Favourite quotes

Apologies if there is already a topic on this, But what are your favourite lines from this movie?

"Your not the only one with quick hands are you? Waaa!"

"You got a prescription for this!?"

"Clive, it would take me all day to kiss your fat ass!"

"My daddy once caught a bullet with his bare hand."

"I just want to be able to tell the Consul who responsible for his daughter's death because he talk too much..."

"War! Huh! Yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!"


My favorite:

When he's taking he's gets the eel and looks at it and says to the guy at the stand:

"Dam chen, some greasy *beep*


"Chinese food No soul food here!"

Just halious how those to said it. lol


My favorite parts are just about any part with Chris Tucker but these to parts had me rolling

This is ciggaweed


I been looking for your sweet and sour chicken a$$

Me:Lauren would be a great actor
Toni:Dont you mean actress
Me: No i mean actor.


my personal favorite is in the bloopers where the two cops are are pointin the gun at carter in the beginning and one cop goes. . .show me your ass!. . .lol i was crackin up but what made me laugh more was how chris tucker realized it and said. . .show your ass?.. .yall got some gas. . .or something. . what does he say?. . .

And andother favorite blooper is when jackie say. . .they must not go into the building but in the blooper he says. . .they must not couldabluh. . .and chris goes. . u right let's go tell em. . .i was laughing there too. . lol

one of my favorite movies baby!


anything that carter says.

Nobody ever says Italy!


Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth? - Carter


" i understand you want me to be a babysitter what do you want me to do with him take im to tha zoo?" lol




Carter: When you come in, just flash the badge like you are LAPD.
*Lee looks at the badge with the old picture of Carter*
Lee: But im not 6'1...


(my all time favorite quote)


Oh my days...there are so many I love, but these are the best in my opinion..
I've been lookin for your sweet n sour chicken ass..
Don't you ever touch a black man's radio!
Do you want any fives with that?
Clive, it will take me all day to kiss your fat ass
I'm blackenese..
Can you do that to the beach boys...?

Basically, anything that carter said cracked me up. The chemistry between lee and carter was fantastic, I loved the "war" song!!!! My all-time favourite movie!!!!!!!!!


When Lee is chasing Sang down a backalley and after Sang climbed the fire escape and pulled the ladder up Lee makes his way up and drops the ladder for Carter.

Carter: That ain't far enough man, I ain't Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

How you gonna sell a big box of grease.

Carter: It's not Waah, it's yall.

Lee: Yaah.

Carter: Yall.

Lee: Yaaaaaaaah

Carter: Man, you sound like a karate movie.

I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost


Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?, a classic quote

Who do you think you kidnapped Chelsea Clinton?

Wipe your self off, you dead.

I've been looking for your sweet and sour chicken ass all day.

First this bull**** assignment, now mr rice-a-roni.

From Lee- Whats up my ni****, what did you say? Whats up my ni****.


So many.

Hood: You FBI
Tucker:"No I'm a security guard at the mall!! "

"Sheshenee what dat mean? It means vut me loose...lets pray about this"

"...that was childish man!! I came to see Jaunto, He and I have the same momma, I'm Blakinese..."

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


"Your not the only one with quick hands are you? Waaa!"

I love when he says 'Waaaa!' Love it, love it, love it!

I've read this thread on 3 separate occasions now, and every time it makes me want to leave work and go home to watch Rush Hour.

How do you say surrender in Chinese? ~Det. James Carter, RH3


im surprised no one has said this one

Captain: Two officers were shot, one man lost a pinkie.
Carter: But didn't nobody die.
Captain: You destroyed half a city block.
Carter: That block was already messed up.
Captain: And you lost a lot of evidence.
Carter: We still got a little bit left.


Yes they have, read up.

"I dunno nothin' for forty five dollars!"


my favorites are:

*disarms the guy by the van*
HAHA! you didn't know i could do that did ya!?

i'm blackanese

would you like fives with that?

got any camel hump?

and my all time favorite quotes out of BOTH rush hour movies:

Lee: do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouf!?
Carter: Man nobody understands the words that are coming outta your mouth

and in the outtakes: DAMN!!! he ain't gonna be in rush hour 3


oh right i forgot the even better one:

Lee: wha! huh! wh...
Carter: oh HELL NO!


