MovieChat Forums > Antz (1998) Discussion > Communist propaganda

Communist propaganda

Power to the workers eh? There's even an ant quoting Marx "The workers control the means of production". Is this a socialist plot to indoctrinate the youth of today?

Probably not, what do you think?

Try and be objective with your thoughts...



Power to the workers eh? There's even an ant quoting Marx "The workers control the means of production". Is this a socialist plot to indoctrinate the youth of today? Probably not, what do you think?

I always just thought that the Marx quoting ant was a clever, funny joke, not some attempt to under-handedly brainwaash the masses. Just another example of this film being more aimed at adults than kids.



I don't get it.

The idea of 'the workers' or as I like to call them, the 'citizens' being in charge, as apposed to-- I dunno, the government, seems like a good idea, to me. Isn't that what democracy and stuff is founded upon?

What have I missed? Are we, the people, not meant to control this country, or what?


It is so trivial that Antz has its own communist propaganda thread.

Moments like these make me feel adequate.


The ants in his colony were already living under communism. Z was rebelling on behalf of individuality and against a purely collective place in society. That seems to be a direct contradiction to communism.



