Viking films?

Are there any other good Viking films out there? Doesn't seem to be a whole lot.


The only ones I can think of are probably Outlander and maybe The Pathfinder.
Agreed that it's hard to find a good viking film. Shame really.

HONEY! It's made from honey!


It's so hard to come by it makes The Vikings (1958) with Kirk Douglas still the best Viking movie today, even if it's over 50 years old.
Prince Valiant adaptations usually have Vikings too.
Looking up Viking stuff on imdb, I came across the title of a series: Tales of the Vikings (1959). Considering the date, probably something surfing on the 1958 movie's success. Anyone seen it?

"Sometimes I'm callous and strange."


here are some that ihave the vikings [kirk dougles] the longships richard widmark] is about the golden bell everyone forgets this one] same director as the vikings, valahala rising[ which is quite dark. not much talking] sword of xantain try ebay for the vikings and the longships that where i picked them up for acouple of quid i hope this helps
Oden be with you


Thanks keith. I'll try to search for your recommendations.
Much appreciated.

HONEY! It's made from honey!


Well, nothing out there beats the spirit of 13th warrior. Nothing even comes close really. But if you're interested in the theme in general, here are some just off the top of my head:
- Beowulf
- Beowulf and Grendel
- Eric the
- King Arthur (a bit of a stretch)


Beowulf and Grendel is probably the most accurate...right down to the smallish horses.
Parts of it are really good (some of the dialog and smaller scenes are inspired) but some of it makes no sense at all.
Still, worth a watch.

Outlander isn't bad either for a relatively low budget film.
It's a standard monser flick (Alien or Predators), but it's set in viking times.
Enjoyable if you don't go in expecting too much.

I honestly didn't like Pathfinder. Bad dialog, standard Frazetta fantasy design.

Along with Zemeckis' Beaowulf, those are the only fairly new viking flicks I know of.

No boy.
This is no day to be close to land.


Do you mean the new Pathfinder or the old one (they dont share the same story only the name is the same).

OT, Outlander is a really good movie, very underrated.
The new Pathfinder isnt that good, though i think im going to see it again, havent seen it since release.
Eric the Viking is good, the only downside are the gods.

13th warrior will still be my favorite, though i wish more viking themed movies were made, there are too few of them.


I really enjoyed Outlander.
Like I said, a bit of a standard monster story, but the viking twist...the Beowulf angle is pretty good.
And the actual vikings are a little more accurate than most viking flicks.
(BTW the village set was built in a park in Nova Scotia brother and his wife came upon it hiking (I think it was just a few weeks before filming). The place was practically deserted and they wandered around for quite a while wondering what the heck they'd stumbled upon before they found someone who explained it to them.)

No boy.
This is no day to be close to land.


Man, that would like a setting from a horror movie. Stumbling into a deserted village, a lone man appears who tells them to get out before it's to late.
Okay I made the last part up, but it still sounds cool.

HONEY! It's made from honey!


Yeah, there aren't a lot of good Viking movies out there. There aren't a lot of Viking movies period... But as others have said, The Vikings is probably one of the best ones... Yes, it's a little dated, but it is still very good movie. And you really can't go wrong with Kirk Douglas.

Outlander has an interesting premise. It's not bad.

Pathfinder(2007) in my opinion wasn't very good. Still worth watching if you like the genre... There is a similarly themed movie (Vikings in North America) called The Norsemen(1978) and starring Lee Majors that you may want to check out. It's also not very good but it is slim pickings when it comes to Viking movies... AMC airs this movie every now and then.

The 13th Warrior is still my favorite viking movie.


valhalla rising is a great new viking film, but as mentioned its very dark and not exactly heavy on the dialoug, but defenitly one of the most interesting films ive seen the last couple of years!


Sweet, never heard of it before but it seems interesting. Probably gonna see if i could get my hand on the dvd.

HONEY! It's made from honey!


Just seen it. Definitely worth watching, as I can't remember ever seeing anything remotely similar. Very strange little movie, still don't know exactly if I liked it or not. The board made me want to run away as far as possible from its posters, as it's mostly 50% lovers crying "it's ART you MORONS" and 50% haters ranting about how its "CRAP!!!!!". The movie is definitely thought-provoking, the discussion board is not.

"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


The board made me want to run away as far as possible from its posters, as it's mostly 50% lovers crying "it's ART you MORONS" and 50% haters ranting about how its "CRAP!!!!!".

You should have seen the Thor board then regarding the Idris Elba/Heimdall debate.
But I did sneak a peek at Valhalla's Rising board. Makes the Thor board look like a gathering of Plato and Socrates students.
I'm definitely going to have to download Valhalla from the internet. Can't find it in the stores here.