Lee: Beach Boys!
Carter: Oh hell no! You didn't just touch my goddamn radio!
Lee: The Beach Boys are great American music.
Carter: The Beach Boys gonna get you a great ass whuppin Don't you ever touch a black mans radio, boy! You can do that in China but you can get your ass killed out here, man!

Carter: wich one of yall jus kicked me...

THanks Have A NIce Day TOo....


Hey everyone seems to have missed the most amusing one of them all.
LAPD we are the most hated policemen in the world. Even ma mamma she ashamed of me,She tell everyone I am a drug dealer.


you know, everyone is spelling it "Imma"... what the *beep* is "Imma"??? its coming from the word "I AM".... stretch it "I AM a gonna kick your ass".... and down to "I'ma gonna kick your ass". so its "I'ma"... believe me. I know ebonics. we in hawaii speak our own brand of ebonics ourselves. i kow its probably petty and insignificant to you but this is a message board and thats my message.


isnt imma from i am going to and no i am. it's more than that because if it was i am that would make no sense because that is making it longer which is pretty dumb. for example if someone were to say imma get you sucka (like the movie, shout out to da wayans fam) that would be i am going to get you sucker and no one would actually put in the apostrophe cuz it's much easier without it... that's my message to you because you are wrong even though this isn't really about rush hour


*points to sig*

"Woo! You know he dead!" - Rush Hour


When Tucker breaks up the card game in the back of the bar

"M.C. Hammer's daddy, put your gun down"


"I'm Blackenese."

"I cannot believe this *beep* First I get a *beep* assignment, now mister Rice-a-Ronie, dont even speak American!"

"I've been looking for your sweet and sour chicken ass!"

"Do you understand the words that coming out of my mouth?!"

"Wipe yourself off man, your dead."




I love it when Lee looks at Carter's I.D. and says:

"This will not work... I'm not 6'1" LOL


i dont know the excat quote...
but its when their runing away from the chinese resturant and Carter is yelling at Lee and hes like "how you gonna drop the bagde and throw my gun out the window" im not sure but its something like that. it made me laugh like the rest of the movie!!


Sorry if this was already posted, but this is a damn long thread.

"Get yo big happy meal ass outta' here. And brush yah teefh!"

El Oh El.


" For 45 dollars you better tell me somethin!!"
Jackie: "John wayne"
Tucker: "chill with john wayne, you might see one of your cousins walkin around here"

Tucker: "i do not go jumping in and out of buses, i am not Carl Lewis! "


Sang: Now wipe yourself off. You're bleeding.

Carter : Now wipe yourself off you dead

if u hate me i love you to it ain't my fault i'm better then you


ooo hhho ooohhh u guys have missed one
where carter goes into the foo chow restaurant and that chinese women serves him and he says he needs to talk to Mr Juntao she doesnt know.

waitress-*** Im sorry i don't know mr Juntao

carter-*** maybe you dont understand im mr juntao's laywer, legal adviser, he got into some sh*t again he told me to come down, and im very busy ma'm i aint got time, my wife want me to come home, my baby sh***ing all over tha house, he needs diapers... so please can i talk to mr juntao

waitress-*** but i have already told you i don't know...

carter-*** look u think i came down here for nothing? you gonna give me some gas money? you got 5 dollers on you? yould you please go upstairs and tell mr juntao to get his ass down here? Thank you!

god carter talks well fast , this film is my fav film of all time, not cos becuase its a film to be taken seriously but it just puts a smile on my face every time i watch it, brilliantly funny and the action scenes are good too. My fav film..... Ratner, Tucker, Chan and the producers i thank you this one is better than rush hour 2 by a mile!


You better take your goddamn hands off my suit. Your mama got me this suit for christmas, this is my favourite suit.

<b>Oh, you know what I love? I love suspenders.</b>




at the part where carter gets up on the podium at the presentation of all the artifacts he tells everyone there is danger...then he says something along the lines of "you'll get your ass kicked if you go out that door" whatever he says its the funniest thing ever.
