MovieChat Forums > The 13th Warrior (1999) Discussion > Average and overrated. My review

Average and overrated. My review

I've long held off watching this movie for some reason or the other but recently just decided to go through with it in a flow.

The plot is very simplistic, almost childish really - Banderas is someone who gets into trouble with the Royals for his deviant behavior and gets exiled to some place where he gets tasked with Vikings to defeat some perceived monsters and they set off and do it.

The whole thing is never properly explained as to why and what. The selection process is also a mystery. Why 13? Why was this guy chosen while others volunteered? (because the witch said it has to be an outsider, but why?).
It's just a setup to get the plot moving.

The vikings are shown as neanderthalic almost and barbaric/uncivilized compared to the Muslims with their crude customs and behavior and lack of empathy when their kin die. Not sure what is being conveyed here really.

Additionally, it made no sense how he picks up their language so fast but in their defense, time passage isn't shown. So we don't know how long he was with them so it is conceivable he picked up some language here and there being a poet and all. Still, it was cheesy.

The fight with the monsters (humans really) was moronic as well as there was no backstory as to why they existed, why they had a quarrel with this "kingdom" of a small open castle.
It appeared that both groups live within a few miles of each other and it also appeared that they've lived nearby for a long time.
So why did they decide to attack only now? And what was their reason to not finish off the humans when they had the chance but turned back.

Overall, the movie was quite lame with simple, childish dialogs but never escalates to the cult status that Arnold built around similar movies to this viz. his Conans and Red Sonja movie.

The acting was good though as all characters put great efforts into it. The head Viking was good and I recall seeing him recently in a movie. Ironclad. And he was quite good in it as well. Shame he didn't get more roles.

Banderas was annoying in reality and didn't really do much.

Overall, not a very good movie nor a bad movie as well. Average.

Rating: 5/10


If you aren't aware, the film and the book were based on the REAL tale of an Arab diplomat from that time period, and an attempt at telling a version of the Beowulf story. Now, I've read parts of Ibn Fadlan's story, and the only real elements they borrowed were the timeplace/setting, and the Viking funeral he witnesses, along with his observations of their comparative cultures and language barrier issues.

It's a great movie, a great 'what if' of the Beowulf tale, and despite the cut segments and subplots, the main narrative and action holds up well. Great music and acting really sealed the deal.
