Most attractive man

Billy Zane > Leonardo DiCaprio


i agree that Zane was better looking than Dicaprio at least in this movie.


Not just this film. Always, all the time. Every film.


LOL, I don't think I'd turn down a date with either!


Not today though. Leo has aged a little better I think



I would have never glanced Jack's way if I was engaged to Cal.


Ah yes, wife beater Cal - who would say no!


Not I!


I don't recall Cal striking Rose. He turned over the breakfast table in anger in response to Rose lying to him about being with Jack the night before.


He indeed slapped her.


Oh yep, right before the steward barges in to tell them to put on the life jackets. It was sort of deserved if you ask me. She not only cheated on Cal with a guy she just met on the ship, she rubs his face in it by putting the naked drawing of herself in his safe. Stragne choice. If my finace did that to me I'd knee his nuts so hard he wouldn't walk for a month.


DiCaprio aged better though?

Zane's career didn't seem to take off after Titanic. For a little while, he was a solid name. He made "Dead Calm," with Nicole Kidman. He made a superhero film named "Phantom." Then he made "Titanic"

Afterwards, his career just seemed to flounder?


yea; it was a shame. I don't recall hearing about him after Titanic and Phantom looked a little ridiculous to me (says the girl that, a few seconds ago, admitted her Schumacher/Robin love).


The Phantom is awesome!


I'll definitely have to make a point to watch it. It never appealed to me based of promos and photos but I like super hero films and I think I just need to make a point to sit down and watch it.


They should've given him a cooler suit--he looks pretty silly when dressed up as The Phantom--but the movie does a good job of bringing the 30s to life and paying homage to old school pulp adventure stories.


Don't forget his role in Tombstone as well.

But yeah, it's weird how, rather than securing his career and putting him on the next level, Titanic seems like it nearly killed his career. Because when you look at his filmography EVERYTHING after Titanic is TV movies, direct-to-video films, and the like.


I'll agree. I was more into Chris O'Donnell at this time in my life. 1997 so....15ish. Billy Zane was 'too old for me' and Leo was too teeny bopper for me. But after recently seeing the scene where Cal gives Rose the Heart of the Ocean...OMG I was in love. I think it was the hair and dark eyes. It's a shame he had to play the bad guy. But still...VERY attractive.


I saw this film so many times because of Billy Zane. He was beautiful in this film 🤤


Absolutely, and not just because men are more attractive than boys!


Fabrizio was better looking than both of them


