The sexscene

Am I the only one who think it's really bad?


That's crazy talk. This "sex scene" if you can even call it that was beautiful, classy and the sight of Rose's hand slapping the window in orgasm has become of the many classic scenes from Titanic... for good reason.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


I used to find the sexscene in "Titanic" one of the most erotic movie scenes in movie history, but the knowledge of what Rose was slapping at the window was actually orgasm makes the scene off-putting for me now. Yuck.


I had heard that you can see the full scenes in the special edition one but it was a while ago and I could be wrong. But yeah it was not the best.


Why do you consider it to be bad? Do you expect the scene to be hot and raunchy, and Rose going "oh, yeah, give it to me"?

For a movie like this, it was classy and tastefully done.


A hand hitting a fogged window doesn't equal a good sex scene to me. But I wasn't expecting a porno either. You can call it tasteful all you want but I don't share your opinion. If anything it just implied that they had sex.


It's called subtlety. It's called LESS IS MORE. We know what's going on in that car. We don't need to see the actual act.

If you look back at movies in the '30s and '40s, they showed even less.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


You must've had a terrible holiday season. My comment wasn't that serious for you to get that riled up.

Little Mikey Myers that lived across the street.


It's hardly even considered a sex scene. You don't see Rose's pussy or anything. I think we see more during the painting scene.

Speaking of sex scenes, wouldn't Jacks dick smell funky while doing the deed? I mean, he was third class in cramped quarters. There wouldn't have been great hygiene for him.


Especially since daily bathing wasnt popular and even less so for those in steerage who only had two tubs for the whole of steerage. yuck.


I know this part of the thread deteriorated in the cause of humor (and I did snicker...), but there's some truth in that.

I don't know how the upper class in 1912 handled bathing, but even when I was a child many decades ago, the Saturday night bath was common. I've read that not too many years before Titanic people bathed less frequently than even that, and that was without the plethora of antiperspirant/deodorants that we enjoy these days.

My guess is that people were used to BO and didn't really notice it unless it was particularly offensive. When I was a kid, everyone smoked and the smell bothered no one. Today, one cigarette even outdoors is offensive because we don't smell it anymore.

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men ~ F Douglass



I thought it was really good. Romantic, sensual, hinting at what happened which leaves us to use our imaginations.
I liked that jack was the one who seemed more shaken up and almost took the traditional 'girl' part- "I'll be ok soon".


Agreed. He was more nervous than her. I thought it was cute lol


Yeah I watched it again yesterday- she actually pulls him into the back of the car, she's definitley the one 'on top' if you know what I mean!


she was making a statement:

i am losing my virginity to jack dawson and leaving my wretched fiance caledon hockley




Loosing her virginity to Jack ain't something to be proud of. It's more like this "I lost my virginity to a poor streetrat I met yesterday validating my fiancee's remark of me being a who're to a gutter rat." That sounds more on point.


Did they use a condom?


Nah. Surely the next morning on the Carpathia she asked for the morning-after pill and had them kick Ismay out of the doctor's cabin while she got herself checked for STDs.


Hmm, well I do not know how late the titanic drug store stayed open so it's hard to say. Unless Rose stopped by and purchased a few rubbers before looking for Jack. Lord knows how much they must have cost being on a ship, but perhaps Rose put them on the account for the room so Cal would have gad to pay.


What freaks me out about the sex scenes; is its being told by a 101 year-old woman, because no one else was there or even survived for that matter. To hear a 100 year old woman talking about being banged out every which way makes me want to vomit. To get the deed down with her you would need a clam shucker.


Not my proudest fap...especially when I got removed from the theatre, but ok.


Rose wouldn't have been a virgin. It's implied she was having sex with Cal, with his line to her "you are my wife in practice if not yet by law". I've read a lot about this movie and that sex is the meaning and interpretation there.


I think that your right. I think it was Jack that was the Virgin in this movie. Which explains why he was shaking and kind of scared in that car with her. Which is why she asked if he was okay. She seemed more aggressive and calm then him. A virgin teenage girl wouldn't be like that. But to the above poster. After watching the movie a couple of times and having it on Blue Ray. I have come to loved the scene. At first when it was in theaters I didn't like it and thought it was too cheesy with the hand on the window deal. But now studying the film it is beautiful to me. And it's not a sex scene. A sex scene is in Terminator and Basic Instinct and even Scream you see them doing the act. This is not a sex scene.


During breakfast after the third-class party scene, Cal said to Rose - "I hoped that you would have come to me last night." I'm sure he was referring to sex, because I don't think he and Rose slept in separate rooms. Also, I don't think the two of them waited until an ocean voyage to have their first sexual encounter.


For some reason I've always thought that Jack was the non-virgin between them. Due to him being free and having drawn naked girls priorly.


Indeed. Not only does she kisses his fingertips and whisper "put your hands on me, Jack". She pulls him down when they're kissing.


