybe not. Either way I'm too limited in knowledge to understand it and it's ways.
Are you really so arrogant to believe by preaching on a message board, you're going to prevent someone else from doing what they want or feel they need to do? I think YOU are the one who needs to learn. And stop with the suicide is " selfish" crap. Depression is a disease of the mind. It causes irrational thought. He was sick not selfish. Pick up a book and learn something before preaching from your soap box.