HONEY! It's made from honey!


I stay clear of big blockbusters' boards usually. My experience with "300 is sooooooo historically inaccurate!!!" cured me of the temptation... So no, I didn't even try to read anything on the Thor board after I heard the first rumours of the infamous Heimdall controversy. ;)

"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


What do you mean? I thought Xerxes really did ride that huge throne into the battlefield.
And that Persians brought ninjas with masks and dual-blades to look bad@ss.
Did Hollywood lied to me?

HONEY! It's made from honey!


"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


Last I knew, Valhalla Rising was on Netflix Instant if you have that. At least that's where I saw it. It's interesting to say the least.


Already got Valhalla Rising from a friend. Shame to say he ripped it from a torrent site.
I can't find the legal DVD here.
Have you seen Valhalla Rising? If so, what are your thoughts on the film?

HONEY! It's made from honey!


You beat me to it. This movie is very unique and interesting. Definitely a good viking movie. Worth renting/netflixing.


Valhalla Rising (2009)..

A Danish produced movie.. It is a slow movie with more traditional visual effects than fast witted action..
But it has some incredible brutal images and relies alot on its superior scenery and cinematography.

Definately worth a look if youre out searching for viking-movies


@ darkstrolm et al.: new viking movie on its way, starring Alexander Skarsgard. Just read that on the True Blood board.

I'm a bit put off by the fact the script apprently centers around Vikings in North America yet again (à la Pathfinder and Valhalla Rising), it's as if the Vikings never did anything interesting or movie-worth besides stumbling upon the New World. I wish we had something about Greenland or Iceland. especially Greenland, as I think it has all the right stuff to make a great, poignant story. But as said elsewhere by many, we just don't have enough Viking movies, so I'll take anything.

BTW, has anyone here seen the movie with Daniel Craig and aliens? What was it like?

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Thanks for the heads up, pol-edra. Guess my prayers were answered.
Looks like I won't be needing these then *releases the two goats that was about to be killed and offered as a blood sacrifice.*
Now if only someone would make a trilogy movie or TV series on this

Like pol-edra said, has anyone here seen the movie Cowboys and Aliens? Was it good?

HONEY! It's made from honey!


I am so proud. You may now refer to me as "Poledra, the mighty goat-saver"!Mwahahahahahaa!

On second thoughts, please don't.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


"Poledra, the mighty goat-lover"?

"Poledra, patron saint of the goats"?

"Poledra, goat-whisperer"?

Alexander Skarsgård next film is Battleship. Battleship!
What's the next board game movie, Hollywood? Monopoly? Chess? Checkers?
Give us more viking movies, dammit!

PS Has Cowboys & Aliens even been released yet? I thought the earliest would be on the 29th July.

HONEY! It's made from honey!

Totally different style, but an intresting one nonetheless.
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


Channel 4 in England did a TV miniseries called "1066 The Battle for Middle Earth" about the battle of Hastings.

It's from the viewpoints of the Britains, the Normans and the Vikings; covering the battle of Fullford, Stamford Bridge and Hastings itself.

Easily one of the best produced history epics I've ever seen and its extras were cast from local re-enactors.

If you like Iron Age history, this is the best you will find.


The Iron Age? Hastings?
But thanks for the suggestion, I didn't know there were series about the Norman conquest, I'd love to watch it.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Would recommend Ironclad, it is not a viking movie, but more of a medieval movie with vikings. I liked it alot, its gritty and bloody. Vladimir Kulich from The 13th Warrior plays a viking chief there.


There's a film called "The Viking Sagas", it's pretty violent and low budget and it has Ralf Moeller as the lead role, the guy who often plays in Uwe Boll's films. I haven't seen it yet, so it could be bad.
I can, however, recommend Beowulf and Grendel, a more faithful, yet also rather realistic adaption of the Beowulf tale on which the 13 Warrior was also based.


The only real viking films are the Scandinavian ones!

Hrafninn flýgur (When the Raven Flies) (1984)

Í skugga hrafnsins (1988) (Shadow of the Raven)

Hvíti víkingurinn (The White Viking) (1991)

Útlaginn (Outlaw: The Saga of Gisli) (1981)

Den sidste viking (The Last Viking) (1997)

Valhalla (1986)


Well now we can't forget "the littlest Viking". Great for kids but still has lots of death and some French slaves


I don't/can't believe no one has mentioned this yet, but how about How to Train Your Dragon?

HONEY! It's made from honey!


When the Raven Flies, is an old Icelandic film which denoted for portraying the actual viking life style accurately, it's even shown in class in most scandinavian schools.