My first response when I saw this thread is which scene? Apparently, from the other responses, you mean the scene in the car. To me it was so short, and didn't really show anything other than two people from the shoulders up who were covered in sweat. They had already shown most all of Rose for the drawing scene and I certainly don't need to see Jack's butt. So I thought the scene was fine.

Now if you want to talk about the drawing scene then I have to again paraphrase Rose, it was one of the most erotic movie scenes ever. I don't know what there is about it but it pushes most of my buttons. Can you believe some religious groups actually marketed edited versions of the movie with that scene deleted?


Am I the only one who think it's really bad?

I wouldn't call it "bad". If there were footprints instead of hand prints on the steamy glass, it would have been better I guess..

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


Well, regardless of your opinion, I happen to disagree. It's brief and non-explicit, yet it's very steamy and passionate.


I didn't take this into account when I first saw the film at age 12, but frankly, there was a lot of stuff messed up about that scene in the car.

See, as a 12-year-old, you think that he hesitates in the act because he's never been with a high-class lady that he actually loved. By his own admission, he had only been with low-class Parisian girls for light and casual sexual encounters.

Now that I'm an adult, decades later the non-verbal language says another story. It says that Leo felt uncomfortable showing any form of intimacy with Kate beyond kissing, because he is gay, and doesn't normally spend time intimately with women in his private life.

Kate's behavior says that she is very experienced with sexual intimacy, and knew exactly what to do, much more than Leo did. This goes against her character's makeup, because Rose was supposed to be a virgin and have no idea what to do when finally alone with a guy she wanted to make love to. It should have been the other way around. Jack would have easily known what to do after all his experience with women, whereas Leo did not portray that very well at all.


OMG really you think he was gay? The movie was trying to portray him as some kind of gentleman and gentlewoman that are playing with fire and were not expecting to be overcome by their passions. Rose wasn't a virgin. It was clear she was sleeping with cal as he noticed she stopped didn't get intimate after she meet jack. He even says so. Jack has allegedly saved her from suicide and he takes her to the lowerclass were she actually has fun. The sex scene was awkward but I figure its cause its rated PG-13 and was supposed to be sensual more then sexual. Jack is not gay he's seen looking at her when they are first boarding the ship and his friend or brother is mentioning he needs to give it up as "Angels will be flying out your arse before you anyware near the likes of er"


First, please edit your comments before posting like that. Your grammar is awful.

Second, Rose would not have been allowed to sleep with Cal because it was against the rules of engaged couples of that class and era. Plus, she wouldn't have wanted to sleep with him, regardless of knowing Jack or not, and would have used the rules of the upper class as an excuse, despite his fake wooing with the gigantic diamond necklace in an early scene.

Girls like her would have been raised in a very sheltered upbringing. Typically upper-class women were educated with either tutors at home, or were sent to all-girls boarding schools for rich daughters, and later went to Finishing School, which was a sort of "college" for young women so they were educated to be ladies. It was a layover from the Victorian Era, where upper-class boys and girls were deliberately separated most of their young lives until they were old enough to get married. It was also extremely important that prospective brides remained "pure," and in order for a rich bastard like Cal to have a "proper" wife, she had to remain a virgin before her wedding night. He, on the other hand, had no such obligations to remain a virgin.

You obviously are not a millennial, or you would remember how all the teenage girls in 1998 were swooning over Jack Dawson as a great, handsome, hot hero with revolutionary thoughts. And then, less than two years later, the air went out of everything. Interviews with Kate Winslet revealed that she and Leo shared a trailer, and she bragged about them not sleeping together. Now what kind of a man shares a trailer with a woman that beautiful (or "hot," as my brother described her) and doesn't sleep with her at least once? In fact, he spent more time around Billy Zane than he did Kate, and there were rumors of him carrying on a private relationship with Billy instead. So you can imagine how angry Leo's former fans were when the realized that he was not "available" to swoon over anymore.

He became known as "Leonardo DiCRAPrio," and many teenage girls tore down their posters of the movie, got sick of the love song real fast, and I knew one who literally burned her Titanic soundtrack out of disgust. There are some who refuse to watch the movie or listen to the music to this day.


Just watch the movie again. I understand the social class differences of the time but the movie still portrayed them a late 20th century light.

I'm obviously not a millennial because I remember seeing titanic in the cinema as an adult and not a teenager or 12 year old.

"And then, less than two years later, the air went out of everything. Interviews with Kate Winslet revealed that she and Leo shared a trailer"

People don't sleep on set if that's what your implying.

"He became known as "Leonardo DiCRAPrio," and many teenage girls tore down their posters of the movie, got sick of the love song real fast, and I knew one who literally burned her Titanic soundtrack out of disgust. There are some who refuse to watch the movie or listen to the music to this day."
I always thought it was cause his bad acting.
