MovieChat Forums > Dogma (1999) Discussion > Do Atheists enjoy Dogma?

Do Atheists enjoy Dogma?

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Of course it's enjoyable for atheists. Even more so because this movie isn't able to offend atheists but uptight biblethumpers might feel offended. Most of the jokes of this movie question christian and catholic behaviours and beliefs. That's why it is so refreshing. Let's take the black apostel. Usually all 12 apostels are always depicted as whites, simply because the bible was written by whites many many years after everything took place. It's only logical that some of them must have been black ones, but you how it is, religion and logic don't like each other. Rufus is a fun character mocking one of the screwups of the bible. But it's not a brainless joke nor a blatant insult, it DOES rise valid questions. And the brilliance is that the joke is not only aimed a christianity, in a way it also makes fun about political correctness, racism and reverse-racism. You know, how every movie/series seems to must have one black character for the quota so that nobody can pull the racist card "there are no black actors inm the cast, you are racist, yadda yadda".



Look, no offense, but if you lack belief in are an atheist.

Not know and therefore lacking belief in deities doesn't change that.

Unless you have belief in one or more deities, you are flat out an agnostic atheist.


As an atheist I'm proud to say that Dogma is one of my favorite films of the 90's, and stands as my favorite Kevin Smith film.


I'm a small-a agnostic atheist (I'm a skeptic unconvinced by any religious claims to understand or speak for "God") and I loved Dogma for how it raises some of those pesky 'critical thinking' questions that so many witless fundamentalists won't even acknowledge, like how most white people totally ignore ethnography and assume that a middle-eastern Jew 2000 years ago was white, for instance. If anything about the movie were going to bother hardcore big-a "there is no god" Atheists, I suspect their complaint would be that it goes too easy on religion.

I thought it was fine for the purpose of a funny, thought-provoking film whose premise is "okay, let's assume there is a god kind of like the one in the Bible, and then let's assume the 'reality' of that god doesn't bend to the needs/wants of her (teehee) human intermediaries, and then let's shine a light on how those intermediaries obviously distort the 'truth' and fabricate and teach inconsistent beliefs to suit their own purposes." You don't have to be a believer to suspend your disbelief and entertain that premise for an hour and a half.

I'm an island- peopled by scientists, bards, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars, & warrior-poets.


I'm the same. I just finished watching Dogma again not five minutes ago. It's one of my favourite films and definitely my Kevin Smith favourite one.

I'm an agnostic (incidentally, my cousin calls us 'those who are too cowardly to proclaim either way and therefore sit on the fence, which surely must hurt your buttocks'), but I was raised Catholic, so I understood all the references and taht made it all the funnier. Dogma is a funny, insightful film that offers a fresh perspective on religion and doesn't try to circumvent some of the questions that have risen over the years.

Sudden pool parties. The parties aren't sudden, the pools are.


I'm an athiest and I LOVE Dogma!!! I like all the Kevin Smith films I've seen apart from Clerks.

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


I'm not an atheist, but I absolutely ADORE Dogma, one of my favorites. (And all the Kevin Smith movies). I mean, it's not really a religious movie really. Just a great entertaining comedy from Mr. Smith.

Matthew 5:11
If you Love Jesus Christ 100% Copy and Paste this into your profile!


I'm an atheist and Dogma is on my top 10 list of all time favorite movies, along with Goodfellas and The Fifth Element (I have very eclectic taste in movies).


To me, as an agnostic, Dogma is an immensely entertaining and funny fantasy film.
