this list is WHACK bud...
the DC of Ghost Rider is pretty good - I don't understand the hate. Peter Fonda's satan is awesome and stole the movie (imo). The part where his shadow is all demonic was a great visual.
the only thing wrong with Dredd was 'trying' to buddy him up with Schneider. Schneider himself was OK but having dredd soften up to him and their whole relationship screwed that flic up - but it's far from the worst. It has many great elements to it.
and Masters? Please Frank Langella's Skeletor was S-I-C-K. I love that flic - still hope there's a sequel someday. Plus 'superhero movie'? Nah. Robocop is more a superhero movie for example.
so B&R (which had good stuff too - Arnie's Mr.Freeze was great but his DIALOGUE sucked) which was a giant toy commercial and supes 4 are good calls good calls...
i might toss wolverine up there and tom jane's Punisher flic...spider-man 3 was pretty bad...the WORST if you did your homework would easily be Capt america (original but I hated the remake too) and Fantastic Four (but that one was unreleased so it doesn't really count). Crow: City of Angels could go on that list... Steel, Howard the Duck, Catwoman, Aeon Flux, Dragonball and Capt America are the top 5 WORST ever. That's accurate.